December Rotation

Maybe we could let her off the hook and pick a favorite from the past to follow for the month of December. Or just follow a CTX rotation since time is hard to come by for nearly everyone. "Just a suggestion, take it or leave it."
Just Do It! :)
HB, I think that's a GREAT idea -- surely Cathe is swamped, and we've got several year's worth to choose from. I like the idea of a CTX rotation. Here are a couple of other options from Cathe's own rotations, from previous years:

Dec ’03 – Body Blast Series

Jan ’04 – New Years Resolution

Jan '05 New Years Resolution Weight Loss

[font color=navy]Here's another oldie but goodie that I pulled out of one of my old "Cathe Rotations" MS Word volumes:

Stacy’s First “3-Days-On, 1-Day-Off” Cathe Rotations

Kathy S.'s Note: Stacy from the Forums concocted these rotations as a holiday treat for us in December 2000. What’s great about Stacy’s rotations is that she’s set them up in eight-day segments to cycle through a rest day every three days. Thus, Day Eight is a rest day. Three days on, one off, three on, one off, etc.

Segment #1
Day One--Mega Step Blast and abs
Day Two--Circuit Max
Day Three--Step Heat
Day Four--OFF
Day Five--1/2 MIC
Day Six--MIS
Day Seven--PowerMax +/- abs
Day Eight -- OFF

Segment #2
Day One--PowerMax (or your fave step video) and PS BBA
Day Two--Interval Max
Day Three--MIS
Day Four--OFF
Day Five--1/2 or all of MIC and PS CST
Day Six--PS Legs & Abs
Day Seven--Wedding Video
Day Eight -- OFF

Segment #3
Day One--CTX Kickbox (biceps & abs) and CTX shoulders only
Day Two--CTX Step & Interval (chest) and CTX triceps only
Day Three--Power Circuit
Day Four--OFF
Day Five--CTX All Step (shoulder & abs) and CTX biceps only
Day Six--CTX 10-10-10 (triceps)and CTX chest only
Day Seven--CTX Leaner Legs and abs
Day Eight -- OFF
Kathy S.’s Note: Stacy wrote: “This works the upper body twice a week except for back which I make up for in rotation #4 a bit, and works abs every other day.”

Segment #4
Day One--Circuit Max and abs
Day Two--Mega Step Blast (or fav step tape) and CTX chest only
Day Three --PS Legs and abs
Day Four--OFF
Day Five--BodyMax
Day Six--CardioKicks and abs
Day Seven--Cardio of your choice and PS BBA or CTX back only
Day Eight -- OFF
Kathy S.’s Note: Stacy wrote: “Cathe says Circuit Max only just touches on chest and back so I added the CTX chest and back to this rotation.”[/font color] Kathy S.
>Maybe we could let her off the hook and pick a favorite from
>the past to follow for the month of December. Or just follow
>a CTX rotation since time is hard to come by for nearly
>everyone. "Just a suggestion, take it or leave it."
>Just Do It! :)

Honeybunch, I love your Cathe a break is the best part. And you're right...we'll all be more short of time than maybe any other time of the year...certainly I know I'll be fighting to keep up with enough sleep and with the colder temps, I could use more stretching...and besides, I love, love, LOVE CTX!!!!!
Val - I was wondering the same thing. In regards to the post by Honeybunch1 - YOU remind me of the "friend" of a girl we went to see today. The friends father had died and we all traveled over an hour to see her and the family at the funeral home. When we arrived the "friend" did all the talking for the daughter of the deceased and then thanked us for coming. It was both appauling and humerous at the same time.

Cathe is a big girl. She has stated in the past when she is unable to post a rotation. And when she does it is certainly understandable. However I don't think she needs anyone else to do this and to suggest an alternate rotation.

Hopefully Cathe can post one - if not - SHE will tell us and then we will all have a Merry Christmas.

HaHaHa! I had such a good laugh from this thread! Innocent enough...simple question..will cathe post a December rotation??

HHHMMM... I most CERTAINLY hope she will, but if she doesn't that's ok. Thanks ladies...for the alternatives rotations and suggestions!:)

take care:)
Miss Dawn,

Like I said, "Just a suggestion, take it or leave it." I would NEVER insinuate that I would speak for Cathe, and that's why you'll very rarely see me post in the "Ask Cathe" forum.

Just Do It! :)
can't we all get along :D

its only a message board about a rotation that we,as adults,should figure out in case cathe cannot post one for us. give her a few days she usually doesn't post until the very last day of the month or the first day.

i don't think anybody meant any harm so lets not take it personally. its the holidays be happy :D


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
Dawn, Thank you, Cathe always lets us know if she has time to post a rotation. I was just asking her if she was. I did not mean to be demanding to Cathe. We are all busy.
I didn't see this as Honeybunch1 trying to speak for fact, it seemed to me she was trying to get us all to think for ourselves and maybe give Cathe a break...sounds like a nice idea to me. If she doesn't like it, I'm sure she'll let us know. Of course, the only rotation of Cathe's I've ever done when she first posted it was her recent August rotation...while I'd like to see what she plans "for us", that doesn't mean I'll follow it!

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