<--- De-clutter is the moto

<---replies to self to say
<---is working on de-cluttering <---'s mind
<---hopes that counts for something
<---waves and runs back to the school stuff
We all wave happily back Likes2bfit
In a relax, relate, and release mode
Hope you are having a great day
in a De clutter kind of way
Though the world may be loud and fancy free
It is nice to sit back with just me
A smile to all in what ever you do
make sure you do it well
Keep working hard and it will be swell
<---is not sure how to reply to above
<---thanks for the inspiration?
<---is sorry Melody has germs and no inspiration
<---thinks everyone is gone shopping, schooling, banging clothes on rocks
<---will wander into office and pick up book
<---wonders if anyone here has read "The Omnivore's Dilemma"
<---says hey robinella up abovella ;)
<---shouts yo ho ho to all my other friends
<---had a good run today & circuit w/o
<---is about to take a boybie to an indoor playplace since the weather sucks poo
<---is going to get a year membership to this place for really hot days or rainy days so he can still run like a kooky nut :p
<---says, the gym babysitter told <---how active boybs is.....really?
<---would be rich if <---got a dollar everytime someone said ^^^
<---hopes everyone else is having a moderately clean, endorphin filled, sunny kinda day :)

Live with sincerity, love with passion, and dance like you mean it.

<--is popping in at lunch time
<--is very relieved that weird client cancelled appointment this morning
<--got dressed up for nothin
<--can't wait to get home tonight and read more Davinci Code
<--loves the whole Feminine Power theme of the book
<--can't believe she is finally relaxed enough to read a novel
<--wonders if she would be able to focus on a book that wasn't a page-turner?
<--says the job market must be strong right now, cuz head hunters keep calling!
<--has finished her sammich and must get back
<---posts to say <---is confused by Deb and her avatars
<---saw cute little tike one minute then cute little kitty
<---requests clarification
<---was cute tike THE boybie?
<---waves to dressed up for no reason Miss Nancy Pants and tells her to hang on to her head:p
<---will not send additional germs Robinella's way
<---waves to the new "friend" posted ^
<--read entire thread but can't recall much so will just say hello to all and hope everyone is having a wonderful wonderfulday.

<--was not around to see the Survivor finale last night so <--tivo'd it. <--slept later than usual and then was on couch first thing this morning to watch it before the media spoiled it for <--!;) <--is glad Terry did not win. <--thought if Terry won it would have been waaay too predictable and boring. BLAH!

<--spent the rest of the morning playing with DS and cleaning and then did MIS when DS went down for his nap.

<--thinks it's now time for a shower and a cup of life-giving java!:9

<--hates the rain and wind and cold and yuckiness outside today and has refused to go out in it!:p
<--is hoping tomorrow will be a better day cause <--has lots to do like take DS for year old blood work, food shop, gym...blah blah blah.
<---waves with joy to TiGGer
<---has more dreary weather too
<---is quite demanding
<--waves to Melody.
<--says party was FUN FUN FUN!
<--says pics are coming!
<--will download 'em today at some point!
<--warns that the pics <--got aren't very good ones...is waiting for a friend to email others that will hopefully be better!
<--'s DH got video though and can't wait to watch that!:) :) :)
<--- thanks 'Faithful friend' for the kind words. ((( :) )))

<--- hopes Melodys germs can be conquered

<--- is so sorry to hear about Robin's DD. perhaps it was a path that needed taking to get to a better suited one?
<--- doesn't know if ^^^ made any sense, how about vvv
<---"When the Lord closes a door, somewhere he opens a window"- from the Sound of Music

<--- ordered a whashing machine via telephone and will have it tomorrow
<--- tomorrow will be official CONQUER MT. WASHMORE DAY

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.


<---gives TiGGer a reprieve til slightly later on the pics
<---somehow missed the Robinella's DD outta school deal <---is so sorry but knows things will work out
<---says after all she's Robinella's DD:)
<---tells Judy <---has a Frigidaire heavy duty commercial washer (not front loading) and dryer to get <---through <---'s 25-30 loads per week
<---says it has been chugging happily for 4 years
<---is now afraid <---jinxed <---'s washer
<---is sooooooooooo sick or cloudy and/or rainy skies
<---feels like Pooh Bear with his little black cloud overhead
<---thanks Judy for the kind thoughts re: DD (dumb daughter)
<---is confident that she will find her niche somewhere someday
<---has tried to make it very clear to her, however, that she won't be crashing at <---'s pad forever
<---expects her to find a job, buy a car and move out ASAP
<---hopes Judy has fun conquering Mt Washmore
<---is heading home to nag DH
<---hopes all the evening ladies have a wonderful time
<-- is jealous of Melody and all her troubles
<-- thinks Melody does a fantabulous job at keeping what's important in life in front of her
<-- hopes that made sense
<-- is taking a lunch break
<-- is desperately trying to cram
<-- thanks Robin for the "it's okay if you flunk out" words!!
<-- hopes not to need them ;)
<-- has the huge blister and it's getting worse and weepy and ouchie so <-- just took a tylenol
<-- can't take the train to campus since that would be too long of a walk for today :(
<-- will drive instead, when it's time
<-- waves to all
<-- is off to find some salad
<---missed waving bye bye to Robin as usual
<---wishes <---actually lived up to the together picture Judy paints of <---
<---offers to share troubles with jealous Amy:p :+
<---has made the executive decision to call the doc and <---made appt for DS in the AM
<---is askeered it's the dreaded strep which can grab this particular son and not let go until cold and congestion follow and then due to asthma the dear old bronchitis and if breathing tx not started appropriately the good old pneumonia, and so forth and so on
<---just sighs
<---will just shut up and smile now
<---thinks being lazy over the weekend has extended into Monday:)
<--- has been running around like a nut today
<--- is sorry she missed Robin:-(
<--- can't wait to see Joey's Bday pics!! <---hopes TiGGeR starts to feel better very soon and thinks maybe she should lightly bounce on her rebounder;)
<--- hopes Melody's DS does not have strep and has crossed fingers and toes and sent up a prayer
<--- is sorry aboot Judy's washer but is glad she found another one so quickly!
<--- wonders if Shelley has any of Sid Dickers Memory Blocks? <--- really likes them but is not sure if they would work where she wants to put them.
<--- says now she knows why she can't see:eek: . <--- needs new glassesx(
<--- winces at the thought of Ame's painful foot wound and hopes it heals quickly. <--- agrees that Ame should limit how often she weighs herself
<--- thinks Ame should focus on how she feels
<--- tells Robin she has not read that book and probably wouldn't. <--- gets kind of tired of all the books and articles on food and what we should or shouldn't eat. <--- as far as she can tell, we'd all be better off if we just took our meals intravenously--lol! <--- asks "TPN anyone?" (in medical lingo that means Total Parenteral Nutrition, i.e. being fed intravenously)
<--- is glad Nance is enjoying her book
<--- wonders if that's Debbie's kitty in her avatar:+
<--- needs to run to the grocery store
<--- is sorry if she missed anyone, but has much to do since she's been gone all day.
<--- may not be back until tomorrow
<--- wishes you all a good evening:* :* :*

Miss Lee
<---LOL @ Melody...yes, that was a boybiemonster ;)
<---says will put him back if ya want!
<---'s kitty is on now...that's Babe
<---am back from indoor playground and boybie had a blast
<---can't wait to see lil Joey's pics!
<---will bbl gators

Live with sincerity, love with passion, and dance like you mean it.


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