Deadlifts question


When I do deadlifts I don't really feel it in my hamstrings, and I'm wondering if I am doing something wrong. I feel it very strongly in my core, both lower back and abs, and also in my shoulders due to focusing on keeping them held in alignment (not curling forward). I keep my knees slightly bent, and the barbell goes down to about mid-shin. It looks like I'm doing them just like Cathe and crew, but it feels more like a core exercise than a lower body exercise. Any tips or thoughts? TIA!
I didn't feel them that much, until someone said when you go down stick your butt out as much as possible and also try keeping you legs as straight as you can, also keep the weight very close to your legs, that made all the difference for me. Now I get major hamstring DOMS :eek: Linda
Thanks Linda, I'll try your suggestions. By sticking your butt out, do you mean sort of arching the lower back a little bit?
I'm really bad at trying to explain this. I guess when I go down, with my legs straight, I get to about my knees and kinda stick my butt out until I feel a good stretch in the hamstring, then I keep going down a little further and then come back up. I don't feel it if my knees are bent. I'm pretty flexible so it's easy for me to keep my legs straight. I don't know if this is good advice or proper form (if not, maybe Cathe with chime in) but I do know I get KILLER DOMS for days. And my hamstrings are really getting strong and developed!!! Try it first maybe without weight. Just make sure your warmed up. If you can feel that hamstring stretch , you will feel it the next day :eek: Linda
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Ditto the above. Plus, on the upward motion it helps to concentrate on pushing through your heels. Deadlifts give me DOMS like no other move can! :eek: I love them!
OK, I'll report back on the state of my hamstrings after I put all of these new tips into effect! I'm going out of town for a couple of days, so my hamstrings are safe until sometime next week. :) Thanks people!
Try thinking about it this way - my former trainer explained it to me this way and it worked liked a dream. Imagine that as you lower the weight and you're sticking your butt out that you're trying to touch the back wall with your bum. So kind of sending your bum back as much as lowering your upper body. Then, pull it back in toward you as you stand up. Also, keep your feet no more than hip distance apart (put them slightly closer together than you think you should; further apart will focus the energy more in the low back, as you won't have the range to stick your butt out). These tips worked really well for me.
Thanks for the form tips.
I gave up on deadlifts because I only felt it in my lower back.
Too much in my back. Not in a good way either.
I will try it again today.
So I tried deadlifts again last night using all of these tips and I definitely felt it in my hamstrings and butt more than my lower back. Thanks everyone!

I'm waiting to see if any DOMS sets in today; it was a short set of deadlifts in High Step Challenge so I'm not sure I'll get sore, but it felt good to feel my legs working instead of my entire core/back area. :)

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