Damage Control

That total body with one dumbbell sounds great. I love when I don't need a lot of equipment and there are lots of compound moves. Heavy, short, and sweet! I did a 20 minute lower body workout yesterday of lunges, squats, and step ups. Some days I just feel like shorter workouts! Today is just walk and I've moved upper body to Tuesdays after work. So I'm basically at Tuesday and Saturday for upper and Thursday and Sunday for lower. Works for now. I have some things coming in September-girls wine tour and book club on Sundays so might switch back to three full body workouts those weeks.

My SI joint tends to get "sore". I then do my stretches and it feels better. Your issue probably is all related since everything is connected. Let me know how you make out. DH is feeling better in the groin on the anti inflammatory so hopefully there's not a new hernia and he doesn't need surgery again.

We talked to DS2 last night. He's being transferred to the home office of his company in LA-so that's where they are moving. He'll go in mid October he said. His girlfriend's family is all moving to Denver so maybe they will end up there someday? I think we're staying put here for a while.

Don't work too hard this week!

I'm in a training class this week T-TH. It sure makes for long days. Honestly it is so hard to learn so much at one time. I can't remember all this stuff.

I was able to do lower body weights at lunch. It was nice to lift again. Sunday I just pulled weeds and mowed the lawn. Yesterday I had a haircut appt at lunch. Tomorrow will probably the short RWH UB CST. It's probably all I will have time for. Not sure about Thursday. I'll have to see how the training class goes.

I'm so sick of the heat. It was so nice being in the mountains and away from work and the heat.

Hope you have a great week!
Today is my off Friday. It was nice to sleep in. I woke up at 7:15. I love waking up in the 7's. It's been a pretty lazy day. It is raining all weekend, but the temps are nice and cool. Just can't really do anything outside.

Today I did STS 2.0 UB2. I didn't get around to until this afternoon though. At least I got it in. I followed it up some abs.

What are you up to? How was your week?
My week was good. I got walks in every day and did an upper body workout on Tuesday after work and a lower body on Thursday. Our 33rd anniversary was on Friday. We made a nice dinner and of course marveled at how young everyone looked in our wedding album. It's been weirdly damp and humid, but cooler temps here. My hair hates that weather! I'm glad it's a bit shorter.

We're watching soccer this weekend and doing usual chores around the house. I've still got 9 hours of my book for book club to read. The latest fairy tale is about seals-seal skins, seal souls. It's written by a Jungian psychologist and gets pretty deep into the psyche and letting your natural, wild psyche with all its intuition and feelings lauded. I can usually read for about 20 minutes and then take a break to digest it and clean or something before going back for more.

Glad you had Friday off and could sleep in! Have a great weekend.

Yesterday I did a cardio/leg circuit. I haven't been getting in much cardio except for all the walking I did on vacation. Today I did RWH CST and abs#2. Not sure what I will do for the rest of week. I just alternate UB and LB and try to throw in some abs. I'm trying to be more consistent with core work since that is a problem area for me. Oh the girls and I went to see the Barbie movie yesterday. They had already seen it but I hadn't. I was happy to have them come with me.

Today is just some laundry and grocery shopping. I love my long weekends.

Happy Anniversay!!!! Our 35th is coming up next month. My hair does not like the humidity either. Your book sounds pretty tough to get through.

Hope you have a great week.
One of my favorite Cathe's was Cardio leg blast on the X-train series. I miss it! Doing legs is always somewhat cardio for me because the program I'm using has between 30-60 seconds of work and then 15-30 seconds "rest". My heart rate gets up for most of the time. Today was leg day for me. Monday we ended up going to the gym since the weather was terrible-rain all day. I walked on the treadmill and hated it. I got my steps in, but much prefer outside. Next time I'll just do the pool.

What did you think of Barbie? I liked it-good message about gender equality for sure. And fun to see Barbie "in real life". I thought it was such a unique concept for a movie. Do you feel like it was aimed at an older generation (like us)? Did the twins like it? Did they play with Barbie's? I did when I was small so I got a lot of the references. Is Barbie still a hot toy for young girls? I need grandchildren! I digress...I don't really need them-just want them! You are so fortunate to have yours.

