Do you feel overwhelmed sometimes?


Sometimes I feel really overwhelmed by the number of workouts I own and feel anxious about why I am doing some workouts more than others. I know this is probably stupid, but sometimes I am actually paralyzed by having too many choices. I can't be the only person who feels this way. And yet I wouldn't part with any of my Cathe's....

Tell me I am not alone!

YES! And when I get a new one I feel like I need to learn it right away so I can "get my money's worth"! Like I just got Step Blast/SJP and I'm trying to figure out when I'm going to do it along with starting Turbo Jam...but then I wonder when I'm going to do the old favorites that I know and enjoy...but then, I'm neglecting the others. It seems crazy, but I do it too.

You are most definitely not alone!:)
You are not alone! I have quite often felt that way. I have even lay awake at night, wondering what I will do in the morning and what rotation I should do. Lately I have felt so torn that I have just been running because I don't want to pick one of my few hundred DVD's for cardio. :-( Then...I worry about whether I should be doing split routines or total body, or Circuit workouts? But there is no way I would part with any of my Cathe's!!! (or Jari's, or SS, or 90X...or...) :+

As long as I am working out, I am not worried. It is when I can't or don't workout that makes me feel overwhelmed. Just my 2 cents.

I felt the exact same way........


I just split up all videos/dvds into categories....

Total Body Endurance
Total Body Strength
Splits for upper body
Lower Body workouts

That way if I have something marked on my rotation, but I don't feel like doing that exact dvd - I grab another one in the same category so I can continue to aim for the same goals by using the same means that I had jotted down :)
Marie, I was thinking about this post last night when I was staring at the 3 unwrapped (non-Cathe) DVDs that have been sitting on my shelf for about 2 months. :p

I don't feel overwhelmed though, especially since I just do her cardio workouts, b/c they're split into three groups: dancy/fun (SB, RS, Powermax, etc), super-intense (IMAXs, MIC), & kickbox. So if I don't feel like killing myself I'll do something from group 1, if I'm feeling guilty about cheating on my diet or if I'm feeling extra energetic I'll do something from group 2, & if I'm focusing on core work I'll do something from group 3.
I put Kickmax into my intense category because of the impact. I sold off my old complete Cathe collection with the exception of CTX and some of the Hardcores when I was injured and thinking I was done. I had also sold some simply because I didn't like them, mostly circuit workouts with compound work I do so clumsily. I have purchased back the ones I like the best and do the most, much to the DH's dismay. :) That comprises a very large number of workouts and I sometimes get a little lost because of that.

Right now I am bored more than anything and I long for new workouts. I have been trying to incorporate running again but it's slow going because I don't want to do any more damage to my feet and all the related biomechanical issues. That also means minimizing the super intense workouts as Laura put it. I have been doing the same ones over and over and I like to change every thing all the time but there's just a little fear involved in doing too many of the killers even though they are the ones I love the most.

Still, looking over all those titles IS overwhelming. I could this or I could do that. :) I have a beautiful monthly planner and pencil in a workout schedule which I admit changes a bit even during the course of a week but I also categorized my workouts and I try to thoughtfully put them together in a way that's foot friendly but really intense. I alternate between upper and lower body splits with circuits added on, Pyramiding, going Slow and Heavy or doing Gym Style in between more moderate tyes of training or I do combos of CTX mishmoshes, mishmosh CTX and Timesaver, etc...

Before this becomes a novel, I want to say I really like that planner because it takes the indicision out of working out. I put heavy strength with more moderate crdio, and moderate strength with intense cardio and it does two things. It balances out the injury factor and lets me alternate between focusing on muscle building, (something that requires alot of focus since I run toward scrawny) and fat burning, is a natural plateau buster and gives good results. I do look at my planner daily and tweak it, change it but only a little. Knowing what is coming has really hepled me not get so overwhelmed. It's one of the few areas in my life that I write things down and manage to be organized and, I guess, diciplined. ;)

Finally, I have a three month workout schedule planned, loosely, but planned and the works outs week by week are designed to complement each other, to merge one type of training into another and allow me to maximize results using so many fantastic workouts. Good luck! ;)
I get overwhelmed very easy! I've sold alot of workouts and am down to what I concider managable. I kept my favorites of Cathe, beachbody, yoga, and cardio coach. That's about it. I focus on doing a Cathe month, then a beachbody month, etc. and add yoga and cardio coach where needed. When the weather is good, I do cardio outside as much as possible, get's me outta the basement.;-)
It's still kind of overwhelming at times.

Bobbi, love your pictures! Where did you get the white boy shorts? I need those. LOL!
I have over 200 workout videos/DVD's on hand currently (I don't dare count to find out how MUCH over that I have!), of which a dozen or so have been previewed but never used. I suppose I could let myself feel overwhelmed by this (ie: the fact that I'd have to do a different workout almost every day to do them all in a year's time), but I don't sweat it (no pun intended!). Sometimes I don't do a Cathe (or other) workout for a long time, then I come back to it, and it seems fresher. Sometimes I'll stick with the same 6 workouts or so over a long period of time. And some workouts I don't use very often, and haven't used for a while, but I don't want to get rid of them because I enjoy them when I do them.

In whatever situation you're in (like having 'too many' workouts, in this case) it's not the situation that causes stress, but your reaction to it.
Thanks Bobbi, I was thinking they might just be undies, but you never know these days! LOL! Anyhoos, I'm off to Target to check them out.
I try to include a variety of workouts weekly. That way I do train differently. So I feel I'm getting around to all of my workouts. But I do have favorites that I like to do often. However I don't repeat them too often because of fear of getting overuse injuries.

But when I buy new workouts I do like to get to them right away.

The only time I feel bad is when I don't exercise or don't feel like exercising. That would worry me.

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