Decorating Envy


I work for a property developer/builder. We build luxury high rise condominiums. We opened a brand new sales centre today for our newest project, and it's gorgeous. It has two full model suites in it - a two bedroom plus den and a smaller one bedroom plus den. All the design and decor was done by a fairly well-known British designer who is based in Toronto.

The suites are FABULOUS! I wanted to come home and throw out all my stuff and start from scratch. The kitchens have beautiful creamy cabinetry with granite counters and stainless steel appliances, the bathrooms have granite counter vanities with undermount sinks, glass shower enclosures. All the furniture is beautiful, and the little added touches are just perfect. I wanted to move in!

Is anyone else decor obsessed?
I was when we renovated our house about two years ago... I think I even dreamed about tiles, paint colors, cabinet designs, sinks, etc. Now, I just wanna relax and enjoy it. (Though I am starting to get into wallpaper... just had our stairwell and upstairs hallway wallpapered, and it looks so good, I'm thinking of doing more. It's addictive!)
I am definitely decor obsessed!! I have a tiny condo so there's not much more I can do with it than I already have, but I do take notes to figure out what I would do with a house when I move to a house someday...

I guess that I am more obsessed with someone else decorating my house without me having to pay for it!!!:D
All I know is that I decided last week (so your post right now is funny!) that as soon as we have a house (which will be literally years, as a 2 br house in our neighborhood is listed in the high $900K) I'm going to fly you down and have you decorate it!!! :7

That is, if you don't mind... }(
DH and I have been slowly re-doing our house. We bought it about 3 years ago. This year's project has been the living room. We just got a new fireplace put in and we are working on the drywall, so we can do the tile, so we can paint, so we can put in carpet . . . . It is never ending!

I also just took down wallpaper! In the kitchen. It was terrible. We are getting ready to paint there too. But now that I have the wallpaper down, we need to do re-do the cabinets. See how that works?

The good new is that the master bedroom is almost done, and it is just heavenly!!!

We are wanting to build a workout room for me, and a pool - mmmmmm
Definitely decor and home project obsessed. We moved into this vicotrian a little over a year ago - So far we've redone the den, the laundry room, my DD's bedroom and bathroom. We would have done more but we also paved the driveway and started landscaping too.

On the current project list is painting the foyer (which is the size of most people's living rooms!). We're having a heck of a time picking a color. It's currently red with an orange undertone. I like the red, hate the orange. So we're looking at different reds but they all seem so dark. We've bought at least ten samples and tried them out only to hate them all. At this rate it'll end up being white!!

Once the foyer is finally done, I want to tackle the kitchen - the wallpaper is navy blue with white polka dots - blechhh.


"Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Satchel Paige
Amy: are you in the Bay Area, by any chance? That's about what housing costs here :(. My tiny little condo set me back quite a bit--as my grandmother loves to remind me, I could have bought an actual house (and a big one at that) had I bought in TX (where she lives).


PS Never mind, I remember you telling me that you went to SCU for law school--duh, of course you're in the Bay Area. Where else would there be a 2-bedroom house listed for $900K LOL? It's really mind-boggling to see townhomes costing more than houses do in other areas *sigh*.
We have a ton of work to do in the new house! The guestroom is done and I'm working on the office for DH. Also currently in a fever of pulling down wallpaper. The woman before me had some sort of 70's taste and put pineapple wallpaper in TWO rooms! PINEAPPLE! One has brown pineapples and one has blue and red. Another room has green striped wallpaper with fruit baskets on it. Truly a house of horrors. I should post pictures of the lime green toilet and tub. (still, I love this place!!)


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage
I also become very envious when I see beautiful interiors. Unfortunately, I just don't have the time or the money to do anything about it for myself. I can't believe I still have the curtains from the prior owner of this apartment. We purchased it in 2000. The blinds are falling apart. The kitchen is falling apart. Whenever I see a sleek, modern, spacious interior I just drool. But I have no idea how to do it for myself. At this point, I'll probably just wait till I retire.
I am absolutely decor obsessed! My husband just rolls his eyes but fortunately he likes to do those home improvement projects and he is very good at it - saves a lot of money. Sometimes I think he wishes I had a different job though }( , I am a real estate consultant, so I get to see a lot of homes and come home with new ideas every week.

We have totally redone our house over the past 2 years, new bathrooms, new kitchen, new flooring, new built-in closets, built-in BBQ / bar in the backyard, etc. Now I have run out of projects, don't have anything else to improve in my house, time to move on to a bigger house :+ it is planned for the beginning of next year.

I keep changing things around furniture and decor, the problem is, I am not very patient though, I want to get things done really fast. I think I am driving my poor husband insane. He has a full-time job and does home improvement on weekends. We have been living in construction central for part of the last year or so, so now we are finally done and we'll start all over again in a new house.

I also keep buying things for decoration or dishes, you name it, after a while I get bored and find something else, so we have to keep adding storage or I have to sell my stuff on Ebay. The problem is, I like getting new stuff but I don't like my shelfs crammed and things stacked, it has to look like in a organizing magazine.

Don't say it, I know I probably need a therapist :)

Ok, I can top the pineapple wallpaper. When we moved in, DH's bathroom had this hideous wallpaper. It was an underwater scene, with butterflies!!! You got it! Those rapaging underwater butterflies strike again! ARRRRGYHYYYYY. It was the first thing to go. I just couldn't handle it!
OMG - underwater butterflies!!! With that image running thru my mind, I think I'll keep my navy blue poolka dotted wallpaper after all!!

"Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Satchel Paige
Purchased a new home a few months ago and decorating it is all I can think about. My problem is everything I see I like. My husband tells me that we can't have a country/french/modern/shabby chic/traditional house. My dream is just to one day buy a model home with all the furniture in it including the paperbooks and just move my clothes in. Too many choices drive me insane and that is what decorating is to me too many choices.

I need Nate from Oprah to come and send to a spa and then make something fantastic happen in here.

I understand what you're going through Kim. We're in the process of building a new home. It's a 5600 square foot house so there's a lot to decorate. I've been so obsessed lately about how to decorate it. I've been buying every decorating magazine I can find. I just wish I could find someone to do it for me but I live in a small town and we have no interior decorators. I've been so stressed because I want it to be "perfect" but I have no idea where to begin or what to buy.

I have decorating envy in the form of envying those who can decorate and just seem to have the "gift" for it. I'm not one of those people.

I have such a list of projects that i want done my hubby's head is spinning. It's amazing how the $$$$ add up!
I'm another one that doesn't have an eye for decorating. We just built our house last year and had the hardest time picking everyting out... carpet, tile, paint colors, light fixtures...the list goes on. There are a few things we wish we would have done differently. Then after moving in decorating was hard, I did it quickly and got it done with and will probably never change anything. I hope it looks alright, I'm clueless. Anybody want to come over and help me out?;) ;-) :+

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