Disturbing Info - BP Oil Spill

Bush and 9/11? He's not relevent anymore since he is not running the country. :)

I was so going to stay out of this thread but this comment got to me. I totally disagree. Bush is relevent. He may not be running the country any more, but he put the country in the awful shape we are in now. Bush almost single handedly destroyed this country...and people actually expect Obama to 'fix' things in four years? It took Bush eight years to tear this country down, and you have dems and rep in congress focused on their own agendas so getting the U.S. back on its feet will be a long uphill battle.
I was so going to stay out of this thread but this comment got to me. I totally disagree. Bush is relevent. He may not be running the country any more, but he put the country in the awful shape we are in now. Bush almost single handedly destroyed this country...and people actually expect Obama to 'fix' things in four years? It took Bush eight years to tear this country down, and you have dems and rep in congress focused on their own agendas so getting the U.S. back on its feet will be a long uphill battle.

Can I get an Amen!!!! :D
That is the bottom line. We wanted off shore drilling. We got off shore drilling and the problems that come with it. BP didn't do this to us. We did this to ourselves. This problem is bigger than Obama or BP. This is the result of the entire world's unwavering dependence on oil, foreign or otherwise. We need alternative forms of energy now.

Very well said and 100% agreed.
Can I get an Amen!!!! :D


It was the 8 years of deregulation that not only allowed BP to perform this dangerous drilling without any emergency planning, not to mention the banking & mortgage crisis. Bush's policies are VERY relevent in these situations. Obama has been in office 1.5 years and has been trying to juggle multiple disasters at the same time (all the while having his policies blocked by the opposition, who've admitted they're doing it to worsen the economy so they have a better chance at winning a majority in Nov). Multiple disasters that were created in 8 years by the prior administration.

Jeez, if Obama gets an F for handling the Gulf disaster, what kind of a grade does Bush get for Katrina, the banking meltdown, the Iraq war, the Afghanistan war, the so-called "War on Terrorism"..........just sayin. ;)

BP absolutely lobbied to have the Lockerbie bomber released:

It's not old news, b/c the guy supposedly had 3 mos. to live & here we are a year later & he's alive & kicking. I've searched & searched, but haven't found anything that substantiated the claim that Obama supported these efforts. A link or some kind of backup would be appreciated. Thank you.
Bush and 9/11? He's not relevent anymore since he is not running the country.

ARE YOU KIDDING?!?!? The policies of the Bush administration have EVERYTHING to do with the crap that's going on.

Remember the infamous "Energy Task Force" chaired by Cheney back in 2001? Probably not because most of the documents related to it have been kept in extreme secrecy, in spite of the Freedom of Information Act.

One thing that did come to light, however, is that executives from Exxon, BP, Shell and Conoco were heavily involved in the task force's policy development.

The recommendations of the task force lead the Energy Policy Act of 2005, that included a boat load of rolled back regulations that were too cumbersome for big oil to deal with...piddley things like clean water. :mad:


We'll be cleaning up crap from the Cheney-Bush administration for the next 100 years...hope you got some good hip-boots. :mad:
This mess in the gulf is kind of like 9/11....a lot of things that should have been done just simply weren't. More than one party is to blame, although I think BP is the major contributor. Again, I say, if you are going to do something that has the potential to create a catastrophic environmental impact, you had better be damn sure you know what to do if it happens. If you don't know what to do, don't go there. Also, I had hoped that the one good thing that might come out of this is that people (the government) would see that we must start using other sources of renewable energy. If I were President, I would be pushing, shoving, yelling, and screaming for companies to get the technology together to make it happen and make it affordable. Unfortunately, it probably won't happen.

I don't blame Obama for what is going on...this started long before he came on the scene. We need to worry more about Congress, and it's inability to work together. I also feel like our government is not representative of the common populace of this country...it's more like a club for the elite (that's not to say that there aren't some very hard-working government officials out there). I also feel like all the political parties are out of whack and off balance.

I have been saying to my friends that we should start a new political party...THE COMMON SENSE party.

Do what is right, because it is RIGHT. Use your head, and LOGICAL COMMON SENSE.

Let's see...you come into this county illegally, get out and do it the right way.

You don't want to be regulated?....too bad, you had your chance and blew it. You can't be trusted.

We're in debt? Stop spending so much, especially in other places than our own country until the debt is paid.

The list goes on and on.

Sorry to ramble; I just get irrate when I think of everything that is wrong, and how hard we average folk work to hold it all togther.
This mess in the gulf is kind of like 9/11....a lot of things that should have been done just simply weren't. More than one party is to blame, although I think BP is the major contributor. Again, I say, if you are going to do something that has the potential to create a catastrophic environmental impact, you had better be damn sure you know what to do if it happens. If you don't know what to do, don't go there. Also, I had hoped that the one good thing that might come out of this is that people (the government) would see that we must start using other sources of renewable energy. If I were President, I would be pushing, shoving, yelling, and screaming for companies to get the technology together to make it happen and make it affordable. Unfortunately, it probably won't happen.

I don't blame Obama for what is going on...this started long before he came on the scene. We need to worry more about Congress, and it's inability to work together. I also feel like our government is not representative of the common populace of this country...it's more like a club for the elite (that's not to say that there aren't some very hard-working government officials out there). I also feel like all the political parties are out of whack and off balance.

I have been saying to my friends that we should start a new political party...THE COMMON SENSE party.

Do what is right, because it is RIGHT. Use your head, and LOGICAL COMMON SENSE.

Let's see...you come into this county illegally, get out and do it the right way.

You don't want to be regulated?....too bad, you had your chance and blew it. You can't be trusted.

We're in debt? Stop spending so much, especially in other places than our own country until the debt is paid.

The list goes on and on.

Sorry to ramble; I just get irrate when I think of everything that is wrong, and how hard we average folk work to hold it all togther.

Great post and SO true.
The BP-Libya-Scotland Lockerbie bomber story is old news. A little less than a year to be exact. However, The Washington Post has a source who claims the Obama Administration knew about the whole thing and gave their blessing for it. Either way, the truth better get out there quickly. BP has to answer and now so does the White House. Obama has received a lot of donor cash from BP as you may know. I would be shocked if the US government didn't know ahead of time about the transfer of the bomber. The question for Obama is---did he give his blessing?
Bush and 9/11? He's not relevent anymore since he is not running the country. An FYI---I'm not a Republican. :)
A bad response is a bad response. Obama grades an F for his handling of the spill. It's almost criminal.
Have a great weekend everyone. We had a minor earthquake here in Annapolis. A whopping 3.6.....not quite California but big for us.
Trevor :)

The fact that you could not name one specific thing the Obama Administration could have done but did not in reponse to the BP oil spill speaks volumes. Just throwing out baseless accusations does not make it true.

President Obama did not receive BP cash as you say. Until the recent Supreme Court ruling, corporations were prohibited from donating to political campaigns. Another baseless accusation.

Finally, as for the whole President Obama knew about the Lockerbie prisoner release, the U.S. government knows alot about things that go on around the world, that does not mean they condone it nor can the U.S. control what goes on, unfortunately.

You spend alot of your time bashing President Obama. How about bringing something positive to the table once in awhile? Do you have any ideas on how to fix things or do you only want to point out negative? It's very easy to criticize not so easy to govern.
Ah, another Shakespearean!! Well done, TeTe! haha (BTW - now putting herself in the same league as Shakespeare - that woman's ego knows no bounds!!)

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