<--- De-clutter is the moto

<--wishes Ame luck!
<--wonders what room Shelley is decorating?
<--thought Shelley's house looked complete
<--thinks that Shelley can't go wrong with that sofa
<--really needs to get around to decorating one of these fine days
<---sends good luck to Amy
<---loves Shelley's sofa
<---tells Nancy middle DS 8yo has had sore throat for 2 days, it looks awfully read, he's begun to cough, he has asthma and if any sickness gets very far with him he ends up with bronchitis and then pneumonia and he's been known to have strep
<---is drinking tea out of <---'s new china tea cup and saucer <---received as one of mom's day gifts
<--is very glad that DS is going to the doc tomorrow!
<--hopes he will be better very soon
<--is off to delve into the Davinci Code again
<--wishes all a good night if <-- doesn't come back
<--says pics don't show it but <--DID give in and let Joey get DIRTY with last bit of cake and some cookie!:p
<--wasn't taking pics at that point though...doesn't know who was!?!? :-(
<--is hoping DH caught self-feed on video though!:)
<--saw highchair table top when feeding-frenzy was over with though and it was like a sea of melted icecream!:7
<---says OK, TiGGer, you remain in the good graces of mommies everywhere by letting Joey get his hands dirty in cake
<---really has to tuck in the boys now
<--- drags into the thread after doing her cardiooooooo
<--- can't get over the cutey pie pics of Boybster and Joey!!!!:+
<--- thinks they're about the cutest little tykes she's ever seen!
<--- tells TiG that Joey was supposed to eat the cake by himself and smear it alllllll over the place:p
<--- thinks Joey needs a do over:7
<--- oohs and ahhs over the couch Shelley posted! <--- Loves it!
<--- is sorry Shelley is feeling bad and hopes she feels better pronto
<--- is glad Melody is feeling better
<--- thinks Nance's plan to eat popcorn and read sounds relaxing and fun
<--- has to gather up the trash and fix dinner...at 9 PM:eek:
<--- cannot remember everything that was posted ^^^ but should have more time to play tomorrrow:)
<--- wishes Ame good luck on her exam
<--- wishes yoiu all a good night and will see you in the morning:*

<--came back to add that Joey had icecream on his face, his hands, his arms AND in his HAIR as well as on his clothes so <--thinks <--did an FINE job of letting him "dig in and get dirty"!;) :+ :7

<--hopes Melody's boys have a good night's sleep and wonders how the DS that was sick on M's day is now doing?
<--apologizes if ^^^ question was answered earlier and <--has either not read it or forgets!:p
<--- says Miss Pokey Pants posted ^^^^ there
<--- is so friggin slow :eek:
<--- wants to see Melody's beautiful china cup and thinks she should post a pic:p
<--- g'night girlies

<---drags in, flops down and waves a floppy hello to everyone, if anyone is here
<---is feeling rather downtrodden and depressed
<---is in one of those "life ain't worth livin' " moods
<---is not suicidal, just feeling sorry for <--- self
<---will try to cheer up here....
<---'s darned elbows hurt like h@#@, and wrists are starting too
<---probably shouldn't be on this computer
<---misses everyone !!!!!!!!!!!
<---tells Shelley to get busy and have FUN on vacation, thanks her for saying hi for me earlier, congratulates Judy on the new washer, sends Melody and family lots and lots of get well wishes, breathes a sigh of relief that Nancy's weird client canceled today, hopes Amy's blister gets better and tells her to pop it because it heals faster that way (trust me!), yells hi to Michele but can't remember what's up with her.... did <--- miss anyone? Whew.
<---off to see a few more posts... hope someone is here when <--- comes back.
<---looks around, doesn't see anyone
<---sigh. Again
<---thinks being a lady of the night is going to be lonely
<---says nighty-night if anyone decides to show up
<---is so sorry to have missed Shannon
<---says the DS and laundry kept <---away for awhile
<---wishes wellness for Shannon's down spirits and achy wrists
<---wonders if anyone is even reading this
<---replies to <---as the washing machine continues to whir round and round
<---is wondering how Amy's test is going/went?
<-- thanks you ALL for the luck!!!
<-- could at least answer the questions
<-- considered this a very good sign
<-- also thought it was good that it took <-- exactly how long the prof allowed to answer the question
<-- heard a guy in the class make a snide comment about how fast <-- takes exams under his breath
<-- has been LOL about that for hours
<-- is disappointed in DH who has yet to say congrats on being halfway or anything
<-- sighs
<-- apparently needs to work a lot harder on the big Mawwage than <-- had hoped
<-- is super duper hungry
<--advises all to be careful and not read the following over breakfast:
<-- tells Shannon only because she asked that the blister popped at mile 7.5, it's been a flap until this afternoon when the flappy skin was rubbing into the skinless-open wound and <-- pulled it off (OW) so now it's just open and oozing
<-- is trying desperately to keep it from getting infected
<-- has asked the kitten loves to please stop leaving their fur all over the house for that reason :p
<-- is off to find some oatmeal
<-- hopes no one read that post ^^ unless you wanted to

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