Darn that Beachbody!!


Hi guys!!
While waiting for Cathe's new videos to come out, I broke down and ordered Power 90X from Beachbody. I'm excited to try the program and after WEEKS of waiting it finally arrived. HOWEVER - instead of the nice, compact DVD holder I was expecting, they sent me the VHS instead!!! :(
Now I know this is kind of annoying of me to complain, but hey, if you spend that much money on something you should get what you ordered!!
Here's my dilemma - I'm really really eager to get started on this! I don't want to send it back and wait ANOTHER 4-5 weeks or more for Beachbody to get their act together and send it to me!!! And I lose shipping and handling both ways.
Another option would be for me to order the DVDS, then return the VHS, but again that's 3-4 weeks.
Does anyone have a recommendation for me? If you have the DVD set, is it worth it? Do you think I should return the VHS? Usually I do just go through my DVDs straight through, but are there good options that are available through the DVDs that wouldn't be through the VHS?

Thanks so much for any advice!!!!
The same happened to me. It took over a month for me to receive the order, but the trade for the DVD's took about 4-5 days. I think the DVD's are worth the wait. The exercises are chaptered so you can skip though certain excersises if you want. I may want to do just biceps and not biceps and back. Also, you save quite a bit of space on your shelf.
Susan C.M. :D
There are really no extras on the DVDs, but as Susan said they are wonderfully chaptered so that you can skip an exercise if you want. The other nice thing (which may also be on the VHS) is that AbRipperX is included on all the strength DVDs, so when you're done with your workout, it just goes onto ARX, so no switching of DVDs is necessary.
I would get the DVDs. I know if something's wrong with the order they will use FEDex to ship them to you.

I just got my DVDs yesterday and they look awesome!
I'd get the dvds, if for no other reason than that they take up less room on the shelf lol

I do have to say that their order form defers to vhs and the place to select dvds isn't super obvious. I guess that's why this happened to so many people. I had just ordered the set two weeks ago and got to the very end with the confirmation and realized that my order was for vhs. I was lucky in spotting it so quickly. I called the next day and they changed the order for me. Even better, I received the package yesterday -less than two full weeks since I ordered! I'm impressed~
Karen :)
Thanks everyone for your advice! I called beachbody and they will FedEx the DVD set to me. I'm sure I will be happy to have the chapering!
Ruppie, if you ordered DVDs you have paid for DVDs and therefore Beachbody nor you should think it's okay to stick with the VHS tapes you didn't ask for. Ring them up, give them what for, and tell them it's their mistake and they'd better send you your DVDs right away else you are going to raise hell and report them.
- Lisa :)
The same thing happened to me - I got the VHS instead of the DVD's. When I called beachbody - they gave me an RMA # to ship back the VHS and with in a day or so I had an email saying my shipment had gone out. I received the DVD's within 4-5 days, and before they had gotten the VHS back. Much quicker than the original shipment.

And I have to give some props to Beachbody too! The second night I had my DVD's - all tucked in the original shipping box - my lab puppy got mad at me - and in the middle of the night - chewed up 10 rolls of toilet paper and the P90X shipping box and destoyed 9 out of the 12 DVD's!!! Needless to say - I was devastated!!! But Beachbody has agreed to send me another set for FREE!!! The manuals are still in great shape - and I was afraid I was going to have to buy a whole new set. I havent received them back yet - but I am anxiously awaiting them so I can get started.

I almost sent the puppy back with the DVD's too :)

I received the VHS instead of the DVDs, too. I had heard several people mention this, so I was especially careful to be sure I ordered DVDs, but customer service said I had ordered VHS.

I received terrific customer service, and I had my DVDs in my hands in a little over a week after I returned the VHS, but I'm wondering if others who had this problem were reimbursed for shipping the VHS back? I'm not going to complain about it. It's nothing to get my feathers ruffled over, but I'm curious (okay--nosey).


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