Dear God

Carola: Thank you :) that was very well put, I’d never posts anything to stir up a issue and especially to offend anyone, my gosh, some people just like drama……………

A fitness forum is simply not the venue for a message that was clearly not intended to broaden anyone's horizons. If you want controversy go to slashdot or another forum and have at it.
I was hoping it was going to be the lyrics to or about XTC's song "Dear God"...which, is really much better written than your post. You might want to check it out---you know, so that you can embrace our differences and learn from others!
>I was hoping it was going to be the lyrics to or about XTC's
>song "Dear God"...which, is really much better written than
>your post. You might want to check it out---you know, so that
>you can embrace our differences and learn from others!

Well that's certainly a matter for debate -- LMAO!
>A fitness forum is simply not the venue for a message that
>was clearly not intended to broaden anyone's horizons. If you
>want controversy go to slashdot or another forum and have at

Oh, but a fitness forum is the venue for talking about hemorroids, cheating husbands/SO, problems with friends, relatives and other things that give way too much information for my taste???? I don't have a problem with most of the posts, if it moves people enough to post it here, who am I to judge that.

I don't want controversy, just like with my kids, I wish they would stop arguing and fighting, but different opinions are sometimes good and make us stretch (and that's a little bit of fitness right there :)}( ) and grow.

I do agree that sometimes things get out of hand but that is not because of the topic it is because of the people that participate in that discussion. Teddygirl certainly is no one to have stirred up controversy in the past, and certainly is not a troll.

No idea what slashdot is, and I don't think I want to either. Thanks though.

>How fascinating that the original post isn't even there
>anymore and we're STILL FIGHTING.
I am NOT fighting, damn it:p :7
<No idea what slashdot is, and I don't think I want to either.>
Well, so much for broadening one's views.... They discuss a wide variety of topics that you may find interesting if you could be so inclined.

And yes, I think this forum can be perfectly appropriate for discuss hemorroids, particularly is they affect one's workout. ;-)

Cheating husbands, etc...probably not something many would choose to discuss but at least such things are not known to cause controversy and at most might illicit the "too much info" response. I'm sure you could dig up examples to prove otherwise but you get my point. In my opinion, there is a difference between discussion (albeit pointless at times) and posting something that one knows is quite likely to illicit a negative response.
If y'all don't stop fighting, I'm turning this car around and going STRAIGHT HOME.

*reaches arm into thread and waves it around, trying to hit someone*
>I didn't have a problem with it. ;) :)

i didn't either just like throwing my 2 cents around LOL. i wasn't offended by any means. it was one of those "makes you think" kind of post but i do see everybody's point of view.


"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"

In my opinion, there is a
>difference between discussion (albeit pointless at times) and
>posting something that one knows is quite likely to illicit a
>negative response.

I don't know what the original post said, I didn't read it. Teddygirl deleted it because of some posters being offended. So why is everyone making such a big deal of this.

And yes, it is always a bad idea to post religiously or politically charged issues.

Don't know, Beavs, there are some places that I am pretty sure I don't need to broaden my horizon. Just need to read your description of it - ahem, thanks, don't need that much controversy :)

Have a great day!

<Don't know, Beavs, there are some places that I am pretty sure I don't need to broaden my horizon.>
Slashdot can be informative and interesting....and sometimes to the discussion can be, well, disappointing when things break down.

<Have a great day!>
You have a great day too :D
Sure, Teddygirl, but, only if you SWEAR that you don't talk loudly on your cell phone in restaurants!!! That, I just can't, NO....WON'T forgive!!!!}(
Totally off subject - Just out of curiosity, Teddygirl, are you a guy or a girl? Your profile says male???

EDA - I was only wondering cuz a few people refered to you as a she and I always thought you were a he. ;)

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