Dear God

Liann - she's a girl. For some reason, the default on the website is male, so if you don't change it....:p

I'm gonna go drive around and talk on my cellphone now.
I'm going to chime in here--I read the original post. I didn't like it, but on the other hand I didn't have a problem w/it being posted here.

This is an OPEN DISCUSSION forum & we shouldn't have to limit ourselves to discussions about health & fitness. OK posting about religion & politics is probably not a great idea b/c people have their own views & they're not gonna change them b/c someone else thinks they should. That said, as controversial as it may be, I think we should all feel comfortable posting our views here without being flamed.

Like I said, I read the post & I didn't like it. So you know what I did? I ignored it. This is my request to my fellow Cathe fans: can we just ignore posts we find offensive instead of fighting about them?
Beavs, then she absolutely must NOT answer the phone so that all around her can hear the ringtone play the Zappa piece in its entirety...especially if it's Gumbo Variations from Hot Rats!!!
OMG, Shelley got a cell phone? Welcome to the 21st century lady!

Driving & talking on a cell is easy. I triple dog dare you to parallel park while on a cell. }(
>Liann - she's a girl. For some reason, the default on the
>website is male, so if you don't change it....:p
>I'm gonna go drive around and talk on my cellphone now.

LOL! I always thought she was a guy with a thing for girls in Teddy's!!! :eek:

I checked my profile, phew I'm still a girl...
>Teddygirl, I think you deserve the forum award for being a
>good sport.:)

I second that!!!!!:D :D :D

Michele, mark the calendar, we agree on something other than the volcano cake }( }( :+

>>Teddygirl, I think you deserve the forum award for being a
>>good sport.:)
>I second that!!!!!:D :D :D
>Michele, mark the calendar, we agree on something other than
>the volcano cake }( }( :+

ROTFLMAO!! I was just thinking the same thing:p :7 I think we probably agree on more than that, though;)
>ROTFLMAO!! I was just thinking the same thing:p :7 I think we
>probably agree on more than that, though;)

I think so too, Michele!!! I just disagree with everyone and get argumentative when I am PMSing :+ :+

Debbie, I can't believe you even posted that. I find it extremely offensive. In fact, I believe not wearing socks is strongly advocated by the Green Party, who really pi$$ me off what w/all their "save the environment" BS.

OK really, I'm guessing this is an inside joke I'm not getting? :+
>Debbie, I can't believe you even posted that. I find it
>extremely offensive. In fact, I believe not wearing socks is
>strongly advocated by the Green Party, who really pi$$ me off
>what w/all their "save the environment" BS.
>OK really, I'm guessing this is an inside joke I'm not
>getting? :+

lmao Laura :7 It's really just one of those random comments where everyone stops and thinks "WTF are you talking about". Trying to change the topic soooo innocently. Watch out for my glowing halo ;)


I'm ready! I'm ready! I'm ready!
You know, I find glowing halos extremely offensive as they're advocated by angels, who really pi$$ me off w/all their "do unto others" BS. Really Debbie, you must learn to be more PC & try to be sensitive to the feelings of others. :7 :+ }(
Even tho, you called me “TROLL” I must definitely apologize to (((YOU))) I am sorry, if you accept it or not. I stepped way out of my character.

I had to remind myself why I’m even here on this forum. I am here because of you guys. And I still believe it, we are here to encourage one another, help to heal broken hearts and every now and again we even laugh, to sometime keep from crying, I know I do:)

Even, after all the nasty things that was said to me. I still believe that, you are my friends, thank you for the forum award, you guys are crazy :+ :7 Peace!

<Sorry I thought you were a guy who liked nighties!!!>
That would certainly place that post in a new light. :7
Teddygirl, I want to apologize for calling you a "troll". I confused your screen name with that of someone else who never would have posted something like that, and became concerned that someone was posting under her name or a name very much like hers. That was my advanced senile dementia at work. :p Posting a controversial opinion doesn't necessarily make someone a troll, unless they're doing it just to start a flame war. In other words, I wasn't name-calling; I really thought it was a troll.

Having said that, however, I do think it would have been difficult to avoid a flame war in this thread if you hadn't deleted. Good decision. :D

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