De-Clutter Check in-Week of 2/1/09

Okay, I skipped the junk drawer again today, but did the drawers and under the sink in my bathroom. Make up, suncreen, hair products, etc. Total items gone 65!

DH does not get it. After he heard I cleaned out the upstairs bathroom closet, he was quick to say "I hope you didn't get rid of the Christmas gift I got you". Now mind you said Christmas gift is an assortment of bath additives for soaking and candles,which..........he got me seven years ago after I had my DS and that I have never, ever used!
Wow, it is hard to declutter during the week. I just don't have enough time between working out and working. Last night I did manage to fill up 3 black garden waste trash bags full of clothes for Goodwill. They are sitting in front of my garage door and I plan to take them to a GW drop off tonight. DH is away on business and when he gets back he is going through his clothes and getting rid of some stuff. He has way more clothes than I do :eek:

I did keep two pairs of skinny jeans that I would like to measure my progress with but anything else that doesn't fit at this time is leaving my house.
Karin - Glad to see someone else post. Was beginning to think I was all by my lonesome.

Anyway I didn't get to do anything major yesterday, but did box up some song books & cd's that I have been meaning to send to my SIL.
Linda - yes, it has been quiet here, hasn't it? Honestly, I probably won't be doing much decluttering during the week because I just don't have the time. I was happy to get something done last night.
Hello Everyone,

I have been so inspired and motivated by your hard work! I have been wanting to de-clutter for awhile but having trouble getting going. It can all seem so overwhelming.

I would like to join your group and see if that helps me get going.
Okay, today's were not big projects but definitely very important. I excavated the top of my microwave (who knew it was white:p) and I clear off the kitchen window sill (WoW! what an improvement!).

I also managed to get DS (7) in on the action, he has been putting in 15 minutes a day on his room. Not everyday, but it's getting better. Today he cleared the top of his dresser which has been covered for eons.:D
Welcome Laura!

I'm impressed that you guys are doing this during the week! I'm pretty much confining my de-cluttering to the weekends. I like having the kids help--it makes it go so much faster. I'll use the weekdays to deliver unwanteds to their new home.

Should I start a new check in tomorrow? What do you all think?
Hi everbody! Dear Jonahnah gently reminded me that I forgot to check in here! LOL I said I need to declutter my BRAIN first! :p

Real quick, as I only have a minute. I haven't done a whole lot, BUT.....I do have a free weekend (meaning NO BASKETBALL GAMES), so I have big plans for my kitchen cabinets, my bedroom closet, our game closet and my extra hall (linen) closet!!!

I PROMISE I'll check in tomorrow! So, YES, Jonahnah, start a check in on Saturday!

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Okay, today I did the top of my refrigerator which led to three cabinets being decluttered. I also prepared to packages to go to the post office that have been sitting here for a while. And now I am working on cathing up on all my paperwork which is a declutter project in itself.
I just finished all the albums up to Christmas!!!
PLEASE start a new ckeck in tomorrow!!!

I have some good ideas and hints.

Kudos Linda on all your work
Welcome Laura
Gayle- get on the stick woman!!!!

I am ready for the crapbook stuff now that all the pics are in albums. Yikes, I might have to take this project a few days at a time. Anybody need scrapbook paper and stuff????
Hi, thanks for being so welcoming...

So yesterday I did the 'junk drawer' in the kitchen, and today I filled a laundry basket of clothes/shoes to take to goodwill. I am thinking of tackling one room at a time and deep cleaning as I go. I will have to pick away at it when I get the time.....

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