I put Kickmax into my intense category because of the impact. I sold off my old complete Cathe collection with the exception of CTX and some of the Hardcores when I was injured and thinking I was done. I had also sold some simply because I didn't like them, mostly circuit workouts with compound work I do so clumsily. I have purchased back the ones I like the best and do the most, much to the DH's dismay.
That comprises a very large number of workouts and I sometimes get a little lost because of that.
Right now I am bored more than anything and I long for new workouts. I have been trying to incorporate running again but it's slow going because I don't want to do any more damage to my feet and all the related biomechanical issues. That also means minimizing the super intense workouts as Laura put it. I have been doing the same ones over and over and I like to change every thing all the time but there's just a little fear involved in doing too many of the killers even though they are the ones I love the most.
Still, looking over all those titles IS overwhelming. I could this or I could do that.
I have a beautiful monthly planner and pencil in a workout schedule which I admit changes a bit even during the course of a week but I also categorized my workouts and I try to thoughtfully put them together in a way that's foot friendly but really intense. I alternate between upper and lower body splits with circuits added on, Pyramiding, going Slow and Heavy or doing Gym Style in between more moderate tyes of training or I do combos of CTX mishmoshes, mishmosh CTX and Timesaver, etc...
Before this becomes a novel, I want to say I really like that planner because it takes the indicision out of working out. I put heavy strength with more moderate crdio, and moderate strength with intense cardio and it does two things. It balances out the injury factor and lets me alternate between focusing on muscle building, (something that requires alot of focus since I run toward scrawny) and fat burning, is a natural plateau buster and gives good results. I do look at my planner daily and tweak it, change it but only a little. Knowing what is coming has really hepled me not get so overwhelmed. It's one of the few areas in my life that I write things down and manage to be organized and, I guess, diciplined.
Finally, I have a three month workout schedule planned, loosely, but planned and the works outs week by week are designed to complement each other, to merge one type of training into another and allow me to maximize results using so many fantastic workouts. Good luck!