Damage Control-June Whole30 Style

Hi Ladies,

I'm so happy it's Friday. I had an ortho apt this morning and they put in my final wire! He said I should be done between October (earliest) and January (latest). That's sounds great to me. My mouth is hurting a lot today though.

No workout to report for yesterday. Seriously, I just wasn't feeling it. Today I did BR Day 7 at lunch, the bonus work was glutes! I'm not sure why I'm losing my w/o mojo.

Whole30 is still going strong. This morning I only had 2 tbsp sunbutter, lunch was 3 eggs on wilted spinach and 2 slices turkey breast. I think dinner will be either salmon or tilapia and roasted cauliflower and broccoli. I have salmon and tilapia so will be using that as my protein source this next week. I'm also making a smoothie (even though it's against their rules), with frozen strawberries and coconut milk. I've been craving something sweet and this is sounding good to me on this 92 degree day.

My new HR monitor arrived last night. I can't seem to get it to charge and sync with the software. I've tried on my laptop and desktop. My laptop is running windows8 and the desktop is running the older version...DH doesn't want to upgrade. So frustrating.

LL-So what did you decide on the car front? Is your hip feeling any better?

Beth-great job on the meals and w/o's!! WooHoo for a smart phone! I got my first one about when DS1 turned 16....all because I couldn't figure out the texting with the numeric key pad..so sad I know! DH is due for a new phone and ATT is running a BOGO on the Galaxy S7. He has the S5, but DS3 and I upgraded to the S6 last year. I think I'll get DH and I new phones...for his birthday!

Tina-wow, I can't believe you can still workout after such a physical job! Way to go!!! You know, cars just don't do it for me. Of course, who wouldn't want a bmw or audi??? With age comes wisdom, and what I drive just isn't that important. Whole30 isn't really that tough. I do miss my chocolate and wine though...especially tonight! I'm definitely adding those back in after the 30 days!

Diana, hang tough! I guess most people quit the 10th or 11th day. Of course it's Friday night and Saturday for us! I had a long day at work and came home wanting to just sit and unwind with a little wine. Instead, DH went to the grocery store for me and got the stuff to make a granola with all whole30 approved items. Is that cheating? I don't know. I just found the recipe and thought I'd try it. Enjoy your smoothie! I read too that our brains are really trying to get us to eat sugar and our bodies are going into fat burning mode soon. Anyway, I had some seltzer water and am good! I did LIHI BSB today and plan on LIHI CST tomorrow.

Hi all!

How was your weekend? I got a bike ride in on Sunday. Whole30 is going fine. Yesterday was prep mania: chicken waldorf salad, spaghetti squash, chopped veggies for scrambles, and cauliflower rice-which btw does not taste like rice at all-it tastes like cauliflower! Off to do an upper body workout-my right hip/hip flexor is sore from biking.

Hi Ladies,

DS1 is all moved in. He's done some rearranging in the basement so he can have a tad of privacy. Our basement is all open, so he asked if he could move some bookcases from the wall to in front of his desk/bed area. We also got the girls signed up for a summer camp. They didn't have many openings but we took what we could. I paid the $1100 up front. I feel we will never get ahead if we continue to support our adult children. Although I'm home, I don't want the girls watching tv all day. DS1 is in charge of finding daycare for the days we couldn't. Of course they can stay here a couple days/week.

Weekend fail-I fell off the whole30 wagon but am back on track today. Not only that, I didn't workout Friday, Saturday or Sunday. Not sure what's going on with me. Perhaps I need a rotation to follow since just winging it isn't working for me. I'm not going to beat myself up over this, just moving forward. I have a meal plan for the next few days. My mouth is finally starting to feel better. Saturday and Sunday were pretty rough.

DH got my HR monitor to charge and I hope to try it out today with CLB. As I was reading the user guide, it sounds like it's similar to my fitbit surge with some additional features. It tracks sleep, and all day activity.

Beth-you are doing amazing, keep up the good work!!! I bought some cranberry lime seltzer water and it tastes like plain water. I squeezed half a lime into it and it made a world of difference! I also made some up some chia pudding as snacks. This week I'm going to eat smaller portions more frequently and see if that helps. According to the Whole30 rules-your granola snacks would be cheating. I don't like the all or nothing "rules". I'm good with a little of something, but if I can't have any then after a bit I will binge...ala what happened this weekend. If I can eat like this 90% of the time, that's good enough for me.

