Damage Control May Month :)

Wow!:eek: Pretty quiet around here!

Yesterday's workout was 25 mins on the spin bike and MM. The only thing that is sore is my shoulders!

We had a few friends over last night and I was really late going to bed! 2 was when my head hit the pillow and it wasn't a pleasant night. The baby was up again before 4 and 6 and I got up at 8. I managed to get enough energy to run 16 k though....my longest yet. And then I crashed! Just woke up from a 90 mins nap. I feel good now and I should make it through the day without chewing anyone up.

Wendy** How was Joey's party? Parties are a lot of work these days....and so much money!:eek: It's crazy how much money we sink into these things. Hope he enjoyed it to the fullest!

Diana** Have you done much training this weekend? There is a race here this weekend and after running 16k today, I would have felt comfortable enough to do the half mary but we are having the baby christened this weekend so that won't be happening. I can't be in two places at once!

Laura** Hope you are enjoying your weekend!

It's a holiday here tomorrow so I am likely to run outside again while DH watches the boys. My time is getting short! He leaves in 21 days:(

BB tomorrow!

Good Morning:).....(talking to myself again):p. How are you fools gonna keep me company when DH is away if you aren't even around!:eek:

Leaning towards another run outside today. It's a holiday here so I have no where to go and no schedule to stick to. I wouldn't mind doing some UB weights as well.

I will bbl!
Lori :)
Good Morning.

Sorry I've been MIA Lori. Unusually busy weekend here. We had our son's Birthday party on Saturday and yesterday after Church and the gym we were out and about all afternoon enjoying the nice weather. I was exhausted by late afternoon both days. :eek: But I must say that I am happy that someone else now knows how it feels to TALK TO HERSELF coz she is the only one posting around here!:p:D LOL

My upper body is SORE from lotsa push ups and pull ups in y'day's work out! I had DH do Cathe's drop set of push ups from Gym Styles as the opener for our work out at the gym y'day. Then we moved into 4 sets of pull ups and chest and back were DONE! ;) We are both feelin' it this morning! Wow! :eek:

Today's work out plan is yoga this morning followed by a run at the gym once DH gets home from work later.

Di:: The dessert recipes you posted links to sound delish! I'll have to try them some time! :9

Guess that's all for now.

Hi Ladies,

I had a busy weekend. Took Jerod for his football physical on Sat. morning. Made lunch for my Brawler teammates and we decorated shirts and went through our clues in the afternoon. Sunday was the Brawler, our team came in 5th out of 14, pretty darn good for us. We joked that the teams that came in ahead of us were 20 years younger and 20lbs lighter!:p

I think I will hit the gym today for some UB weights and abs. Maybe I should do legs today and UB tomorrow. Decisions, decisions...

Lori-sorry we were all MIA this weekend. Sounds like you are back to your prepreggo activities and going strong! What holiday is today? You Canadians have a lot of holidays! No tri-training this weekend, just the Brawler, similar to the amazing race. We were a team of 4 and 2 people had to be on the course for each leg of the race, which included running or biking.

Wendy-you were busy all weekend too! Bet Joey got a ton of Birthday Loot!!

Laura-Did you come home a winner??? Hope so!

Good Morning.:)

Y'day's work out was 10 minutes of jump rope, 10 minutes of hooping and 35 minutes of long and lean yoga in the a.m. followed by a 35 minutes (this includes a 5 min w/u and 3 min c/d) hill walk/flat run in the evening at the gym + abs.

Today remains to be seen. My u/b is still very sore so it could very possibly be a lower body focused day which means no yoga and no Bob as I had originally planned... :(

Diana:: We had this for dinner last night. It was very good! Beef and Vegetable Potpie Recipe | MyRecipes.com
You gals sure did a great job in the Brawler!!! No no you are saying it wrong! The people you BEAT are the ones that are 20 yrs younger and 20 pounds lighter! ;) I always say I could probably run circles around most of today's 20 somethings! :D

Morning Ladies,

I need to get my w/o on soon and can't figure out what short w/o to do...UGH.....I hate not having a plan. Tonight is run/swim...and the temp is supposed to be 94.:mad: I hate running in the heat. Wow, what a whiner today.

Wendy-I bookmarked that recipe, it looks delicious. I might use stew beef instead though. The race was a lot of fun. There is a big one in Denver, The Great Urban Race. Actually they are in a lot of different cities.

Hi Lori & Laura....off to get my body moving!

