diet question



This is for anyone who has any suggestions or comments. I am 5'0 tall and weigh 109 lbs. I am not overweight at all but would like to clean up my diet. I usually eat an o.k diet but seem to be in a rut lately and can not get through the day without eating some sort of sugary food (candy, sweetened cereal..etc.). I know if I can make it through the first day or 2 with no sugar I would be back on track but haven't been able to do that yet. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Thank You

Hi Sarah!

I used to be like you, I would OVEReat at least once a day some wine gums, chocolate bars, smarties yummy! and my favourite jelly beans and Twizzlers.

I also used to gobble down a bottle of coke even after midnight and sometimes first thing in the a.m.!! Yeuck!

Now I try to eat only 1 sweet per day. I figure I am working out so hard - might as well!

When I am really trying to be goooooood which is mon-fri, I mix up 1/2 cup cottage cheese with 1 small del monte fruitcup right after my workout. I find that I get my much needed protein and carbs plus the much desired sugar.

Right after my fruitcott I drink 500 ml of water. After that no more sugar craving for the rest of the DAY!! True!

Then I LITERALLY sit there and dream of my mars bar in the fridge! But I don't eat it cause I don't crave any sugars and feel full after drinking all that water and furitcott!!

If you still feel the craving then spread the cottagecheese into 4 tblspns (or whatever) and eat it with some fresh fruit or bran cereal of your choice. I also love to eat cottage cheese with corn (which is a bad vegetable from what I understand so I try to fit that in for lunch one day per week).

On my cheat days, I make a chocolate-banana shake made from the Carnation Instant Breakfast mix and Soy milk. Probably bad for you but it is cheat day and it zaps all sugar craving!
Me too

Hi, sometimes I crave sugary junk all day too. I find this is usually the case when I'm trying to eat well, but am actually eating too little. Maybe this is your case? Other times, it's just around that time of the month.

If you think you'll be ok if you just don't have sweets for 2 days, I'd try to plan what you'll eat (ex: don't skip lunch and then come home starving cause then you'll shove cookies in your mouth!), eat when you're hungry, try not to obsessively think about it, don't keep treats out (we have a b-day cake on our counter now- too easy to have 100 bites throughout the day!), and drink lots of h20 so you don't get tired and turn to sugar for energy.

Good luck (it's tough- I know!)
Also, think about how much work it takes to burn off 1 donut! It's ok to have 1, but usually you have other sugar in the day.

You might try the Zone Diet. It works to regulate sugar levels in your body, thus reducing cravings. They have a web site with a lot of information. You can do a search and find it easily. It's actually interesting reading, even if you decide the diet is not for you.
I'm a "zoner" and find it does help with my sugar cravings although they occasionally still sneak up on me. Some of my favorites are sugar free jello with a dab of fat free whipped cream, balance gold bars cut up and put in the freezer (tastes like a fake frozen snickers bar), some turkey jerky (for protein) with half an english muffin with a bit of cinnamon and sweet-n-low on top; cottage cheese with fruit, Sometimes I"ll drink a diet rootbeer or Diet RC strawberry/kiwi also.

Hi, there! My prescription for clean diet is to eat lots of whole grains like brown rice, whole wheat and oats, accompanied by fruits and veggies and lean protein like fish, chicken, soy burgers and tofu and egg whites. I drink about a glass of milk a day, plus a glass of soy milk per day. I use a little cheese for flavor as well as olive oil and lots of garlic too! Try to incorporate salmon, nuts, blueberries, broccoli, spinach, and garlic and ginger as they are super foods! I love chocolate and eat a small piece nearly every day. I eat a few sweets from time to time but try to keep them out of the house since they call to me when I have them on hand! Eating should be satisfying but you should leave the table feeling light, not stuffed and eat every few hours so you don't feel ravenous when you sit down to your meal. I know that no food is forbidden but I only choose to eat those goodies occasionally because as the old saying goes "a moment on the lips, forever on the hips"!:)

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