Did you nail StepBlast first try?

Oh yeah ... I had that one down pat ... NOT!!!!!!!!! LOL!! The third combo got me, but only until the second time! Now it's all together!! Although, I'm still a step klutz. I can only imagine what I must look like!! LOL!!

Nail it the first time????? Is there anyone?...:) Took me about 4 times through to get that repeater straddle in the 3rd combo....I always seem to have one part in each of Cathe's step tapes that completely confuses me...for some time...I guess it gives me incentive to keep trying!..and I like Step Blast the best of the step tapes so far. I think you are doing great Bobbi...Carole
I had a little trouble with the first set of triples after the quick repeater. By the first blast I had it on the left side, not the right, by the second time I had it by the second blast, so I guess I got the routine on the first try, not sure I "nailed" it because it took almost the whole video to figure that one part down. I found I was straddling with the wrong leg so the quick repeater was not starting on the outside. I started slapping the inside leg to remind myself which to straddle.

There are not too many videos I cannot get the first time. Cathe has such good cueing, I never have trouble having all the combos by the end.

I will say there are several moves in this one that played with my mind. Switching feet on the first move was wierd. We are so used to having the closest foot to the step go up and she switched that on us! There were a couple of other things that felt wierd, but once they were pieced together it was OK.

That quick repeater is a nightmare! I am long-legged and, although I do most everything quickly, taking a long lever through such a fast move is difficult for these chicken legs of mine. My kickboxing is also a little slower than Cathe and her amazing crew's. That fact that the move goes straight into that three count turning cha cha thing around the board is truly scary. I am so glad I can't see myslef when I do it! If I could, I'll bet I would realize why my family thinks I am a crazy person!
I am doing it again tomorrow and not quitting until I have mastered it! I know I am going to love it when I do! It really is beautifully constructed. It also did not wreak havoc with my feet! I am scared of the hi/lo in the series! If I am ever going to hit the road and run again, I don't know how much I can get away with! My goal is a New Year's run!
http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/user.gif Bobbi
I still can not do Rythmatic Step. I am scared to try Step Blast, and I do not know if I will??!!! Someday, I am sure. I am an elephant with two left feet when it comes to grace.
Lori S.
I am only 5-4 so I like smaller instructors. When I used to do step classes at the gym, the 6 foot instructors were always a lot harder to follow than the short ones. Once I got the quick repeater on the right leg, I got it, it was just that I wanted to start the straddle with the outside leg and it really went against something in my mind to start inside. Hence the smacking of my inside thigh to remind me.
I had to have a special session with the third combo then the next time I did it I still messed up the straddle quick repeater. Once I figured out to put my weight on the leg that did the kick (after the straddle) and THEN do the quick (or is it fast hop) repeater, I did much better.

I also notice that in the blast section, by the time I get to the third time doing all three combos, my body is sucking up all the energy and there is none left for my brain. I have a lot of goofs in that run-through.

Third blast was where I finally started to relax and enjoy the routine. The first time I do a tape I don't go all out, so since I did not exert a lot at the beginning, I had a lot left for the blasts. Tomorrow I will try it again, and probably work it a lot harder.

Today Push-Pull for the first time.
How many times does it take to get to the competency level to do Cathe's steps? I have no idea. I just know I did most of the tapes watching and just jumping side to side and try to jump in when I could. Eventually I got it- I'm not sure how but all the sudden I found I was doing the moves exactly as I should be (not quite as graceful)!
That's a pretty cool moment when it starts to click... just keep trying and it will happen!:)
There are too many! We'd nail Step Blast right off if we could go right back to it but I have to try them all! Actually, I am doing SB tomorrow but then it's a rotation right through the new ones! Lori, I don't do Rhythmic Step! It never clicked for me! Nor did All Step! But Step Blast is different. It builds and builds but it doesn't have the rhythym changes that RS does and the footwork is easier than AS. My favorites tend to be the more basic ones with intensity blasts. Recently, I did take a shot at the ones I mostly avoid but, nope, hate 'em! Four counts are easier but I can do three counts although I often end up turning the wrong way which must mean I get on the wrong foot! The way Cathe breaks them down and her impeccable cuing have me feeling pretty confident about Step Blast. Besides, I love it!

The quick repeater into the the mambo, triples turning, is where I am stuck but tomorrow is Saturday so I can rewind and practice, practice, practice!

I have no idea when I'll get to the premixes but I do know I want to get the steps down first. I worked out a rotation but I think I am going to have to rethink it because there are no rest days! What looked like such a great plan a couple of days ago before I tried the first one, looks completely exhausting now! Whats my hurry?:)

http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/user.gif Bobbi
Ummmm, no...

But I had fun trying! I also don't go all out on the first try of a routine. As the workout progressed, I caught on to more and more of the combos but it will probably take me a couple more tries before I (ungracefully) nail it, and a few more tries after that to become "graceful" (a relative term). This is one awesome workout!

How many of you do Christi Taylor? Her workouts are not as intense as Cathe's but her choreography is outstanding and her cueing is excellent. If you like complex choreography, her hi/lo and step workouts are a wonderful lower-intensity complement to Cathe.
I'm raising my hand here - I do Christie although mostly hi/lo. I find that I have to keep my abs pretty tight doing all of Chrities turns - added bonus!
:D After the first try I almost gave up! I hung in there and the second time around was much easier, after I got on the right side of the step during the peg leg pivot in the "Step Blast" challenge! I am happy to say I have mastered this one now! What a greatly choreographed challenging workout! This one is my FAV!
That's so funny. i tried step blast for the first time this morning . I just got my dvds Thursday after work. i really loved it but felt incredibly uncoordinated. I spent quite a bit of time standing in front of the t.v with my mouth hanging open. I didn't have time to rewind because i was in a time crunch before work. I still haven't completely nailed Rythmic Step either and I've done it about 5 times already. It's funny that you should mention Christi Taylor. I absolutely love her but her choreography can be tricky. I remember the first time I did solid gold step, I actually cried of the frustration of not being able to get it. Now it's a breeze. I didn't feel that way with sb even though I didn't get it. It was still fun. I know I will come to love it just as much as all the others. I don't know about the rest of you but it takes me a long time to get the moves simply because I have all of Cathe's dvds and always do something different.It is a long time between repeating a given workout. One thing is for sure,I'm never ever bored:)
I did it the second time this morning, and was able to put a lot more into it. By the third blast, I was snarling :). I also figured out why I had trouble with the quick repeater into the triple. I did not learn it in the break down properly the other day.
I love complex stuff, bring it on!!:7
Hey Bobbi!

Girl, I continue to be amazed by our parallels. I am long-legged like you -- although I'm only 5'4" I am all leg with a short torso (which is where every ounce of my body fat chooses to live, much to my endless dismay) and I'm also very long-armed. All these long lever moves just slay me. I could have written what you said here about the fast foot repeaters (those straddle taps from IMAX 2 coming back to haunt me!) Same thing for the kickboxing -- if I slow down my form is a thing of semi-beauty :), but trying to do the combos with Cathe & crew at their speed -- well, I look like I'm some crazed beekeeper frantically swatting bees. When I practice KP&C now I won't allow anybody into the room. It's that bad!!!

And by the way -- get SB on the first try? Are ya nuts, girl? I've done it three times now and can almost do each section without flaw, but that Challenge isn't coming together yet. Yet I do not lose faith :) -- I had the same ptoblem with Rhythmic Step and it just took countless repetitions until some kind of muscle memory clicked into place.

http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0903/sport/sport-smiley-003.gif Kathy S. http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0903/spezial/spudniks/spudniklifter.gif

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