This mess in the gulf is kind of like 9/11....a lot of things that should have been done just simply weren't. More than one party is to blame, although I think BP is the major contributor. Again, I say, if you are going to do something that has the potential to create a catastrophic environmental impact, you had better be damn sure you know what to do if it happens. If you don't know what to do, don't go there. Also, I had hoped that the one good thing that might come out of this is that people (the government) would see that we must start using other sources of renewable energy. If I were President, I would be pushing, shoving, yelling, and screaming for companies to get the technology together to make it happen and make it affordable. Unfortunately, it probably won't happen.
I don't blame Obama for what is going on...this started long before he came on the scene. We need to worry more about Congress, and it's inability to work together. I also feel like our government is not representative of the common populace of this's more like a club for the elite (that's not to say that there aren't some very hard-working government officials out there). I also feel like all the political parties are out of whack and off balance.
I have been saying to my friends that we should start a new political party...THE COMMON SENSE party.
Do what is right, because it is RIGHT. Use your head, and LOGICAL COMMON SENSE.
Let's come into this county illegally, get out and do it the right way.
You don't want to be regulated?....too bad, you had your chance and blew it. You can't be trusted.
We're in debt? Stop spending so much, especially in other places than our own country until the debt is paid.
The list goes on and on.
Sorry to ramble; I just get irrate when I think of everything that is wrong, and how hard we average folk work to hold it all togther.