Damage Control December


Happy December! I can already feel the anxiety and stress. It's only one month, we can do this! Yesterday was a wet 30 mile ride. The snow is off the roads but still falling out of the trees and the shoulders of the roads are a bit iffy. DH popped a tire a few miles from home, so I had to do a rescue mission. Today was FT and SC. I may join DH tonight with MM upper body premix.

This week will be mostly circuit work. Next week, if the new DVD's haven't arrived, I plan on an Amy Bento rotation.

Have a great day. BBL to check in on everyone. :)
Hi Ladies,

Friday ended up being an unplanned rest day. After being interrupted 3 times I just gave it up. Saturday was STS Legs-cant' remember the disc number off hand and a BR w/o which was also legs. My body still hurts today. Yesterday was STS Back & Biceps and a 75 min BR w/o! I was beat. This morning just the abs challenge I'm doing. I have bootcamp tonight and think we will be using the TRX suspension trainers. I have 3 discs left to finish up meso 2. Honestly, it has been very hard keeping my focus since these w/o's are so slow moving. I'll be happy to do something else.

Yesterday I aslo had a hot stone massage. She's really been helping my shoulder. I also had her focus on the IT bands since my left side is always tight and causes me knee pain. Of courst I don't have this problem when I don't run. Having said that, I've signed up for 3 10K's. One in Dec, Jan, and Feb.

LL-I would not recommend trying to lose weight over the holidays, that just adds too much stress to an already stressful time. The new gym I go is focusing on not gaining any weight over the holidays. That's the Holiday Hold-em challenge I'm in. It runs through Jan 1. My weight can easily fluctuate a couple pounds per day. This is why I like to weigh myself most days so I can catch any several day increases. You may also want to increase your w/o's if possible. Circuits and HIIT training will be the most effective.

Tina-thanks for starting the new thread! You are a brave one ridining with snow and ice on the road. Which Amy Bento's do you have? I really like here Kickbox Xtreme-I think that's the only cardio I have of hers. I have several weight w/o's of hers that I really like.

waving hi to everyone! :)
Well, it was bound to happen, I am miserable with a 102.2 fever.

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Good Morning Ladies,

The scale was ugly this morning-UGH. I'm not surprised as my muscles were so sore that I took ibuprofen before be last night. I know it's from running on TG, and then doing STS Legs and BR Legs. Last night was holiday meltdown, it was a circuit of cardio/weights. I think the running actually helped work out some of the soreness. This morning was STS disc 22-CST. 2 more discs to go. I think tomorrow I'm sticking to straight cardio though-perhaps CCC.

I saw that Cathe posted the December rotation and the last 2 weeks use the RWH series! Once I finish up STS meso 2 I may tackle either the December rotation or focus on Xtrain for a couple weeks.

LL-hope you feel better soon. Rest and let your body recover.

bbl to see what everyone else is up to.
Hi to Diana, LadyLep, and Tina! Glad you're still riding, Tina. It's snowing here in PA! LL-rest up...you've got a full plate! Diana-you are rocking STS Meso 2! What does BR stand for? I see that in a lot of your workouts and am curious.

I've been doing what I feel like doing. My back is finally on the upswing. It's been mostly cardio and lighter weights. Last night I joined a yoga class. It's only a block from my house and there were 2 other girls and the teacher. It was really good-kind of out of my comfort zone, but I need to meet more "real" people. I've gotten rather lonely working full time and all. So, it was good last night. I liked the breathing part and my hips felt really stretched out. I'm only about 5'1" and I swear I felt taller when I walked home!

Today I did a favorite dvd-HSTA. I did the warm up, cardio, cardio with legs, and then threw in 300 walking lunges before the cool down. Did anyone else want to do lunges after reading the blog? Tomorrow I have planned an upper body weight day...not sure which one yet. I have to work so we'll see how I feel! I'm getting psyched for the new series. The clips look great.

Take care,


ps. I've gone 2 days now without added sugar! Hopefully there won't be too many temptations at work! I better go get some decent snacks around!
Good Morning Ladies,

This morning I did PRS2. It was fun, but not much of a calorie burner for me. Of course once I know it better I can put more into it. Cathe's queing is always good and the majority of steps are familiar. Tomorrow should be legs, but I may do a BR circuit instead and lets the legs have another day of rest. The scale was much kinder today!