I've had a good week. I'm pretty content in the life I'm living. I'm glad I'm speaking with my parents again. Aaron is settling in with his life and his girlfriend and seems really happy. Chris-happy in his own way. He's still working from home and keeps to himself. I'm really trying to not talk to him about things I worry about for him and it seems better.

Off to get my hair trimmed. I'm going to keep it shoulder length with layers and no bangs.

It's been an okay week so far. Mon I did RWH legs, Tuesday I walked 3+ miles around the lakes. I wasn't feeling very well yesterday so I didn't do anything. I was just very tired and feeling run down. I feel much better today, perhaps because I took the day off and got to sleep in. I'll be doing RWH BSB and abs in a bit. I took a few days off to extend the Holiday weekend and my birthday too. I always take my birthday off.

Honestly, Barbie wasn't my favorite movie but the message was good. I didn't play with Barbies when I was young and I'm not sure about the girls. Yes, I definitely feel blessed to have 2 granddaughters! They will be 16 in January and all they want to do is get their driving permits. Who knows when their parents will let that happen.

I too worry about my youngest son. He is such an introvert. He does have a few friends but they are all introverts too. I think if he moved out he might become more outgoing, but I don't know for sure.

The workout yesterday was named Mega Full Body Buy In. It is one of my favorites and a toughie. I do every third week or so when I want to switch things up. Today I finally got RWH BSB and abs #1.

We are getting ready to head out to my birthday lunch and to throw axes afterwards. It sounds fun. All but my youngest is coming. He's raiding or something (gaming). I'm fine with that. My middle and youngest sons do not get along very well so it's for the best.

DH made fajitas last night for dinner and they were delicious. I made brownies for my birthday dessert and added in chocolate and butterscotch chips. They were so good.

How was your week? Do you have any weekend plans?

Happy Birthday! How was the axe throwing? I have never tried that, but know someone here at work who does it quite often. Just watching soccer, working out, walking, and regular weekend chores. Been sleeping really well and getting up between 6-7 every day. I stopped taking my anxiety med and am getting through the brain withdrawal. I decided I don't need it any more and we'll see how it goes!

Still plugging through the book club book about women and wolves. Current chapter is rather dull-it's about one's creative life and how women all need to create. It's hard to relate to except that I feel I should be more creative-so of course it's making me feel bad since I don't create a whole lot. We should have an interesting discussion for sure when we meet next month-if anyone else is reading it!

Off for an early morning walk and then Liverpool is on at 9!

Enjoy the end of summer/beginning of fall!

Speaking of axe throwing-a business for that just opened at the mall near me. I saw it advertised. It's an hour away, so I don't know how soon we'll get there, but it's on my list to try!

How was your weekend? I went on a birthday bash/wine tour yesterday to celebrate one of my girlfriend's 50th. It was fun and so nice to see her and meet some of her other friends. We don't live real close, but have kept in touch since she changed jobs.

Other than that we've just been doing regular weekend stuff. It's been cool and humid with torrential downpours thrown in for fun.

Have a good week!

I haven't worked out since last Wednesday. I wasn't feeling well on Thursday or Friday. Saturday I made desserts to take my niece's baby shower. She had a barbeque for all of us and it was really nice. Nothing for Sunday or Monday.

Today I'm seeing my foot dr. I still have a lot of pain in my foot and the dorsiflexion issue. I'm hoping she says it's normal. I know the swelling is normal, can last up to a year. Just tired of my foot hurting all the time.

We are having cooler temps, in the 70's. That will make it nice for evening walks around the lakes. I think I will start back with UB and LB workouts to get back to it. I wish RWH had an UB/LB split. The workout length on those discs really work for me. I should also get back on the bike and rower. So much to do, so little time.

The wine tour sounds fun. It's always nice catching up friends.

It has been a very busy week. On top of that I've been on call for work and I'm not feeling well. I had to work last not and was woke up this morning due to issues from last night. I'm so tired.

I walked around the lakes a few times this week and that is it as far as exercise. My energy is pretty low and I'm just feeling run down. My left ear hurts and I have a sore throat, but I don't really feel bad enough to go to the Dr.

I did see my foot surgeon though because I my foot hurts a lot more than I think it should at this point. The surgery site itself looks good, but the sesamoid bones did not heal properly. One of the options is to remove one of the sesamoid bones. Where the pain is looks lik there was an injury there at some point like maybe I dropped something on my foot. She can also see I have some arthritis. I'm going to start with a better orthotic for now. I don't really want another surgery.

