I am so sorry to hear about your losses. I don't know what it is about this time of year, but it seems like so many loved ones are passing. Treasure your boys being home with you. I miss DS2 so much. DS1 has been helping a lot more since DH is still using the cane and can't carry things.
Nice to hear you're getting the work done in the basement. It'll all be worth it when you go to sell and move to your dream house!
This weekend has been good. I got my wash done yesterday and we had my office Xmas party. DH made it for two hours which is good for an introvert! It was getting quite loud when we left. We're both so much better at one-on-one instead of large group activities.
I did a warrior metabolic workout from the downloads. There was 6 rounds of cardio, legs, upper, and abs-lots of compound movements, too. I subbed some low impact moves for the cardio-jumping jacks with discs, all squat digs, etc. and the cardio wasn't that long so it was a doable. My back is sore today and I'm planning on pool workout. Basically I'm trying to do a total body on the weekend,pool once on the weekend and once during the week, and an upper and a lower during the week. 5 days a week plus cleaning on Fridays. Monday is cards, so it's my rest day. Trying to do two total body during the week is too long so I do the split.