Hi to Tina & LL!

My workout on Friday was RWH CLB and I totally sprained my ankle when I spun around during the box repeaters. The outside of my ankle was the size of a softball. It's still swollen, but the pain is pretty much gone. What a dodo-bird I am. I really didn't even need to be working out after the day I had at the barn in the morning. We did cycle this weekend and I stayed seated for most of it. Just lateral moves seem to hurt it. Tonight will be XT BS B&T. We did CSB on Thursday. I'm not sure what we'll do for the rest of the week. I have Tuesday and Thursday off this week, so I'll probably cycle those two days, give the old ankle a break.

Diana, I missed where your DS1 was moving back home, or did he just go from upstairs to down? How long are the girls in town? All Summer? I think I need to go back and re-read some posts. I hear you on the workout slump. I need a good rotation, but I'm still acclimating to the rigors of stable work. I keep reaching for ICE because it's so body friendly. I wish a nap would count as a workout.

Beth, great job on the cycling! My sister was just asking if my neighbor was a vegetarian, and I said no, just a devout Whole30 person and she let out a long groan. My neighbor needs to be putting on weight, but she keeps losing due to how strictly she follows the program. She's been on it since December. How long are you supposed to follow it for? I'm currently reading All Creatures Great and Small. I don't know how I missed this classic gem!

LL, how is your summer schedule going? Did you purchase a new car yet?
Hi Ladies,

My day started off in the right direction...I started with ICE Lower Body when DH called and interrupted my workout to go make sure DS2 was up. I ended up losing the remote...then I tried to restart my w/o with TV remote and it started it back at the beginning. Needless to say, I did not finish that workout as I had a meeting to attend. At lunch I did CLB from Xtrain with the abs premix....and I found the remote!!!! My new HR monitor is awesome!!!

Tina-DS1 moved home because his apartment lease was up and his roommate also decided to move home-for the summer. It will work out great since the girls will be here from June 22-the end of August. We haven't booked their return flights yet. Take care of your ankle. I printed of the May rotation, it looks promising. As far as whole30, the initial program is 30 days and then you start adding things back in to see how your body responds. You can stay on it indefinitely if you like. You aren't missing any nutrients by eating this way. It's a healthy way of eating. It's just must stricter than I care to be. If she is still losing weight and doesn't need to, then she probably isn't eating enough calories or has some kind of un-diagnosed medical issue. Someone I knew was losing a lot of weight and had always exercised and ate well. It turned out that she had untreated Graves disease. Once she was on medication, her weight stabilized.

breakfast-2 tbsp sunbutter
snack-chia pudding
lunch-3 poached eggs on wilted spinach and 1/4 avocado
snack-2 tbsp sunbutter, 3oz chicken breast and sliced grilled potatoes
dinner-salmon and roasted veggies
96oz of water throughout the day

LL-Hi miss busy, what are you up to today??? :) I just know you are running around with the boys!

Hi all!!

Sorry it's been a while. Stomach bug one day last week, kids stuff, made it to only 1 BootCamp last week. I went yesterday. Away on mother son overnight on the Friday-Saturday and got a flat tire, gravel road. Hubby had B at 5 baseball games over the weekend, 4 north of Allentown, 1 hr 15 min north.

Still working thru May rotation. I've decided that I don't really like LBB so I subbed in RWH CLB scrambled express. I've missed RWH! Back is just about all healed up, I had the stomach bug and been busy with kids stuff. First Cathe wo in 10 days!

Trying 3 weeks of 21DFX. I could not eat all the protein yesterday! Ran out of time in the day! Today is a reg 21DF day not CTC countdown to competition. Three weeks until 4 of July, hoping to lose 6#. I'm going to do MWF CTC and TTh reg 21DF and then we'll see about the weekends. Next week is Camp Little Bear and they have off plan snacks, not terribly unhealthy, but not super clean. I'm thrilled that I didn't gain any this weekend! I'm at

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Oh, summer schedule. Well, as soon as I get thru this week of putting together the portfolios, I'm home free to enjoy Camp Little Bear next week. Little K's last year!![emoji26]. Then we will be in summer mode which means 3x week math, read every day.