I'm back. :)

I decided to go for it with lower body today so I did STS Legs D9 in full (inclouding bonus) plus STS Extended Stretch. Um yeah...gonna feel that one tmrw...maybe even later today!!!!:eek:

Diana:: So what work out did you decide on? I used ground beef in the recipe. Not sure if that's what they meant by ground sirloin but I love ground beef so I don't really care! LOL Let me know how you like it if you try it!

Hi ladies,

I did the BR w/o from yesterday...and it kicked my butt!!! I used a 25#KB for the swings and a 30# barbell for most everything else. It was tough but I'm glad I did it.
BODYROCK.tv | Fitness Advice, Workout Videos, Health & Fitness | Bodyrock.tv

Wendy-Nice w/o today girl. I'm actually considering doing another round of STS. I still have P90X2 to do and I haven't done all of the Asylum w/o's either. This tri-training is taking up most of my time. I think after the tri is done I'm going to do P90X2/Asylum hybrid rotation....then STS 3 month rotation. Ground sirloin is ground beef, I'm just going to use stew meat instead. Something a little more hearty for my boys!


MAn sorry I have been MIA too!! HELLUVA weekend and MON -:confused: :( :mad: - I have had , fun, stress, drama, BSdrama caused by DUMB@$$ person, worry, work stress, eye migraine since SAT, and NO workouts to report -sigh! :confused: :mad::mad::mad: only good news .. kidney stone has cooperated thru all that!!!

Today I woke to find my body has chiggers all over .. :confused::confused::mad::mad::mad: OMG .. really???? i cant catch a break?????? If you dont know what chiggers are .. they are bugs that bite ... get them from the woods ... cant see them .. but they itch worse than mosquito bites!! I hope I dont scar bad from them .. @#$!%#$%@#$%

Wendy - glad Joey had a great party - saw the pic of him dressed up for school - HANDSOM kiddo!!!!

Di - CONGRATS on placing 5th ... WTG!!!!!!that sounds like sooo much fun!!!!

Lori - wow talk about getting your running legs back quickly .. girl .. WTG ...

OK.. it is busy .. and we are STILL shorthanded .. hoping to get some sort of workout in today .. hoping a run.. even tho dont need to get hot b/c of the bites :mad: but I NEED the stress release and for sure need to burn some major calories .. i have been baaaad!!!

Have a great one!
Good Morning Girls:)

Terrible night...won't go there...but happy its morning and that its over. If the baby doesn't wake me then another child does. From 2:30-5 I was all over the house:mad:

Yesterday was a busy day b/c DS had two appts jammed into one. I don't like it when his therapy appts are on the same day b/c he usually loses interest by the time the 2nd one rolls around. It was really hot here yesterday so I waited until last night to run and it was still to hot. I did a good pace though, I'm getting that back pretty quickly. And the good news is I am below 130 this morning:D I only have 3 lbs to go! Its suppose to rain today but I am hoping to get out with the baby before that all starts.

I have to get DS ready for preschool but I will come back and catch up!

DH went to work to unlock the doors...suppose to come back and get DS but he is still here:confused: Guess he isn't going to preschool after all and Im not going for my run. My parents are in town though so I am hoping my mom will offer to watch the kids so I can run:D If not I am leaning towards a run circuit after lunch.

Wendy** How is the running going? Sometimes its like riding a bike and other times it sucks the life out of ya! Its amazing how fast the body adapts to its old ways. I learned that after this pregnancy.

Diana** Sounds like you had a fun weekend. I guess we do have alot of holidays here! LOL Next one is Canada Day...July 1st. DH will be away then so I guess I will have to enjoy it with his family. Time is getting short now.

Laura** Sorry to hear your Monday wasn't the best. Im all confused cause Monday was a holiday so I felt like yesterday was Monday....half way through the week already. Hopefully the rest of the week will be better!

Ok....I will probably check back in later. We aren't going to far today if anywhere. I have the baby's christening this weekend and I need to figure out what I am going to make. If its something in the dessert area, I can get that made soon and freeze it.

Good Morning...

OMG I am sore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek:

Last night I ended up going to the gym for a run at the last minute..I did ITread 20 minutes #1 and it felt great! :)

Just finished today's work out...30 minutes of Bob's Body Rev Cardio Conditioning + all of Baron Baptiste's Journey Into Power 2 yoga dvd. Good stuff. :D

Time to shower eat, and head out to take care of a couple things...

