Morning Ladies -
had a SWEAT FEST last night - wow - it was hot in class - but I did reg mish mosh - I had a return student this week (
was a regular but had kids and has missed for 9 - 10 years) - she sent me the SWEETEST email this morning - first complaining of having a "falling onto the potty kinda day"
ya been there for sure!!! But said she LOVED the class and has missed it - and that I havent changed a bit since she has been gone - my body hasnt changed in 20 years
OMG ..
I NEEDED THAT SO BAD - that just made my day!!
Lori - good deals ystdy - my cyber shopping spree sent me coupons for $20 off next purchase .. OH YA I DID - LOL I got me two more tops and a new bikini!!
Di - hoping for good news on the shoudler - it sounds like a tendon problem
hoping for maybe just tendonitis tho!!! let us know what the doc says! i checked out the Duncan diet - that is the one that Kate Middleton followed before her wedding - GMA just did a story on it - wasnt a RAVE review either
I am all for more protein - but ALL PROTIEN one day once a week
ummmmmmm dont think I could do it w/o a fruit or a carb thrown in!!!
Wendy -I dont think I could do a diet that restricts whole food groups either!!! I dont know details of diet - but from the bit I have read sounds mostly HIGH protien and no/limited carbs!!!
OK .. I have a luncheon to go to today - have ordered a litely blackened grouper and salad
... no workout at lunch - but tonight is PLYO!!!!! woot woot!!!
have a GREAT day!!!