We would love to get our family room rug replaced since it is unraveling and exposing some nails. [emoji20]I would also love to get the front hall painted. We've been here 7 years this summer and still have builders quality in most rooms. We've painted the kitchen and dining room and powder room and 2 kid bed rooms. I wood really love to get the downstairs done and presentable. That would mean: large picture frame for dining room then that's complete, family room painted and picture above mantle (cathedral ceiling so a pain to paint), play room painted and toys sorted, front hall painted and a runner rug. The school room always needs to be cleaned out every summer, JTrain needs a new desk, falling apart, new shelf, current one doesn't keep the books from falling down.

But I don't think any will be done except cleaning out the school room and hopefully replace the desk and shelf. Touch up paint in there would be easy since the previous owners left the paint. And the rug in the family room is a must. We also would like rug on the steps and our deck outside is falling apart. And we have time this summer, next week's church camp is only in the morning and the rest of the camps that the kids do are either over night at my parents or over night in the Poconos or Philly or Wayne. So 4 weeks where I will have less kids! And I'm not doing a lot of driving. Oh, B is getting his tonsils and adenoids out June 27, right after next week's camp but I could do a lot of planning. But not much money to play with for repairs and improvements. Camps are expensive and we just got the sleep study bill over $700!!

No we didn't get a new car. Because we just out so much money into my Quest. But we are starting to save $400/mo to plan for a purchase or a payment (HATE that idea).

In short: after next week's camp, which is mornings M-F and fun for all, I'm basically free and staying home thru the end of July and then I hope to go with Little K to visit my friend in NC! We have tickets for 2 days with the kids at Hershey Park and day at the water park in Ocean City, NJ.

The next week in August I'm dreaming about a beach week in ocean city, NJ, but I'm really dreaming! And I'm also dreaming about the Def Leppard concert that I won't be able to go to 2 days after B's surgery and dreaming about taking an overnight with Hubby somewhere maybe Cape May for our 17th anniversary in July. We've never been over night anywhere since the kids have been born.

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Hi Ladies,

Diana, I'm getting itchy to get off this experiment/diet. All of a sudden I'm thinking about all the stuff I can't have instead of what I can have. I roasted a big turkey today. Have to work the next four in a row and figured that would give me enough protein. I'm taking it one day at a time.

LL, you are super busy and have so much on your plate! I hope you do get some down time this summer. Glad your back is feeling better. I'm really like the RWH upper body workouts. I just did them last week. This week it's gym styles and then maybe go back to RWH. I love how they are structured.

Tina, at least you can bike! Sorry to read of your ankle injury. If it's like anything I get it'll take a while to heal. I have been stretching out my quads and hip flexors and my right hip is finally feeling better. I didn't realize I needed to stretch every single muscle every single day until this week. There's just not enough time in my days sometimes! I've been in the kitchen a lot with whole30. I started a good book last week called The Girl With All the Gifts. It's a sic-fi post apocolyptic and pretty good. All Creatures Great and Small is a wonderful book! Glad you found it.

Today I did Leaner Legs and Abs and LOTS of stretching. I also worked at the local library book sale for a few hours. Too bad I didn't find any gems to bring home. Off to eat salad and turkey!

Hi Ladies,

This morning was BR day 8 and lunch was LIHI CST. LIHI finishers are so tough for me. Those pushups after chest press-yep...on my knees. The tricep pushup...on my knees and only finished about half of them. I did much better with the shoulder and triceps finishers. It doesn't help that I feel like I'm starving. I know I'm not though. The epic bars came over the weekend. I got bison cranberry, they are okay. The RX bars arrived yesterday-these are way to chewy/sticky to eat with my braces. I may try zapping one in the microwave for 10-20 seconds and see if that helps. I have to do that to the quest bars so I can eat them. I also think that's why I eat so much nut butter, its easy on my braces and I can get something in before my w/o.

breakfast-3 eggs on wilted spinach and 1/4 avocado
lunch-salmon, mango, cherries
dinner-tbd-some kind of protein and veggies
snacks-2 tbsp. sunbutter

LL-I hear you on the money front. I feel like we are always saving for something, but then the car breaks down or the washer quits working etc. We are in the same boat. We've been doing pretty good by sticking to a stricter budget (I don't like by the way). As I've gotten older I see the benefit of it more and more. Just the same, money earmarked for one thing usually goes for another...and the cycle continues. Good luck with 21 day fix! You seemed to have good luck on this plan. Just don't overdo it on the weekends-a struggle I have myself. You definitely have a busy summer schedule!