LL-Hope you are feeling better today. My sister is down with a fever too.

Beth-glad to hear your back is starting to feel better. I'm not a yoga fan myself, but it's always good to try new things! Good for you for joining the class. I'll have to check out the blog. Awesome job with No Sugar! BR stands for Bodyrock. They have a couple websites and a youtube channel. Bodyrock.tv, I like the 30 day real time challenge. I've done numerous other series they have but tend to go back to the 30 Day real time challenge as that has yielded the best results for me. Their HIITMAX is really good too. I'm not sure if you are familiar with Zwow or Zuzka Light?? She also has some awesome w/o's on youtube or in the Zgym (pd subscription). I just do her free w/o's.

Tina, Laura & Jacque-what are you ladies up to???

Quick check in, I am fever free and did yoga relax to stretch myself out. After being in bed for over 24 hours I really needed it! The question is: should I try something a little, and I mean little more intense, like turbo barre express/floor or slide and glide muscle conditioning only (it's on the floor) or an ab circuit wo like yoga or Pilates based or be completely safe and just do yoga max? Or something else? I guess it will boil down to how I'm feeling and the time I have. I've dropped a few pounds! Hopefully it will stay off!

Hi to all that follow!

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Yesterday was another day of mixes. DD and I did S&G together, DS and I did BC upper and lower premix, and then I added on CF fitness blast/firewalker tabata premix. Today was RK and CF core section. DH and I did plyo legs together on Tuesday. Hopefully tonight we'll get a spin workout in together.

LL, glad to hear you're feeling better. :)

Diana, I have mostly cardio workouts from Amy. My favorites are her kickbox workouts. Her premixes have some weight work included in them from other workouts, so I'll do a few of them next week. I have her two newest workouts, Bodybox and Advanced Step Challenge 5. I love BB but the new step workout I may never get down. I still haven't made it past the warm up. :/

Beth, nice rebounding from your back injury! Shows how fit you are. :)

Hi to Laura and Jacque, hope you're both doing well. :)
Hi Ladies,

I am working from home today. It's so nice to not have to spend 3 hrs commuting! In January I will get my second day, meaning I will be working from home 2 days per week. I can't wait. So I was able to sleep in this morning. I did my w/o at lunch-To the Max Extreme premix and my abs for the challenge. Tonight is holiday meltdown class.

LL-I wouldn't suggest doing anything too hard. Even though you aren't running a fever, you may still need a day or so until you are feeling up to par.

Tina-I still have never even tried S&G. I have STS legs on tap for tomorrow but am considering doing CLB instead. Do you have any Amy's kettlebell w/o's? I have 3 weight w/o's from her and Kickbox Xtreme-I love this one but it is a little long for a workday morning.

Jacque-I ordered from Paula's choice. I'm hoping I really like it. I got a package with 3 items and 5 freebies. Other than the C15 I can't remember what else I ordered.

Hi Laura and Beth.
Hi Ladies,

TGIF!!! No workout to report for this morning, other than the abs challenge I'm doing daily. DH was in a mood this morning, UGH.

Anyway, it our company's Christmas luncheon today. It's at a nearby restaurant. It should be fun.

What is everyone else up to?

Today was HR. Last night DH and I did B&G standing/abs timesaver premix. Hopefully I can finally talk him into spinning tomorrow. He keeps putting off setting the bikes up on trainers. Winter is in full swing now. :mad:

Beth, nice job and knocking out the sugar. I did that a few years ago and lost about 15 lbs. It was really hard though. I've recently given up juice of any kind and only drink seltzer and water. I haven't seen any changes, maybe because I'm eating everything in sight. I haven't done HSTA in a long time. I think I'll dust it off before the new dvd's arrive. :)

Diana, we have a code in our house when DH is in a mood. I text the kids DTTD which means don't talk to dad (under any circumstances). I don't have any kettlebell workouts from any instructor. It's never appealed to me, which I'm sure if I tried it, I would change my mind. I thought I'd never like Hiit workouts and now I reach for them all the time.