Tomorrow is our 35yr anniversary. We are staying at hotel tomorrow night and have massages already scheduled. I took Monday off work.

How was your week? Do you have any weekend plans.

I had a long week last week. Monday I started with a sore throat and swollen glands. By Wednesday I had a negative covid test but felt terrible-headache, weak, tired, runny nose, cough. Thursday was just sick all day and by Saturday I was finally on the upswing. DH of course started feeling it Sunday so I guess it's his turn this week.

Glad you found out why your foot keeps hurting. Too bad about the sesamoid bones. DH's hernia site is probably going to need repaired again. The bulge continues to happen and it's not a muscle issue. I can understand why you wouldn't want more surgery.

Let's hope for a better workout week for both of us!

Happy 35 anniversary!

I've really been struggling with sleep and low energy lately. I haven't had the energy for a good weight workout in a few weeks. I have been walking though, seems that is the only thing I have energy for. Last night I did take melatonin and slept all night. It was great to have a full nights sleep.

Due to working on Saturday, I will be done with work at 10am this morning and am off tomorrow. I plan on 4 days of workouts! Today and tomorrow is a leg split. Today is quads and tomorrow is hamstrings. I'm thinking of using STS (orginal) for UB and my heavy weight from the other platform for legs.

How has your week been? Are you feeling better now?
I am feeling much better! I got an upper body workout in on Monday, but since then have just walked. Thursday was just a long walk due to doctor appointments for DH. Fortunately his intestinal track is not part of the hernia so it's a wait and see what happens. If it gets to where it's too uncomfortable the surgeon said she would do an open surgery to repair, not laparoscopic like she did the first time. His second appointment was spur of the moment and he was diagnosed with a thrombolytic hemorrhoid. This should either reabsorb on its own or burst and bleed and some point. So that was good news.

I need to get some good workouts in this weekend. I don't really know what I feel like doing yet. I know I want to walk and consider that total body since I wear the vest. I also added my 3 pound weights to my backpack so am getting extra when I walk to work. I'll either do total body today and Monday or do lower, upper, lower. I did buy a contraption on Amazon that will hopefully help my glute/hamstring work. Here's a link to it: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C5WY7B1S?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details. I need to try it out and hope to start with my 25's attached.

I'm sorry sleep is eluding you. I know how draining that can be. Using Melatonin once in a while is very helpful.

Did I tell you we are planning a trip to London in October? We're leaving 10/5 and will get there 10/6. On 10/8 we're seeing the Arsenal/Man City game. DS2 and his girlfriend are meeting us there on Friday. I'm beyond excited to see them! Following the match, on Monday the 9th DH and I are flying to France to the Bordeaux area for 3 days of wine tours and walking. We fly back to the US on 10/13. DH has done a great job planning all the travel and lodging.

Have a great long weekend!

Well I didn't get in the workouts I wanted, but I have been walking. M-T were all day meetings. I was exhausted on Monday, but did go walk 3.5 miles after work yesterday. The rotation I'm loosely following calls for Back today. I feel like I'm having too many days of not working out. It seems your ub/lb split is the better way to go.

You'll have to let me know what you think of the belt. I just use my barbell for thrusts. I've looked at these bands before, but my barbell works fine. WeightedBand

Oh my gosh, your trip to London sounds amazing. Wine tours and walking are just a bonus. I'm looking forward to hearing all about it.

I've been busy getting ready this weekend for our trip. We leave on Thursday! DS2 is helping with the cats which is a big relief. I have been focusing on 3 total body weight workouts a week. Sometimes for just 30 minutes and sometimes an hour-depends how much energy I have. I have yet to try my new belt. DH and I are just trying to not hurt ourselves before we go!

Have a great week!

I hope you have a wonerful time!!

My neighbor left today on a European vacation and will return on the 22nd. The girls and I will be taking care of her birds.