Beth-Yes, I'm tiring of this program too. There are definitely benefits for doing the whole 30 days and the re-introduction period. I already don't have much dairy(no milk or cheese) or breads/crackers/tortillas and the like. Learning to limit the chocolate is good for me. I do miss my 1 glass of red wine on the weekend. Great job with LL&A!!

Waving hi to Tina...

Hi all,

I just don't think I can do the 21 day fix extreme. I'm not hungry but I really want chocolate. Today's workout was boot camp and then XTrain his and tris.

Today's meals
1- 3 egg omelette with 1 Roma tomato, cremini mushrooms, scallions and chicken sausage
2- tilapia and asparagus
3- chicken breast lunch meat (whole foods) and asparagus
4- burger, asparagus and 1/2c brown rice
5- steak, cucumber

Water- 48 oz and a 16 oz bottle of lime sparkling water from whole foods.

I was thinking about an avocado ,with hot sauce, I can swap one for 3t oil/nut butter, but I just want chocolate!

Back to portfolios and trying to forget about food.

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Hi Ladies,

Today I got a late start so did LIHI Legs and intended on doing BR day 9 at lunch. My lunch w/o didn't happen. Work was calling and I was feeling a bit nauseous. I was cutting up a head of cauliflower to bake and a pincher bug (earwig) came crawling out. I threw out the rest of the cauliflower and went ahead and baked the rest with brussel sprouts. Well I was so grossed out, I ended up just throwing out the roasted veggies as I knew I wouldn't be eating them. I usually buy fresh produce in the summer, but I'm sticking to frozen going forward. UGH

breakfast-3 eggs on wilted lettuce, 1 tbsp sunbutter
lunch-chicken breast, cantaloupe
dinner-lean ground beef, green chile, 1/2 tomato, 1/2 avocado
96oz water throughout the day

LL-wow, what a great meal plan you had today! It all sounds delicious. Do what works for you. I'm growing tired of whole30 myself. Eating 3 meals and no snacks isn't working very well for me. I end up bingeing when I eliminate foods for too long. How is that helping??? Eating the food plan itself is fairly easy and the recipes have very good.

Waving Hi to Tina and Beth,

Hi all,

Diana, I have been eating a snack before and after workouts. It's really helping me not to snack the rest of the day. Too bad about the cauliflower-yuck! Do you think you're eating enough food to fuel your workouts? I'm just glad to have made it past the 1/2 way point! I have book club tonight and hope I can find a way around the treats there. I'm not working out today-7 in a row and time for a day off. I planned it to coincide with my meeting.

LL, your food plan sounded great! I'm not missing chocolate so much now that I'm in peri menopause; but I remember all to well that that was the ONLY thing that hit the spot at times! You're probably better off tracking calories and just putting some chocolate in every day so you don't feel guilty and can enjoy it.

Tina, how is the ankle?

Hi Ladies,

I didn't sleep very well last night and struggled to get going this morning. No morning w/o, but I did LIHI BSB at lunch. I'm really struggling/stressing about stuff. My neck/shoulder area is not improving so I'm considering going to a chiropractor. My feet (bunions) and left hip is bothering me. The sprinkler system is broken and it's $1100 to fix...and the list goes on and on.

