Do you brush your dogs teeth?

Do you brush your dogs teeth?

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I know this is wayyyy off topic, but was wondering how many dog owners brush their dogs teeth? I can't seem to get into a routine with my dogs. I keep hoping to, but haven't yet. The vet is less than happy with my progress. Thoughts???
I brush her teeth everynight before bed. This is when she seeme to be the most calm (she's six months old). She loves her chicken flavored tooth paste.
I'm attempting the same thing right now :(. They're 3 years old, and I've never brushed their teeth before, so they aren't quite thrilled about it. My one dog is so small,though, that forcing a toothbrush into her mouth is nearly impossible... not to mention the fact that she's just impossible anyway :).

Does anybody know of any "more natural" toothpastes for the dogs? The one my sister bought me is so full of chemicals, I'm afraid of my dogs ingesting it.

I don't do anything for my dogs' teeth. Never have. The old one is toothless, & the young one is constantly chewing on rawhide or dentabone or whatever.
I do not. I have two labs, ages 2 and 4, who according to my vet have exceptionally good teeth. I do give them LOTS of rawhide chews of all different shapes and sizes. My vet said that using various shapes and sizes of rawhides causes the dogs to use different areas of their mouths to chew so involves more teeth. I have in the past purchased an oral rinse called Enzodent or something like that that you just sort of spray along the gum line. But I do not do it on a daily basis--and, yes, I do feel guilty about not using it.

UGH! Yes. I dont like to either. My husband will do it more often since the dogs breath bothers him more.
I do clean my dogs ears all the time.
How do you clean your dog's ears? What do you use? For the first time in my life I have a dog with floppy ears and they are so smelly! They do not seem infected--I actually had a German Shepherd whose ears would get infected periodically and needed medicine, so I know what that is like--my current dog just seems to have smelly ears! Any advice is appreciated!
Yes, I brush my dogs teeth every night. I used not to do it until I had to take her to the vets for a growth in her mouth that really had me worried about her. The vet removed the growth & the he said that her teeth should be brushed. She does really good at it, she has gotten used to it and I say "Lets brush your teeth" and I put the brush in front of her mouth and she grabs it for me to brush her teeth. I don't mind doing it, she is so cute doing it, almost like a little kid. haha

For ear cleaning I use Opt-clens Multicleanse solution. You put it in the dogs ear & massage the base of the ear then clean accessible part of the ear with a cotton ball & repeat if needed.
I use an ear cleaner called Corium. It makes their ears smell like baby powder. I use it after every bath.

Yes, we brush Rascal's teeth a few times a month (we also did our other dogs' teeth in the past as well). We started doing it with him as soon as we adopted him at five months, so he'd get used to it. He also likes the chicken flavored toothpaste, and doesn't appear to mind the process at all.

In general, he's young and a good chewer, so his teeth are in good shape. We started giving him raw beef femur bones occasionally, and he LOOOOOVES gnawing on those.
Hi lovetostep,

We use long Q-Tips to clean our dog's and cat's ears. It can be challenging with an uncooperative dog, LOL. We don't go far into the ear, just clean the gunk out of the channels that you can see in the ear. Our vet showed us how to do it. I'm probably not explaining this too well, but I'd bet your vet could easily show you how to do it.

I have never brushed my 9-year-old Shepherd's teeth, although I do give him plenty of toys and rawhides that are supposed to do the job. I have always felt guilty for not brushing them, even though there are mixed opinions about whether or not it is necessary. And a result...two of his back teeth are broken and my vet is recommending extractions. This freaks me out because I have heard horror stories about anesthesia. But I think I need to do it.

Regarding his ears, I clean them with equal parts of white vinegar and filtered water. I do this whenever they need it - usually every few weeks to keep them clean.

Yep, we brush our dogs teeth at least 4 times a week. They don't mind the chicken flavored toothpaste and the enzyme after their brushing. We stay on top of it because bad dental hygiene can shorten a pets life (heart disease and liver disease), plus I love their "Pepsodent smiles"...:D


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