And, OMG the shipping announcement!! My post woman will be sick of me hovering 0ver my mailbox everyday until the arrive.:p
Well, it has gotten to everyone now. Hubby drove about half way to work and turned around and was sick. Stomach bug and a fever chills!! He is still recovering today.

No workout yet, but I have my wo clothes on and trying to decide what to do since I need to burn as many calories as I can but I'm still tired and now have a cough. :( I was at a volleyball social for the kids last night and ate a lot of dessert. I did have mostly salad and just a little pasta....but then there was a Christmas brunch this morning and there was so much pork (don't like) and breads with nuts (like nuts alone only) that I ate a lot of fruit and muffins! I never really eat sugary muffins and things like that esp. in the morning...

So I'm thinking about slide and glide: 467 calories, if I do the whole thing. And I just noticed the new workouts are in workout manager!!!

All the HiiTs are just under 30 min and burn around 330-350 calories, similar to STS HiiT: 330ish and 385 (for pyramid and 40/20). The lower circuit and upper circuit are in the low 500s for calories. Legs is 473, chest triceps and shoulders: 333 and the last 3 are in the mid 400 cal. range. I really can't wait till mine get here!! The premixes are not in the system yet.
Hi to all! I have been MIA because of work. Why can't everyone who's scheduled just show up? Oh well, it'll help pay those college bills! Diana, so happy you got to work out on your lunch hour! When I was in nursing school I walked every break and during lunch because I had so much studying otherwise. My husband has taken up walking quite a bit and we'll do little mini walks after meals-we call them our digestive walks-only about 10 minutes. Thanks for the info about the BR workouts-I will check them out!

Lady Lep-from the sounds of it at least you'll all be healthy at Christmas! I hope we get some decent snow for your boys to enjoy. Thanks for telling me about the new series being in the workout manager. I can't wait to get them! I'm still waiting for an email about delivery but expect them late this week. I'm probably going to just do the new ones for a while after getting them-maybe add x10 workouts in, too. I love that program-so customizable to what I feel like doing that day.

The sugar thing is still going well. I had baked apples for dinner one night and didn't miss the whipped cream! I'm hoping my taste buds won't need as much sugar when I'm done in 4 days! Tina, giving up juice is great. You will not get the sugar spikes that can occur. I haven't had a glass of juice in a long time and don't miss it. Good luck with it!

Lately, my workouts have been a hodgepodge-Lower Body Blast today before work. CCC after work on Thursday. Friday off due to a 12 hour shift. Tuesday I did the Upper Body Push Pull 2 set premix-came in around 45 minutes and was just right!

Have a great weekend!

Slide and Glide complete! I couldn't do all the burpees or some other things, and I wasn't completely sweaty but I did get a little winded and pushed myself some!

That's great Beth about your no sugar time!

I on the other hand have had tons of junk last night thru tonight.

OK, I never posted this from yesterday!! Everything above this line is Saturday and from here down is today. :)

I just did Turbo Barre all 74 min of it! It is just my speed right now. But I'm not sure what to do tomorrow that is "low key". I keep going to LIS for one, but I've done SnG, TB and both yogas recently. So I'm not sure what of the rest I'll be up for.

We better be healthy by Christmas!! Hubby was able to shower today and is downstairs!
Hi Ladies,

Yesterday was nothing but laziness. For some reason I wasn't feeling like working out. I'm not sick, just worried about losing my job I guess...and Christmas etc. No worries, I made up for it today! This morning I banged out BR Day 16-an hour and 15 minute full body circuit! I loved this day, not too tough but just keeps it moving so the time flew by. Then I did my abs for the abs challenge....then I did STS day 23-Legs. Tomorrow will be the last STS w/o for me, it is day 24-back & biceps. I'll just play the rest of the week by ear until the new discs arrive. I expect to receive them later this week.

I'm happy because I booked my trip to go visit my darling granddaughters for their 7th birthday in January! :) My awesome MIL and son will be going too. It's only for 3 days, but I can't see them enough!

Beth-My hats off to you and your profession! One of my nieces is currently working on her Health Care Management degree and once she has her Bachelors degree she will be starting Nursing school. She's currently a CNA and has been working at a local hospital for 2 years. She's also doing an internship for school and also works in the ER. Anyway, great job with the No Sugar. That is really tough. I had given up dairy for years but have recently added in fage 0% fat yogurt...I mix it with 1 scoop protein powder for my afternoon snack. It's pudding like consistency. Great job getting in your workouts with your hectic work schedule!