BBL for personals!:cool:

Morning Ladies ..

soooo my ystdy was crappy too - not only do chiggar bites keep popping up .. ggggrrr ... had an issue w/the new contact lens i put on GOOD eye - long story short ..it had a defect - SCRATCHED my eye - and now it is all infected and "gunky" :(:(:( :mad::mad::mad: yes the GOOD eye - I did manage a run - 5 miles - 53 min ystdy but my stupid eye had gunk and crap pouring from it - my lens got blurred and gunky so last 1/2 mile or so I couldnt see CRAP .. remember this was GOOOD eye .. w/o it I am BLIND!!! ya .. INTERSTING run!!! running BLIND - literally!!! :confused: I have eye apnt tmrw for the OTHER bad eye .. so I guess I will hold off till then .. I woke up and my lids were stuck/gunked together .. GGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Lori - it was hot ystdy - 90 or so - but not that bad - the rest of the week is to linger around that 90 degree mark w/sun :cool: should be a pretty holiday weekend! You certainly have bounced back w/a vengeance from your pregnancy! WTG girl ... WTG!!!!!!

Wendy - I am missing workouts and Cathe workouts .. so I know the DOMS are looming and are in my near future for sure - have you been seeing the pics Cathe has put out of the new workouts - the HARD firewalker bands and 3 layer step .. firewalker Tabata training? :eek: YIKES .. she is gonna kill me!!!

Hello DI ..

ok .. shorthanded still - gotta run .. have a great day .. today is VBF b-day ... she is throwing herself a birthday bash this weekend .. :p ... think she thinks we are incompetant when it comes to party planning .. but hey .. she is like PARTY CENTRAL .. works for me!!!! :p :cool: LOL!! have a great one!
Hi Ladies,

I'm working from home today and have a ton of work to do. It's all testing for this project I'm on.

I did 4DS KB/BC cardio premix this morning and did GS C&T at lunch time. DOMs report in the back, abs and legs. Some of it is due to the BR w/o I did yesterday a.m., the rest is from running hill repeats last night in class. My body felt pretty beat up this morning, but the cardio this morning seems to be helping.

Laura-the chigger bites sound awful! Hope they go away quickly. Oh no, good eye is now bad...yuck. Hope the doc can take care of that quickly. You must be used to that heat, I would die running in 90 degree temps.

Wendy-nice w/o girl! Must be nice having all the time in the world to workout...jealous here for sure.

Lori-you are amazing! I see you are counting down the days to DH's departure. Hopefully the time will fly by for you.

Back to work....bbl
My parents watched the kids so I could workout but I didn't run outside. It was to wet. I did AB mixed in with interval runs on the TM.

Laura** You really aren't having much luck are you! Geez! Hopefully your eyes will be able to see your friends party:p Im sure you will have fun!

Diana** Nice workout. I am counting down the days but not in that kind of way. I am anxious for him to go and get this process started though. In the meantime selling the building is a little bit of a nightmare and I can tell he is stressed out. He was hoping to have some family time/down time before he left but its not looking great!

I will bb in the morning. I don't know what the weather is suppose to be like but DS is def going to preschool!

Good Morning:)

Last night wasn't to bad...only b/c I took DH's advice and put the baby in bed with us:eek: I don't like doing that for numerous reasons, the main one being I don't want to have to break him from it in the coming months but I was so tired that I gave in. His first feeding was at 1:30, so I knew he was going to be up again at 4'ish and as soon as I put him in his crib he started crying again:mad: Of course as soon as he was snuggled in the bed he started snoozing 'er up!:mad::mad: Anyway...it's one of those situations where I think that I will just deal with the consequences later!

Its a sunny day but I don't think its suppose to be overly warm. Either way I will be running outside with the baby this morning. I would also love to do some UB weights even though I did AB yesterday.

I will bbl to report my workout! I may go get the baby weighed later as well but he has to have his needles on Monday so he gets weighed then anyway.

Good Morning Ladies,

Can't decide if I'm working from home or going into the office today. I'm thinking I should go in today and work from home tomorrow.

My body is so sore this morning! That BR w/o earlier this week really worked the legs/shoulders, between the hill repeats and the weighted squat jumps my legs are still sore. The chest is on fiyah from C&T yesterday. May take the morning off since I have ride/swim tonight.

So my favorite summer bootcamp starts in 2 weeks! I'm going to miss the first week since it overlaps with my tri class. I'm also looking into a HM/M running program the rec ctr offers. The class is on T/F from 6-7:30am. It would make me run at the very least those 2 days per week. Decisions, decisions. It sounds like they offer training programs for those training for a specific race.

Lori-We didn't let the kids sleep with us either. You gotta do what you gotta do in order for you to get some sleep though. Enjoy your run today!

Hi Wendy & Laura!
THURS - one step closer to long weekend - woot woot!!