I'm not sure if I mentioned that I'm doing the May rotation..sort of. I'm reserving the right to choose my own cardio on cardio days, and doing the BR w/o's in there too. I'm a little out of order, but am working my way through the rotation.

breakfast-3 eggs, 3 slices bacon, steamed cauliflower
snack-2 tbsp sunbutter
lunch-epic bar....had to to get dh's phone
snack-1 tbsp sunbutter
dinner-grilled chicken and steamed cauliflower

DH's birthday is tomorrow so I went and picked up the galaxy s7 for him. He transferred all his stuff over and is busy setting it up. I have a cheesecake in the oven for him too. We are going to lunch at Famous Dave's so I'm perusing their menu for whole30 compliant food. A salad is always safe.

Beth-You are rocking whole30!! How did the book club go? I read that the chia pudding I made is against the "rules", even though it's made with whole30 compliant food. It's the rules I'm struggling with, not the food really. My abs are flatter, no more belly bloat! I'm finding that I don't "need" chocolate every day. That is just a bad habit that needs to be broken anyway. I'm enjoying eating more vegetables too. I've been reading tons of labels to help me choose the sugar free brands of condiments and other foods. My grocery store has a good section of organic foods and many of those are whole30 compliant. I also notice that my Sprouts has signage on whole30 compliant foods, that makes it pretty easy.

Waving hi to Tina and LL.

Hi all,

Friday I did Ice Rock/Sock with BB. It was just the right intensity and I felt energized afterwards. Then I proceeded to crash into bed with a good book but could not keep my eyes open past 8:30. Oh well. I got a decent night's sleep anyway. As of right now I've only done 5 workouts this week. I'm working today until 5 and don't known if I'll feel like it tonight. But that's ok...no aches or pains right now and I'm eating well. As you can see, I literally have to talk myself out of working out and being ok with not working out. If there's one addiction I have it's working out too much.

Diana, I doubt I'd be able to pass up a piece of homemade cheesecake. Book club was fun and I'll admit to having a small piece of Jackie's almond cake with fresh berries and homemade whipped creme. My head didn't explode or anything! Seriously, I did not get a huge sugar rush or cramps or any of the possible allergic reactions-which I don't think I have any food allergies. I got home and just picked up whole30 from there. It's probably how I'm going to eat from now on. The granola recipe I made may become my new cereal. I don't know if I could do eggs every day. Limiting grains, dairy, alcohol, legumes, and processed foods might just be the norm with occasional (home made) treats. I have found that I don't need to snack on stuff at bridge, have cookies after lunch when we go out, drink wine every night during the cross word puzzle, have a "treat" with my coffee, or snack on stuff people bring to work. My will power is greater on this way of eating. Chia pudding and granola substitute made with whole30 ingredients are going to be in my diet-what's the difference using an egg and almond flour to make salmon cakes and using the same with nuts to make granola? Also, I like almond milk and will just use that now. It is tough going out to eat. At the restaurant in State College there was literally only 1 item on the menu-a salad. And, I had to ask them to leave the quinoa off. Good luck at your DH's birthday dinner-but don't stress too much! I'm glad you've lost your bloat! Hopefully the chiropractor will snap you back in alignment. At least the end of the braces is in sight!

Hi Tina and LL-what does this weekend hold? Biking? Baseball? Love that it's summer!

Hi ladies,

How was your weekend? Did you have a nice Father's Day?

Sat. I worked then came home and did a new (to me) XTrain Premix-Burn Sets Chest/Back/Abs. It was around 45 minutes and perfect. I just don't like to feel like my whole day is spent at work or relaxing-I need to do something! Sun. I really wanted to take a bike ride, but my right quad is still a little sore so I did X54-Step/Low Impact/Fat burning-then lots of stretching. It feels good today. DH thinks I strained it and to just do stuff that doesn't hurt it. I agree! Today we're off for our annual skin doctor check-it's an hour away since we live in the middle of nowhere! Whole 30 is going great. I'm finding my appetite is not as great lately. It could be the heat here. I don't know. After we get back I'll workout, but haven't decided what yet.


Hi ladies,

We had a busy weekend. Saturday I did Imax 3 and Coremax 3. Sunday was BR day11 and Xtrain legs. Today I did BR Day 10-its a quick 30 minute circuit and fit my time slot. DS2 and I detailed DH's truck yesterday. It sure looks good. I sweat my butt of though in the 97 degree heat. Then I started vacuuming the basement...so many dead spiders found when we moved some bookcases away from the wall. I vacuumed them all up. I'm not surprised though, I hate spiders and spray the perimeter of our basement as well as the perimeter of our house with bug killer on regular basis.

