Do you get a good workout and results

Yes! I've never gone to a gym -- have been doing videos/dvds for about 20 years ??? I'm nearly 47 and in pretty darn good shape. You have to be consistent, and you have to push yourself or get the dvds that push you, but it can definitely be done. Drop that gym membership! :)

No, you don't have to join a gym to get good results. I lost 40 pounds on my own without a gym. I did go to a fitness boot camp for a while but that was after I lost the weight. You just have to be consistent, continue to challenge and push yourself and eat right.
I asked this same question when I started. I was scared to death to quit the gym - it was sort of like a security blanket that was doing me absolutely no good. Mind you, for some, it is a great thing. I loved my other gym but the drive got to be too much so I switched and did not like the new gym much; therefore, dreaded going...therefore, when there, just wanted to leave and did not get a very effective workout...therefore, sort of just quit going consistently. I LOVE working out at home. I have seen great results, get an amazing variety of exercises to choose from, and "free" personal training that comes from someone much more knowledgeable than any trainer I could have gotten at the gym. I do miss some of the leg equipment just because that is what I liked most about the gym but am certainly getting better workouts at home. If you know that you can push yourself at home and have the equipment to go along with the DVDs, then I would not bother with a gym unless you just prefer the atmosphere of a gym. Best of luck to you!
Hi, Tammy...

Just to piggyback a little bit on the great answers already, do yourself a favor, if you haven't already done so, and read the "About Cathe" section on, it was the first thing I did when I was wanting to commit to a new fitness leader, to say I was impressed would be an understatement, I knew I'd be in good hands with her, and my results have been numerous...from seeing some definition in places I never knew I had places, to having less body aches and more flexibility in my lower back.

One of the reasons I left the gym was the lack of knowledge with some of the employees...someone once asked a gym employee how to use a paticular machine, and the response was..."I don't know, I just work here"....why would a place hire someone like that, or at least have their employees go through training.

I know people have gotten and will continue to get good results with gyms, but I'm very confident in saying by working out at home exclusively, you can get into great shape both mentally and physically, I know from experience.
You can get outstanding results working out at home only! I think that your consistency and intensity is more important than whether you're working out at home or in a gym. If you're doing challenging workouts regularly at home (like Cathe's -- my favorite!) and pushing yourself, you will see great results. And as an added bonus, you never have to wait to use the equipment!

Good luck with your workouts!

a/k/a Kathryn
I used to be a total gym rat. I found that it was very helpful to get me started towards my fitness goals. I don't do well unless I have someone tell me what to do. I liked going to classes because I felt like I had someone I needed to check in with and liked the vibe of the class. I have 2 little ones and having someone watch them while I worked out was extremely helpful. I also used to own my own treadmill but found that maintainence was expensive and a pain so it's nice to use someone elses machine without having to worry about maintaining it. With that said, after a few months, the classes became to easy (since they had to accomodate new members all the time). My kids started going to elementary school and I started trail running, hiking, and biking out doors. My step instructor at the time reccomended Cathe. I bought Imax 2 and was humbled beyond belief. I thought I was fit. From that point on I was hooked with working out from home. It trained me to really be accountable to myself, and to push myself. I schedule workouts like they are appointments and my fitness level has definitely increased. I never thought that you could get an advanced workout at home but Cathe definitely proved me wrong. If you do decide to dump the membership as I did, . . you'll find that the money you save can go towards your Cathe library and home gym. It is so nice to just workout at home when you want without having to drive to a gym.
thank you for that...that is how I feel I almost need someone holding my hand to push me....

I love cathe kpc...never boring and for me it is hard workout...but I love it.

With kids going to sc hool i know will have some more time so I'm debating doing all at home or doing 2 days body pump class then the rest at home with cathe.

Is there anyone else out there as motivating as cathe...i find that i get annoyed with some other at home

As far as the check in is there a certaing group i can go to for support....I need someone to motivate

I have been working out with Cathe's tapes for the past 12 years, 6 days a week. I have a family membership to our local ymca and I am fortunate enough to be able to do my Cathe workouts at 5:00 a.m. at the gym. The aerobic room is not in use at that time, so I have access to the steps, balls and several size weights, barbells and tv/dvd player, and full length mirrors. I crank up the volume and away I go... I always workout in the a.m. before work, and doing so at home would be disruptive to my husband and son's sleep schedule (husband works evenings). I have 2 other women that join me at the gym and it works great for us. I wish I could work out at home, I could use the extra sleep!! Find what works best with your schedule, and selecting a monthly rotation from Cathe or Fitness Freak has really improved my overall strength and fitness.

I love my DVD's...and I have seen some really nice results with them.

I tried the gym, but really didn't care for it much and found every excuse in the world not to go...wasted lots of money.

Once I got back to my DVD workouts! I became regular with my workouts!
I'll just add to what has already been said :p ... I, too, once had a gym membership. I stopped going originally when I was pregnant with my dd (lazy, I know, haha), but it was also because of the monthly membership fee, too. I was really sad to miss out on going to the aerobic classes at the gym. Loved them! BUT .... then I found Cathe and it's been primarily her w/o's ever since. I've seen great results, too. More proof that working out at home CAN and WILL get you in great shape. You just gotta be consistent and set a date with yourself to do the w/o's. Some days are easier than others. I love the convenience of having all my gear and everything at home and not having to drive to the gym. I w/o 5-6 days a week and in the winter it's all Cathe stuff, but in the summer I also rollerblade, walk, bike and run.

I also agree with a previous poster that your "savings" on the gym membership fee can be used towards adding to your Cathe library. ;) Sometimes I wonder, myself, if I'm spending more money now, buying Cathe dvd's, than I did with a gym membership. Haha. BUT, sooooo worth it!
You don't need a gym membership. I have one but only to use the cardio equipment. If I had room in my home for a treadmill I'd drop the membership like a bad habit and never look back!;)
workout at home

I went to the gym for 2 years, saw only minimal results, I started working out at home this past December with cathe and have dropped 30 pounds! I can't tell you how fast I quit the gym and now own 10 Cathe DVD's and I think I am stronger now at 42 then I was at 22! Go figure.
What do you all think of the Gym Style this good or should I be looking into something different?

What has helped you loose the weight and tone:eek:)

Tammy - do you have any other Cathe weight workouts? Gym Styles is, of course, excellent! They are long and tough, and fun. I guess it depends on what you are looking for. Do you prefer full body or something like a split?
I have kpc/legs and glutes

basic step and body fusion
high step circut

I also have Jar Get ripped to the core

What are your suggestions. I prefer DVD's 1 hour or less:eek:)

Muscle Max is 72 minutes when you do the full workout as is. There are pre-mixes as well that break up the workout. Muscle Max is my favorite weight workout, and the first weight workout I purchased from Cathe, and I love it...this is coming from someone who used to hate weightlifting.
Some others to consider are the Pyramids, Pure Strength - just got this one and have not done it yet, and Slow and Heavy. Slow and Heavy is not something that you would probably want to do on a weekly basis, but is great for working in. You can break some of these up to one body part per workout if you want to shorten the workout and include some cardio. Muscle Max would do the same thing. Like Jerry said, it is a great workout. It would give you the ability to do a full body or break it up.

I'm trying to come up with some sort of rotaion using what I have and buying a couple more:eek:)

My other option is to do a body pump class two days a week then do the rest to cathe....but after hearding all your results I'm not sure if I even need the body pump class. I have a friend who does body pump and she looks great and says it is the best class ever......I'm not huge on step as I have two left feet, I know that part would take practice.


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