Dizzy doing Low Max


This morning was my second attempt at LM. *Attempt* It seemed like there were so many pivot turns and reverse this and that ~ I felt woozy and stopped for a minute (during interval 4). I'm usually pretty good at picking up different choreography, but had trouble with this. So....after my little break, I did just the Blast only. Anyone else feel my frustration?
Susan C.M.
I did Low Max for the second time yesterday morning. I'm getting the steps down better, but I do tend to get a little dizzy doing the pivot turns also. I work out at 5am, no time to eat anything before I work out, probably has something to do with it.

I finally got the choreography (that "sweep" move was aluding me, until I figured out it's NOT a regular pivot, but a step on each foot).

I HATE pivots, and whenever it's easy to replace them with a mambo (like the two pivots off the step around section 2 or 3, or the pivot forward and back when you're at the side of the step), I do.
I find if I'm working out early and haven't had anything to eat I get dizzy easier so then avoid some of the pivots. But if its later in the day I don't have any problems. (That's just me!) :)

Absolutely!! I just posted this message to Cathe, and I forgot all about the getting dizzy part. This was a very frustrating workout.

So, I did LowMax last night for the first time, and while I generally liked it I did find one aspect very discouraging/annoying. With several of the sequences (I believe 3 and 4?) the step patterns are quite complex for someone who has never done your aerobics before. Additionally, they move very quickly, changing direction, jumping on/off the step, etc. I nearly sprained my ankle slipping off the step while I was trying to simulateneously count the steps, figure out what steps I was supposed to be doing, turning round and round, looking down to locate the step, trying to see what's on the TV screen while my back is to it, etc., all at high speed. While I understand you don't want to oversimplify the sequences or break them down too much during the video, a chapter within the Chapters section that breaks down the sequences and goes a little slower so new-to-Cathe users can actually get the sequences before they are required to do them at high speed would be useful. I ended up just standing there watching you do it, completely annoyed and prepared to chuck the DVD out the window; rather than motivate me it discouraged me. Let it be known that I am actually very coordinated, have had 12 years of dance training, and generally pick this stuff up pretty quickly. Again, the problem is that the sequences move so fast in the video one never has a chance to figure out what is supposed to be happening. I can't watch you when I have my back to the TV and I'm spinning in circles, etc. Otherwise, I think the DVD could be a lot of fun and provide a great workout. Just a suggestion for future DVDs.
On the plus side - I absolutely love the Gym Style workouts!!
None whatsoever. I find this workout to be simplicity itself. Clean, simple, effective.

If pivots and spins make you dizzy, just take them out! Change it up to make it work for you. if you do get dizzy, maybe a few sips of juice, march in place for a few secconds, it should go. If it doesn't, it could be over-exertion or a sugar low if you are an a.m. exerciser.

I just did this workout today and loved it. Yes, it was fast moving when including the pivot's, mambo's and sweep, but I'm so glad Cathe didn't break it down because after a few try's we'll all be pro's:)
I'm in love with this workout and I'm not a step fan at all. I've done it 3 times and now I am able to get all the steps and turns and reverse mambos (it took lots of rewinding to get those down).

I noticed getting dizzy too and I remember Cathe recommending (on KM, I think) to find a point or object to focus on everytime you turn - it worked for me, give it a try. I also think that once you get the choreography down you won't be so eager to look back at the t.v. - does that make sense?
Thanks CurlyQ (and everyone) for that advise. I too am glad Cathe doens't take is slow and break down all the moves. I do like the workout and it is something for me to work up to. I'll try to focus on an object while doing some of the turns ~ but in the meatime, till I learn it, I might leave some turns out. The freeze frame idea is good too.

Susan C.M.
Nothing should be jiggling, unless it's jiggling off.
You've gotta work hard for what you want. - Cathe in HSC

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