OK ... sooo no workout due to STUPID stupid eye - it got worse as day progressed .. I took off lenses worse glasses .. it is not hurting as bad this morning .. woke again to eyelids glued shut .. but I managed to get lenses on .. i have massive errands to run at lunch and I just dont see as well in glasses dont like driving in them .. this afternoon I will go to the dr and see WTH is up w/my eyes!!! HOPING .. against hope .. that i may fit in a run . . yes BLIND . b/c I will be dilated .. but I know I prbly wont b/c I usually get massive head ache from all the poking and prodding they do w/the dilation .. ugh

Lori - sleeping w/the baby is a bad habit to start .. BUT hey .. you gotta get some sleep .. sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do!!! Think I would be doing the same!!!

Di - I know how you love your bootcamp classes .. when is the tri that you are gonna do??? girl you should be Miss Fit USA as much and as hard as you been training!

Wendy - I know I am jealous of all the time you have been having to exercise.. I WOULD LOVE to have some extra time .. but i NEED my pay check .. LOL .. I would love to add on some extra yoga like you have been doing .. man I NEED that bad!!!

OK .. beter run .. got a million things to do .. have to take my mother for a "proceedure" tmrw - hoping that goes well ... I am taking family leave .. hope I am not at hospital ALL day tho!!! i am taking my computer .. so I will check in w/you guys .. work out for your southern friend that seems to be falling apart at the seams!! LOL

have a great one!;)
Hello Ladies.

Well this morning I went straight to the gym after dropping DS off at school. I arrived at 8:05am wearing my running sneakers with ipod in hand all set to do an ITread when I noticed how nice and empty the gym was sooooo I decided to face my fears and try and do an upper body weight work out all by myself there! I DID IT! :D And I am proud to say that I kicked azz at it too! I am FRIED!!!! :D (yes, I am very excited. I am a dork. I know. :p) I considered jumping on a TM afterwards since my run was going to be short anyway but I had only eaten 2 pieces of fruit prior and didn't want to push too far on so little food so I nixxed the idea. I still intend on getting in about 30 minutes of cardio today...just now sure how yet. ;)

Laura:: Sorry about your eye. :( I hope it's better soon! (((hugs))) I won't always have this kinda time to work out, trust me! I can't stay home forever...even though I might want to! ;) LOL That being said, I am taking advantage of the extra time while I have it. Once I get back to work I'm going to be lost for a while I am sure! :confused:

Diana:: You have always said you are not an early riser. Will you be able to get to a 6am running class? That sounds too early to be out of the house attending a fitness class even for me! :p Like I said to Laura-I am taking advantage of the extra time to work out while I am lucky enough to have it. It won't last forever unfortunately! :(

Lori:: Running is going well. I just started my second round of the 20 minute ITreads this week. I was amazed at how quickly I picked it back up. I thought it was going to be A LOT tougher to get back into then it actually was! I am taking my time increasing my mileage though and right now the shorter runs fit into my schedule perfectly anyway so it works. :) Enjoy your run today and UB weights if you do them. AB is a circuit style work out using light weights so you can do a heavier UB weight work out today if you want. I say GO FOR IT! ;) Plus the fact AB definitely burns up the backside waaaay more then the upper body! :eek: LOL I wish my DH would've let me bring DS into bed with us once in a while...I know it can be a bad idea but once in a while IDT would have had any major negative consequences on anyone...:rolleyes:

Ok off to figure out a cardio to do!!

Hi Girls

DH went back to work again tonight and I am getting the kids in bed. The baby is a sleep and Rylan is watching a tv show. Of course everytime I tell him it's bed time he says he isn't finished eating his second snack yet! He always eat the most at night cause he puts off sleep.

I went for a run this morning and that's all I did. I think I was out for little over an hour. It wasnt the best run. The baby cried for the first 2 k , the wind wasn't fun, I had a stitch and I was running for a while before I realized my watch wasn't on:mad: Hopefully tomorrows run will be better!

Diana** so did you work from home or go in? DD use to sleep with me all the time cause for a while it was just the two of us. It took a while to break her from the habit. Rylan never did get into the habit. He did sleep with me a lot last summer though when DH was fishing and I was throwing up....lol. I can't believe it was a year ago now! So happy that year is over!!! You have some good workouts coming up with all that training!

Wendy** your such a brave girl ;). I can actually see myself doing the same thing. I would stick with what I was comfortable doing, which would be free weights. I don't know what half of those machines are for.

Laura** sorry to hear your eye is still bothering you! Geez! Eyes are right up there with urinary tract infections! Annoying but not overly painful .....but it makes you wanna cry!

I will bb in the morning!


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