I took today off so I could take DH to his colonoscopy appt. Although he followed the instructions, they did not perform the procedure. He is beyond mad after going through the prep. The instructions indicate to stop chewing gum, hard candy and chewing tobacco 2 hours before the procedure. Well he chewed tobacco this morning between 4:30 and 5am....well outside of the 2 hour window. His appt wasn't until 10am. Not sure he will ever go back after this. The anesthesiologist said it was risk so he will need to reschedule. He is going to send an email and let them know how angry he is and that they need to update the instructions. I'm not sure if it is due to his procedure being done at the hospital or not. The appt is through the Gastroenterologists but the procedure was being done at the hospital. Mine was through the same dr.s, but was not performed at a hospital.

Yesterday I did full body weights with some cardio thrown in with skipping and swings. It was nice to sweat a little. I think tomorrow will be UB and abs.

Again, enjoy your vacation. Looking forward to hearing all about it.

I am so sorry Dave went through the prep and then didn't have the procedure done. So annoying. I had one good prep and satisfactory colonoscopy and then one bad prep and they said I would need to do it again. That was five years ago and I ended up just doing the FIT test. I was mad as well. If/when I ever do it again I'm asking for the super duper prep to be sure I'm ready. It's so hard to talk someone into one in the first place, you would think the prep (and instructions) would be perfect. Give him some time, maybe he'll do it in a year? Dan does the Cologuard every 3 years. Who knows-maybe AI can come up with something!

Our trip was amazing. We traveled Thursday into Friday and got to London around 2. We got to see Paddington Station and went to a pub just to people and pigeon watch-there are pigeons everywhere in England and France. We took a long walk that afternoon and had dinner that night at another pub. Aaron and Shiv did not get into the hotel until after 9, so we went to bed and met up with them on Saturday. It was sad not to see him that night, but we were beat and could not stay up any later.

Saturday we toured SoHo-which is on the old hunting grounds of Henry VIII. Hence the term to go hunting-So-Ho. It was a cool area with lots of rock history (Beatles, Bowie I recall), artsy attractions like theaters, and there was a doctor there who studied the cholera outbreak and was able to save a lot of people by figuring out the cholera was from a town well. We then went on an Indian food tour on Brick Lane-for 3 hours! I love Indian food and Shiv is an Indian American. Aaron got to try some new foods and discovered he actually likes some! Shiv's mom is Indian and cooks primarily Indian so this was good for their relationship.

Sunday we went to an immersive art experience that showed famous paintings from different art periods-abstract, impressionism-with music and digital movement. Pretty cool and I got a lot of neat pictures. That afternoon was the soccer match and the team we wanted to win, did!

We said our good byes that night and got up at 3:30 to fly to Bordeaux. It was a beautiful area. We just walked around Bordeaux that day and admired all the medieval buildings and streets. Tuesday and Wednesday were visits to Chateaus-one has been in the same family for 500 years. Some in the Medoc region have been bought by Insurance companies. Wednesday included St. Emilion-little medieval town with a really old Catholic church-just beautiful.

Thursday and Friday we traveled back to London and got home Friday night. I must say-it's getting harder and harder to travel-feeling cramped in your seat, figuring out the logistics. It was a lot of hurry up and then wait! But it's worth it. Dan did a great job with the planning. It's nice to be home! Before we left I just walked and yesterday I did my first weights in October! I'm going back to two upper and two lower a week for a while.

How are things with you? Covid is back in the mix here. One of the ladies in book club e-mailed that she and her husband got it. My office finally got the latest boosters in so I'm hoping to get it this week.

Catching up with housework and laundry this weekend. Been going to bed early. Dan has been waking up at 4 AM. We need to get back on schedule!

I saw a few pics on FB, it looks like you had an awesome time!!!

I was able to w/o 5 times per week in the past 2 weeks. It feels good to finally get back on track. This week I worked out on Sun, walked 3.5 miles on Monday and Tuesday after work. I was in training classes again and couldn't get away for my normal workout. Today I did legs-hamstring focused. Tomorrow morning I have a follow up appt with my dr. to go over my blood work. My cholesterol is slightly elevated. Hopefully she doesn't think I need medication. I just hate taking something that I will have to take for the rest of my life, I'm already on thyroid medication.

Not much going on here. The girls were gone this past weekend with their Mom and they went to see the Taylor Swift Movie. They said it is just the recorded concert from SOFI stadium. I thought there would be more behind the scenes stuff. I thought I might want to see it but I don't think so.


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