Do I need the 14" High Step If I am only 5'4?


Or will the 12" suffice? I already have 4 risers so if the 12" High Step is the right height for someone short like me then at least I can just buy the topper and not spend more on risers. Thanks.
RE: Do I need the 14

I'm 5'4" and used the 12" Firm tall box for a long time because of bad knees. I've been using glucosime for over a year and graduated to a 14" tall box. My knees feel fine so I've stuck with the 14" box and it has made a difference in my butt. More rounded, firmer, higher and smaller. Get the extra risers.
RE: Do I need the 14

Get a mirror and see what the angle of your leg is when you put your foot on top of the 12 vs 14-inch step. If the angle is "tighter" than 90=degrees, the step is too high. I'm 5'6", and I alternate between a 12 inch and a 14 inch step. When I lift heavier, I go with the lower step. I make sure too dip down a bit at the bottom of the move, so that I can engage my glutes a bit more on the push up (through the heel).

Go with what feels good to you. If you feel any discomfort in the knee joint, don't use that height.
RE: Do I need the 14

I'm only 5'2" and I use the 14 inch step, but did use a 12.5 inch (homemade) step for several years before I switched. I'm short-waisted and somewhat long-legged for my size, since there is a 90 degree angle when I place my foot on the 14 inch step, and I've had no problems with using the tallbox 2-3 times weekly (it's one of the best exercises for my glutes).

RE: Do I need the 14

I think you should go up. Risers are only 5$ or so a piece at fitness first. I don't think at 5'4 you should always stay at 12".

RE: Do I need the 14

I agree with Kris. I am petite also and use the 14" and it does a great job for me.
RE: Do I need the 14

I agree that you should make sure your knees are not greater than a 90 degree angle. I'm 5'1", so I'd never use 14" steps. :eek:
RE: Do I need the 14

I'm 5'2", but long legged for someone that short. I use 14" step, and it fits my leg fine.
Go by how the angle is. Someone 5'5" could get by with a 12" step, if they have shorter legs, while someone 5'even, could use a 14" if they ahve long legs.
RE: Do I need the 14

I go with the recommended 90 degree rule also. Then I go with what feels right for the exercise. If I have a day when I am doing really slow descent and ascent on the step I may go lower to get good control.
RE: Do I need the 14

I'm 5'2" and I use a 14 inch step. It took me a while to get there, having "convinced" myself I could only use a 12 inch one (I have those original Firm wooden steps in all sizes - LOL!). I have found that with losing all this weight, plus doing Cathe's videos, I am more than able to do leg presses on the 14 inch step. My knees no longer bother me after losing over 50 pounds since last summer, and I work harder using the 14 inch step, so it helps with aerobic endurance as well. I think the advice given in other posts here about the angle of your legs, and being kind to your joints, is very good advice as well. Whichever one you use, enjoy!!


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