HB, I think that's a GREAT idea -- surely Cathe is swamped, and we've got several year's worth to choose from. I like the idea of a CTX rotation. Here are a couple of other options from Cathe's own rotations, from previous years:
Dec ’03 – Body Blast Series
Jan ’04 – New Years Resolution
Jan '05 New Years Resolution Weight Loss
[font color=navy]Here's another oldie but goodie that I pulled out of one of my old "Cathe Rotations" MS Word volumes:
Stacy’s First “3-Days-On, 1-Day-Off” Cathe Rotations
Kathy S.'s Note: Stacy from the Forums concocted these rotations as a holiday treat for us in December 2000. What’s great about Stacy’s rotations is that she’s set them up in eight-day segments to cycle through a rest day every three days. Thus, Day Eight is a rest day. Three days on, one off, three on, one off, etc.
Segment #1
Day One--Mega Step Blast and abs
Day Two--Circuit Max
Day Three--Step Heat
Day Four--OFF
Day Five--1/2 MIC
Day Six--MIS
Day Seven--PowerMax +/- abs
Day Eight -- OFF
Segment #2
Day One--PowerMax (or your fave step video) and PS BBA
Day Two--Interval Max
Day Three--MIS
Day Four--OFF
Day Five--1/2 or all of MIC and PS CST
Day Six--PS Legs & Abs
Day Seven--Wedding Video
Day Eight -- OFF
Segment #3
Day One--CTX Kickbox (biceps & abs) and CTX shoulders only
Day Two--CTX Step & Interval (chest) and CTX triceps only
Day Three--Power Circuit
Day Four--OFF
Day Five--CTX All Step (shoulder & abs) and CTX biceps only
Day Six--CTX 10-10-10 (triceps)and CTX chest only
Day Seven--CTX Leaner Legs and abs
Day Eight -- OFF
Kathy S.’s Note: Stacy wrote: “This works the upper body twice a week except for back which I make up for in rotation #4 a bit, and works abs every other day.”
Segment #4
Day One--Circuit Max and abs
Day Two--Mega Step Blast (or fav step tape) and CTX chest only
Day Three --PS Legs and abs
Day Four--OFF
Day Five--BodyMax
Day Six--CardioKicks and abs
Day Seven--Cardio of your choice and PS BBA or CTX back only
Day Eight -- OFF
Kathy S.’s Note: Stacy wrote: “Cathe says Circuit Max only just touches on chest and back so I added the CTX chest and back to this rotation.”[/font color]
http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0304/sport/sport-smiley-003.gif Kathy S.