First of all: why on earth would Teresa invite Danielle to the party anyway??? She's not part of the group & they all dislike her (except of course Jacqueline) Before Danielle got there it was all family fun & games...although I'm sick of hearing abt everyone's "bubbies"!
Secondly, why Danielle chose that time to "have it out" with the kids there & Teresa/hubby generously hosting her family in a public restaurant is beyond classless, rude, etc. I understand her needing to clarify and say her piece, and she should be able to, just not in that forum. Totally inappropriate and selfish!
Can't wait to see the "Last Supper" ep! It seemed like Teresa overreacted a bit , but there must be more to it!
I think Teresa was just trying to be nice. She really is a sweetheart. I was LMAO last night at that replaying of the table tossing scene--what really got me was after she did it, she went back to goofing off & having a good time. Like, she just got it out of her system & went back to being sweet, fun Teresa. Oh, & her expression when Danielle whipped out that book--priceless!
I feel so bad for Danielle's girls. They should not have had to witness that. And after watching last night, I cannot believe she stuck around for after dinner drinks!