Disappointed with results

Hi Rachelle, you have gotten plenty of great suggestions. I'm wondering... do you have or have you gotten the CTX series? If I had extra pounds to lose, I'd use that series. I've heard a lot of success stories from CTX alone. As many already have said, Slow & Heavy may not be right for you at this point. It's a muscle builder, not a fat blaster. As great as building muscle can be for you, it may be something you want to do less of as you're trying to lose pounds. I agree with those who've suggested that you tweak your diet. There's a "what diet are you on" thread in the open discussion section, and several kinds of diets with which people have found success are mentioned. I hope you find something that works for you.

Hi Rachelle,
Hang in there. I am going through the same thing. I've hit a plateau with my weight loss and it can get very frustrating. I am noticing results with Cathe so that keeps me going. If Slow and Heavy isn't giving you the results you want, try something else. I am adding more cardio this month and trying to watch my diet, which is tough during the holidays. Good luck and don't give up.
It's not just slow & heavy that I'm not getting results with - it's all the exercising I am doing and have been doing - some examples before I started the S&H three weeks ago -

Monday - BootCamp
Tuesday - 45 min Taebo
Wednesday - Bowling, Power Hour
Thursday - Rhythmic Step
Friday - Body Max

Monday - Pure Strength chest, shoulders, triceps, biceps, Leaner Legs
Tuesday - 45 min Taebo
Wednesday - CTX upper body
Thursday - Cher step + legs
Friday - Intense Moves

Monday - MIS
Tuesday - Taebo 45 minutes
Wednesday - Muscle Endurance
Thursday - Fitness Formula
Friday - Taebo 45 minutes

These are just some examples.

I understand what those of you are saying about the higher calories - but I was at 2200-2400 calories for over a year and just maintaining my weight - 185 pounds in January 2002 and 186 in October 2002. (My scale at home is five pounds less than the doctor's office so I really weighed 190/191). 1700-1900 wasn't the magic numbers and neither was 1500-1700. When I started the 1200 (and I'm not at 1200 everyday - fitday said I averaged 1400 at first and now 1300 calories a week) - actually it's when I started the staggering that I noticed the scale moving downward. I weighed 178 in July, 175 in August, 169 in September, 172 in October, and 166 in November (I weigh & measure myself the same day once a month). I lost 2" in my stomach December 2002; from November, 2002 to December, 2002 doing the Firm I lost a 1/2" in my thigh; 4" in my chest from December, 2002 to July, 2003; from January to March, 2003 I lost 1/2" in my waist; from August, 2003 to November, 2003 I lost 1.5" in my butt. And that is it. Maybe I'm expecting too much - I just really thought I would at least lose inches by doing weights 2 to 2 1/2 hours a week. I might have to break down and pay the $50 to have my RMR - resting metablism rate?? done just to see where I am at and then minus the 500 calories from there. I'll take a look at all the links tonight or tomorrow. Hopefully I can figure what is going on. Thank you!!!!! I love exercise and I really enjoy doing Cathe's workouts. I bought a few other step tapes and weight tapes and they just don't come close to Cathe's. So no matter what happens, I do know that exercising is a part of my life. Exercise has been a part of my life since before my son was born. Now if I could just get the eating part figured out so I can lose all my weight around my middle and BE HEALTHY!!!! When I was eating 2400 calories I loved my nap as much as I do eating 1300! My energy level has been this way since my kids were little (they are almost 10 and 8). I weighed 145 when my daughter was 1 (she's seven now) and 175 when she was 2, and 185 from age 3 on. The first weight gain was because of medication as was the other 10 pounds to become 185. As soon as I went OFF the medicine - that is when I gained the weight. Weird but just how my body reacted. The first medication was an anti-depressant, the second medication was Allegra that I was taking for nine months because of mysterious hives I was having every day. I went from 145 to 175 from November to January - 3 months, 30 pounds.

Now that I've gotten everyone confused . . . I'll go finish unpacking and then do some research. I'm going to say it again because I am really thankful for everyone's input. I'm going to incorporate more cardio and see if that works any magic. And I'm going to call around tomorrow to see if I can get that testing done for less then $50 - I just know of one place in town that offers it. But maybe it's the best $50 I could spend????
Rachelle, it sounds as if your metabolism is slow but I don't think it's because you are genetically inclined toward a slow metabolism. You might have a medical condition that is causing this. It certainly couldn't hurt to check you RMR. Thirty pounds in three months has to have a cause. And if you do have a slow metabolism, the type of exercise you do should increase it. It's definitely a puzzle. Once your've checked your RMR, work with your doctor for the cause and the solution. It is out there!
Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/nosmile/peacesign.gif
Bobbi, I sleep really good - always have. I usually get 8 hours of sleep a night.

Connie - OMgosh your pictures and journey is amazing!!!!! Congratulations on all your hard work. You look WoNdErFuL!!!!!!!!
Hi Rachel,

While strength training is an important component of fitness that should not be neglected, when I train clients who have a lot of body fat to lose, the focus is on longer duration, moderate intensity cardio at least 5-6 days per week, with only 2 days of strength training for all the major muscle groups. It sounds to me like you are overtraining with a lot of intensity which can actually have a backlash effect because too much intensity places a lot of stress on the body and stress has a negative impact on weight loss.

My advice is to back off a little bit. Cut back your strength workouts to only 2 upper body and 2 lower body workouts per week and progress your cardio to 5-6 workouts. If you enjoy the higher intensity workouts like Intense Moves and Tae Bo, keep them to no more than 1 or 2 non-consecutive days per week.

Remember that heavier people are working harder just moving their own body weight so the additional weight loads could be too stressful at this phase in your training. I would think that doing say - Power Hour and Muscle Endurance in one week would be fine for total body strength, and place the rest of the focus on moderate intensity longer duration cardio workouts with maybe 1 interval workout the rest of the time.

This is just a suggestion to try. As always, listen to your body and don't ever second-guess yourself. If something feels wrong, then it probably is.


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