Day off

I know this has been discussed several times, but I'd appreciate it again. I'm wondering the benefits of a rest day. I'm in college, and feeling in control of my workouts is important to me, especially since I'm unable to do the exercise of my choice (videos). Unfortunately, I feel like a slacker if I take a day off, which effects my homework, and everything else. Thanks for the help Cathe and whoever else responds. It has been a long time since I've been to the forum.

Thanks for responding, but I have a hard time understanding what difference 1 day out of 6 hard working days makes. Thanks again for any explainations.
Hi Heather,

I think if you find you cannot take a day off without it affecting the rest of your life so much, that you need to assess what's going on. You should be able to take off one day a week without having such drastic consequences. I'm very concerned about you and your question suggests to me that your problem goes a little deeper than just taking a day off from exercise. If there is some way I can be of help to you, please let me know.
Days Off


When I take a day or two off from my workouts, I perform better and feel much stronger when I return to them. I think you can be at risk for injury if you workout too strenuously too often.

I used to be the same way about workouts as you, and I still feel a "little guilt" but I remind myself that my body needs the rest and recovery and that rest is part of overall wellbeing.

Hope this helps a little

Do a stretch tape

If you feel guilty taking a day off then why don't you do a nice stretch tape. You will be doing something for your body and it will still be resting. This way you won't feel like you aren't doing anything. I know how you feel and that is what I would do.
Me too, Mandy

I just love doing stretch and/or yoga tapes on my days off. I really feel like it's a gift to my body when I do. I also used to feel guilty taking more than one day off per week, and I felt like superwoman when I worked out 7 days per week, but I know now that my body needed a break. So now I work out usually 6 days a week, and sometimes on the 7th I'll do a stretch tape. I feel like I can really work harder with my other workouts when I incorporate rest into my schedule.
Recovery Days

I call them recovery days & use them between very intense or long duration exercise days. I actually take 2 per week. One, on Monday is active recovery where I do exercise at a very low intensity (no weights). Later in the week, I take a full recovery day.

I also do a stretching or non-athletic yoga workout on recovery days.

I too am a bit compulsive about exercise. The recovery days are enabling me to get better results from my workouts. I can't believe how much stronger I feel when I'm winding up a workout.

Thanks SO much to everyone who has posted. I'm starting my rest day today with a yoga video, then I'll probably take a full day off next week. I really REALLY appreciate all your replies. I really needed the motivation to take a break-ha! Silly! Any more responses are appreciated, too. Thanks again!
Go for a walk

I feel like junk if I don't do a little something with my body each day. I'll either stretch, or preferably, go for a walk and talk with my hubby. Even a few blocks seems to make a difference. A short stroll would make a nice study break, too!

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