Saturday we went to Famous Dave's for lunch where I ordered a small grilled chicken ceaser salad with the dressing on the side. Well it came with the dressing mixed in. I also ate a small corn bread muffin. Then when we came home, I had a sliver of cinnamon roll cheesecake. I was back on track Sunday and will just do what I can do. I've learned a lot from whole30, but I don't plan on sticking with their stringent rules. It's really helping me break the chocolate/sweet habit.

Today I washed the girls bedding in preparation for their arrival on Wednesday. I have to pick DS1 up at the airport at midnight tonight. Glad he'll be home to help me finish up the basement and getting my desk/workstation moved downstairs. Wednesday I fly out to the munchkins!

Beth-you are getting in some great w/o's. I have a pain near my hip flexor and it's been bugging me for a couple months, mostly when I turn over in bed. Glad you are being screened. I had some precancerous spots removed from my face a couple years ago. I don't have much of an appetite when its really hot either. Keep up the good workouts and good eats.

Hi LL & Tina.
Camp Little Bear (church morning camp all week 9-12, but 8:30-12:30 for me) started today! This is Little K's last year! Love this week out of the year! We ended up going to the pool after and then I started GG at 8:40 but just finished now because the older boys were being too loud with a sort of water balloon fight outside with neighborhood boys and resulted in tears by B. So frustrating!

I'm not sure how I'm going to be able to walk tomorrow! I don't think I've ever done this wo all the way thru!! It's tough!

The weekend was pretty tame until yesterday. Nothing Friday night or Saturday, I did Boot Camp on Saturday and finished the portfolios!!! I handed them into my evaluator yesterday and the evaluation is Thursday. Now it's clean up and organize. Yesterday was pretty crazy though: We drove separately to church because Hubby had to take B to his championship game, only 4 teams in the travel league and the other team had to forfeit their playoff game, but they got beat pretty bad in the championship game. They left after the first service, the rest of us stayed. It was a student led service so JTrain and CDawg were greeters and ushers! JTrain had to stay for a missions trip meeting so I drove Little K and CDawg to my dad's where we were swimming for the day with my in laws and brother in law, wife and little boy who is almost the same age as Little K. But then I had to leave and pick up JTrain and the cake. And I had too much. Not good. Cupcake pull away cake with TONS of icing. I had two of the cupcakes AND my mil brought the cake that she forgot for my fil bday last weekend. So I had a tiny piece of that too.

Today was a decent food day:

Breakfast: protein shake with fruit and cashew milk and pb and chia seeds
snack at camp: blueberries and a few spoonfuls of strawberry Activia yogurt, yuck
Lunch: whole wheat pasta salad with grilled chicken, shrimp, asparagus, grape tomatoes, a little cheese and home made dressing with olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, mustard and spices.
Snack at the pool: Brown Cow strawberry yogurt, the only yogurt I can eat! But it's 180 calories and only 5g of protein so I don't have them often but they were on sale...
Dinner: grilled chicken (6oz), romaine (my own!) with cranberries, sliced almonds, parmesan and homemade Caesar dressing that was just so so and sweet potatoes (4oz)
Snack: bittersweet chocolate chips
16oz Whole Foods Lime Sparkling water
24oz water so far, going to try to get in another 16 before bed

Diana- Imax 3! Wow! I have pieces of that in Hardcore Extreme and that one is tough!! Way to go! I just got a new vacuum on Friday, but have only done 1 room so far. I got the Dyson Complete from Costco. Thinking about returning and getting the Dyson regular from BJs and save at least $100....we have been with broken Orecks for a few months now, maybe since Christmas? We have a hand held and that's it...

Beth- Oh my word! X54! That's nuts, those workouts are so tough! I've only done 3 at once and that was only once. I tend to keep it to 2 or one. I love Burn Sets! Actually I love all the weight work in XTrain. I think I've lost some muscle since starting Boot Camp because I'm not doing my typical heavy wts once a week for each body part.... But I'm trying to change that.

