<--- De-clutter is the moto

<---says, okay, there's the boybster :)

Live with sincerity, love with passion, and dance like you mean it.

<--waves to all and thanks Michele for the well wishes.
<--was very out of sorts last night.
<--came home from a long and tiring weekend and "lost it".;(
<--felt better this morning mentally but is still physically tired from everything.
<--noticed weakness in weight work out today too.
<--thinks Boybs looks adorable in the avitar!
<--loves kids toothy grins!:D
<---tells Deb kitty was cute by OMG boybster is a keeper
<---says he's so cute you can even toss in <---'s boy mix:7
<---is drinking caffeine in hopes of getting wired up to work out
<---is so glad this is to be an easier w/o week after rotation
<---hopes TiGGer continues to feel better
<---asks Amy how much studying she has done
<---reminds Amy <---won't scold if the answer is NOT MUCH
<---'s brain is dying
<--- jumps into thread and yells HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOO to her Cathe pals
<--- has had a really good day of vacation, after an initial bit of weirdness
<--- just needed to get into the groove
<--- agrees with Judy that Robin's DD will find HER groove;)
<--- is happy Judy is getting a new washer
<--- is sorry Melody and clan are sick and hopes they catch the DS germs before they mutate
<--- can't believe Melody does 25-30 loads a week
<--- wonders if Nance is tempted by any of the jobs the headhunters are calling about?
<--- thinks Shannon is very stealthy and got an e-mail from her asking to say "HI" on her behalf again:)
<--- 's cozy new den is shaping up nicely
<--- went looking at couches and saw one possibility but isn't thrilled to bits so will keep looking
<--- wants to see pics of the partay!
<--- agrees that Boybs is a cutester:)
<--- just ate a Cadbury Dairy Milk ice cream bar
<--thinks Joey makes One Year look good! :D
<--hopes he enjoyed his cake and ice cream
<--can't quite figure out what's up with everyone somehow
<--thinks Melody caught DS's sore throat?
<--thinks Robin's DD left school? (When?)
<--thinks Shannon found a way to sneak on to the internet? (How?)
<--isn't sure why she isn't clear about anything
<--saw some nice looking wall plaques but didn't understand the name
<--wonders if TiGGeR is feeling sick again?
<--seems to have a completely fogged over mind :(
<--hopes this isn't the beginning of Alzheimers :eek:
<--- can't believe how cute Joey is
<--- says it looks suspiciously like Tig is FEEDING the cake to the Joester, as opposed to letting him go to town on it by himself
<--- says what's up with that, sistah?:p
<---says OMG another cutey pa-tooty boy
<---thanks TiGGer for posting pics of our adorable ONE YEAR OLD Joey-kins
<---has one question...why is Joey being FED cake
<---says Joey's hands and face are suppose to be all in the good stuff:p
<---says really, you mommies have the cutest kiddies
<---actually feels ok after w/o and dinner
<---also thanks TiG for reminding <---needs to do daily laundry round
<---is thrilled to hear of Shelley's first day of vacation
<---tells Shelley she will have to post pics of the cozy new den when complete
<---looking around for some ladies of the evening
<---anyone around?
<---sees Nancy and Shelley and yells HEY
<---tells Nancy <---'s throat seems ok right now but DS is going to doc tomorrow AM
<--- waves at Melody:)
<--- is glad Melody is feeling better
<--- is feeling a lot like crap
<--- has a really sore throat/sinuses
<--- probably has the cold her SO so generously shared
<--- tells Melody she is using the word "cozy" in place of "miniscule" because it sounds better:p
<--- went to install new roman bamboo blind but discovered there were no instructionsx(
<---tells Shelley let her SO install the blind
<---says men never read the instructions:p
<---loves decorating terms such as "cozy"
<--had no idea you aren't supposed to feed kids cake, but gets it
<--is so glad that Shelley is enjoying her vacation!
<--is glad that Melody is feeling better
<--tells Shelley we're always here to give our opinions on sofas that are in the running :D
<--loves helping other people spend their money }(
<--is going to go make popcorn and get out her book
<--is sorry Shelley isn't feeling well
<--says everyone seems to be suffering from sore throats and stuffy noses
<--says it may in part be due to all the pollen around
<--asks why Melody's DS has to go to doctor?
<--tells Shelley that <--'s sofa has the same kind of arms and they are really comfy for lying down and reading
<--thinks the sofa looks great!
<--didn't know Sears had furniture, and will have to take a look at what they have
<--says Sears always has great quality and great prices
<--- tells Nancy that her SO was really quite surprised by the quality and number of really nice sofas we saw at Sears today
<-- is sitting here waiting for the proctors to start their instructions for the last exam
<-- has learned that nobody else studied, either
<-- feels slightly relieved
<-- thinks we are all in a kind of punch mood
<-- just wants to be dooooooone
<-- is nervous though since after this, the only thing <-- has left to do is (gasp) quit the law job
<-- is super nervous about actually doing that
<-- will go into Exam Mode now, so good night everybody!

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