LL-well I certainly hope everyone is on the mend in your house. Diet is key and now is the time enjoy small occasional treats. I struggle with diet/nutrition too. Make sure you increase your protein and decrease your non-nutritional carbs-pasta/flour/sugar etc. You are doing great with your workouts. Don't push yourself too hard especially if you still have a cough. Perhaps you can do a weight w/o instead of cardio.

Tina-Good idea-thanks for sharing DTTD. Did you get your spinning w/o in? I may look at getting a spin bike, perhaps for mothers' day.

Jacque-My Paula's choice arrived. I have the Resist Retinol Serum, Resist Skin Brightening Treatment and the Resist C15. I'm perusing the catalog and may purchase a few more items.

Laura-what have you been up to?

Wendy-I'm keeping up with you on FB missy!

Happy Monday Ladies!

I'm happy to report that I completed STS Meso 2 this morning, and the abs challenge! I have class tonight and that will take care of the cardio for the day.

bbl to see what everyone else is up to.
Hi, ladies! I waited till after 1 to work out in anticipation of getting the new DVD's. Finally, I did Bootcamp and when I was done and checked the mail-there they were! I'll preview tonight and start tomorrow with one. Is everyone else here getting them?

I just got them! Can't wait to start. But I think I'm going to start on Monday, if I can wait that long. But I want to start Ina Monday and I'm not sure I'm up for the vigorousness of these! I'm thinking about doing the getting started rotation. Anyone look at the rotations? The first thing I thought of was Beach Body! I've been looking at a lot of their programs which are basically rotations. And then Cathe has some rotations with XTrain, LIS and STS. So that's basically a hybrid, in BB terms. But I remember doing XTrain 90 day undulating, but it took me 4 months. And I was really sick of XTrain after that. I will did the wt ones and AOLIH and sometimes tabatacise, but I used to love Legs and HS because I did love them but sick of them. I haven't been very good at sticking with a rotation since then. I always feel like I'm falling behind. So I don't know what I will do here. The framework of the rotation is what I do try to do: 3 cardio days, 1-2 upper body and 1 lower body. Hers has only 2 cardo/HiiT per week, for the getting started rotation, I haven't really looked at the other ones yet.

Rmrmr, what is Paula's choice? Skin care? I use mostly Dr Hauschka, but have recently tried a few others since whole foods had their 25% off black Friday special. I have bad rosacea and keep trying different things.

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Computer issues have kept me away. Saturday was M1D3 legs w/ DH, Sunday was LIS CM, and yesterday was HSC in the a.m. and XT CBS in the evening w/ DH. I'm going to hold off working out this morning in the hopes my mailbox is full with happiness this afternoon. :D

Diana, congrats on finishing STS, talk about perfect timing. Your trip in January sounds great. How is your MIL feeling? Didn't she have surgery not too long ago?

Beth, what did you end up doing for your first RWH workout?

LL, happy to hear your family is all on the mend. :)

BBL to check in on everyone. :)
Hi Ladies,

Class was great last night. Unfortunately I didn't sleep very well last night and was too tired to workout this morning. My new discs did not arrive yet. I still expect to see them later this week. I'm guessing Thursday.

Beth-have you decided if will be following a RWH rotation, or just playing it by ear? I do like having a rotation to follow...so at 5am I'm not trying to figure out what to do.

LL-don't worry about following any rotation to a T. I have a hard time with long rotations too that repeat the same w/o's over and over again. One reason I'm glad to be done with STS! However, I must say the STS results are definitely worth it. Just insert your favorite w/o's instead of what the rotation calls for. Paula's Choice is skin care. Seriously, I have acne and wrinkles...it's awful. I take daily medication for my acne issues but have to take a break from it every so often. Of course, right now I'm on a break and my skin is breaking out. UGH.

Tina-nice w/o's lady! My MIL is doing really well after her hip replacement in August. We travel very well together. Will you be following a RWH rotation? I haven't looked at any of the rotations or the e-material for this program. I may try to start my downloads tonight though.

Hi to Jacque and Laura!

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