Thursday I took off, unintentionally. Friday I did RWH Plyo 2 (with step) and Abs 1 (with wts). I think that is the toughest workout I have next to maybe Hardcore Extreme...Saturday I did Boot Camp, I was hoping to get to GG but didn't.

Tomorrow starts the last week of the May Rotation! Tomorrow is LIS LIC if I can get up early enough.... I don't love working out at night. Not sure what I'll tackle next. The June Rotation doesn't thrill me. I've been thinking about XTrain, TTM, CF, PRS1&2, X10, RWH and ICE. So I guess most DVD from XTrain to now. :) I really have loved TTM and CF, they are summer workouts for me, I've taken them on vacation and do the quick tabatas....I haven't done any of the ICE rotations and I was thinking about something with all the BB and Meltdowns, that might be interesting. And I haven't done all he 100 Challenges either. I may set up a frame work with wts 3x/wk and HiiT/Cardio 2-3x/wk and then chose what ever strikes my fancy not the day. But Boot Camp kinda messes me up because it can take up my time and the coach doesn't think it matters to rest anything, probably because the highest weight he has there are 15s. He had 3 leg days in a row! M-W last week, I only went to MW.

OK, I'm rambling now! Gotta get to bed! Night all!

Hi Tina!
I feel like I've been away for a very long time. Friday I worked from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m. between my two jobs. They are only about .25 miles apart from each other. I went away this weekend with my sister and stayed at her island camp on lake Winnipesaukee. We went to a concert on Saturday night and saw Twenty One Pilots. Seriously the best concert I've ever been to! No workouts from Friday until Monday. My ankle is still swollen, but lateral movements are the only thing that make it hurt. I also have tennis elbow that doesn't want to heal up. I'm sure all the barn work isn't helping matters. Last night we did GS C&T and the push ups were a breeze. I think taking three days off really helped. I'm going to attempt GS legs this morning. I may have to skip to the floor work if my ankle is unhappy.

Diana, that's a very fancy gift for DH! Nice job on your workouts! I feel like my workouts have been tanking, but I'm so exhausted lately. I think I just need to build up endurance. I'm sorry to hear you're nursing injury's too. This getting old business has got to stop. DH and I were whining getting out of bed this morning. Do you have any upcoming races planned? I think we're going to do a century ride with another couple DH works with. I've never gone that far in one day, but I think we could complete it. Are your girls in town yet?

Beth, way to go on the diet. You and Diana are amazing! And LL too! I agree on the workout addiction. If there's one to have, a least its a healthy one. How is your quad feeling?

LL, I'm with you on the evening workouts. I'm much more relaxed if I get my workout done in the morning.

Off to workout and clean my filthy house. BBL to check in on everyone. :)
Hi all,

Glad to see everyone is back and doing well! I did Gym Style Legs yesterday...with much stretching and some foam rolling for my quad/hip flexor. I don't know what to do today. I feel like taking a day off. Not a good day at work. whole 30 today: 2 eggs on cauliflower rice and wilted greens
turkey waldorf type salad with apples, raisins, walnuts, celery, and primal mayo; 1/2 sweet potato and
a handful of pecans
I'm finding it helpful to have a protein, 2 veggies, and a fat at each meal-that may even be the template-can't remember. Do you ever feel like there's almost too much information out there(on the web) and it contradict's each other and you don't know what to do? I'm feeling that way right now about diet, exercises, sleep, politics. I might need a screen vacation!

Diana, I'm glad you enjoyed your father's day! How nice to detail his car for him-that's a lot of work! 30 minute circuit sound good right now...maybe that one from the STS Shock series I'll do. I'm in the mood for some step.

LL, we just got a shark vacuum last week. I'm still getting used to attaching and detaching parts during the cleaning. It's kind of heavy. Good job on your diet yesterday. Camp Little Bear sounds so cute!

Tina, 100 miles! Go for it. I dream of taking a bike vacation where you stay in B&B's somewhere...maybe Spain? Hope your ankle heals. It does seem like we're all dealing with injuries right now. DH and I have decided to replace our Tempur Pedic as soon as we get another flyer in the mail. Maybe it's too soft now? It's been 20 years.


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