Do you get a Flu Shot?

Just curious who gets a yearly flu shot? I just received mine and now remember why every year I say I won't do that again next year. I feel very tired, achy and general malaise...this usually lasts a couple of days. Does anyone else ever get like this?

I read very contradicting things about getting the flu shot. I always worry about the slight chance of complications from it.
Just got mine last week and my 22 month old DD got one, too. The fact that influenza kills a large number of people every year is my motivating factor. And pediatricians highly recommend all children get flu shots, but especially children between the ages of 6 months-6 years (high risk group for influenza/influenza complications.)
Yep, I did this year

I got the flu shot just this past Saturday. I promised myself I wouldn't get ill again like I did in January of this year. Sunday I felt fine - went to a spinning class and had lots of energy later on. Today though am feeling a little lacklustre but I think that's just today's blustery, crap weather taking a toll on my mood (BTW am told it might be like this til February!!)

I get one every year for me and my DD. My SO never gets one, but last year he got really sick and swore he would get one this year. I know they're not perfect, but at least you get some protection.
My family and I get the flu shot every year. I can't say how well it works since some years we still get sick and others we don't. Or, one of us will get sick and the rest of us stay healthy. I like knowing we're protected, though. We've never had a negative reaction from the flu shot, but my son got mild flu symptoms after getting the flu mist a few years ago when there was a shortage of the flu shot.

No flu shot for me. I only get the flu once every 4 or 5 years or so. The last flu I got, was the year of the shortage. The shot scares me.
I'm getting mine Wednesday. My company gives them to employees at no cost!

I'm getting mine in a couple weeks, also for free from my company. It's free, so I figure, what the heck? The worst that ever happens to me from getting a flu shot is having a sore arm for a day. It sure beats having the flu.
I'm getting mine in a couple weeks, also for free from my company. It's free, so I figure, what the heck? The worst that ever happens to me from getting a flu shot is having a sore arm for a day. It sure beats having the flu.

I'm getting mine Wednesday. My company gives them to employees at no cost!

I got mine this afternoon, also free from my arm is a little sore. I work in a hospital and I visit the ER a few times a day, so hopefully it will offer some protection :confused:
Until I was 34, I believed in natural immunity and generally caught the flu every year - being a gym rat who underate I"m sure...and after the flu, would be so knocked down, I'd pick up every bug the rest of the winter...rarely escaped it.........then at 34, got it, lost a 3month pregnancy, got pneumonia....and so much for natural immunity - DUH on me - the flu is a population leveler!!!!
Since then, every asthma flareups, rare getting pneumonia shot too...
I get a flu shot every year, and no symptoms. Thank goodness.

I rarely ever got the flu in the past so I never used to get the shot. Then a couple years ago I caught something that was very flu-like and very nasty, so now I get the annual shot. Since my company gives them out for free and I don't have to go out of my way at all, I figure why not. They only side effect I ever get is a sore shoulder for about four days.

Yep, I'll get it. I've gotten it every year since I was pregnant. I've only had the flu ONCE and it was last year when I guess they had the wrong shot. My girls had the flu last year also and it was AWFUL! So this year they all want to get the shot too (thanks to Grandpa who said he'd give them $20 each for getting the shot!!! ;)). I'm going to try to get it done today, it's free from our health care so no big deal. Usually I just have a sore arm for a day or 2, much better than getting the flu for a week!!! :rolleyes:

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