Hi Rhonda. This is Dave, Debbie's husband. I have been in the automobile business for 37 years as a professional auto broker and sales manager. There are some questions you should ask yourself about your needs first in choosing your vehicle. Most of these vehicles are available in 2 wheel drive & 4 wheel drive. Some are available in front wheel drive and some in rear wheel drive. This has a major effect on how the vehicle rides, like a truck or like a car. Value and gas mileage are also two big factors. Your smaller SUV's like Rav4's and CR-V's ride fairly well and are pretty maintenance free and will deliver fairly good gas mileage. The Ford Escape and the Mazda Tribute (same production line) are actually on truck platforms. They ride more like a truck. What I mean by this is that they take bumps much harder and tend to have a rougher ride. As far as value, the best buy on the market is the Buick Rendevous. This vehicle was built to compete in the Honda pilot and Lexus RX 300 market but at a much more affordable price. I don't know if you are looking at new or used but if you are looking used, the Rendevous is a good choice because you get a lot more car for the money. This is all based on supply & demand. There are very few used CRV's & Rav4's in the market place therefore you will have to pay more for them. On the flip side, Buick Rendevous was used in the rental car market and therefore there are 1,000's avaiable. This makes them a great buy. Depending on the model & equipment you can buy a vehicle that was $30-$40,000 new for $15-$20,000 one to three years old with low mileage. At the same time you are buying a reliable proven higher gas mileage vehicle. (a much greater value.) I have sold many of these vehicles to my customers and they thank me every time I talk to them. I have personally owned 5 Rav4's for my wife Debbie to drive. We really liked the Rav 4's as far as driving in snow and gas mileage, a little short on the wheel base, making a rougher ride. We currently have a Lexus RX 300 which is the BEST vehicle we have ever had. Debbie loves the ride and handling and safety features. In the end, base your choice on vehicle ride, value, and cost to operate over the period of time you plan to keep it. This will equal the total cost of the vehicle to you. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have about vehicles or their values. I will be more then happy to talk with you.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!