Daily check In: Wednesday, October 26


Goos Morning Fit Women,

Last evening: First 40 minutes MIC and Gym Style biceps.

Tonight: Rest day scheduled.

Have a good day.
Good Morning Everyone,

Yesterday's workout was slow & heavy bi/tri/abs and I added on a 50 min. ride on my stationary bike.

Today is KPC, but since I just did cardio Kicks Monday, am thinking of running or doing step instead. Haven't decided for sure yet.

Hope everyone has a great day!:)
Good Morning Fit Ladies!

Today for me will be PS: C/S/T and a 40 min run on my treadmill using CardioCoach Volume 2.

Hello to all that follow...happy hump day!

Good morning fitness ladies! :)

I did SH Chest and Back without the supermans and planks (I will do them and 20 min abs tonight) and 30 min hill climb on the treadmill.

I went up on weight }( doing the chest work and it felt really good.

Great workouts everybody!!!!

Happy Hump Day
Kristine :)
Hello Ladies.

Yesterday was cardio and weights.

Today is PLB according to my rotation but I'm not so sure my knee can deal with the sqats and lunges so I'm not quite sure what I'll be doing today....
Hello Ladies,

Yesterday I did Timesaver #3 and abs from #1. I didn't have a chance to go online all day. I had some men here working on my Kitchen floor. We put tile in a year ago and it has been nothing but a headache. It keeps shifting. URGH!!
Hopefully they've solved the problem.

This morning I did Timesaver cardio #1 and GS Ch/Tri supersets.
I really love the Timesaver cardio it leaves me with enough time to work my upper body.

Have great Day!

Good morning ladies!

Looks like everyone is getting in some good workouts...:)

I never did do all my workout yesterday. The lack of sleep and calf cramp and little cold kinda wore me out!

I did get in my run though.

Feeling much better today, so I'll do a circuit workout either HSTA or High Step Challenge with a bit more cardio added...and its raining here...http://bestsmileys.com/weather/1.gif[/img]...I know we need it!

Have a great day...:)...Carole
Hi :)

This morning, I did P90X Plyometrics & Great Abs. Tonight, P90X CS&T. Then, rush rush rush off to Bible Study. Have a wonderful day :)

Teddygirl is in charge~ (i think)
Hi good morning everyone, yesterday I did TAEBO bootcamp abs (35 minutes), TAEBO bootcamp live cardio (30 minutes), Turbo jam cardio party nº 1 and the 20 minutes workout. Today I will do Tone it Up of the Slim Series and TJ cardio party nº 2. Have a great day everyone.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator, TAEBO and Turbo Jam junkie. :) :)
Morning all! Today was supposed to be a 40 minute run, but when I get up at 4:30 it is pitch black outside and I don't like running in the dark, so I did MIC instead, followed by abs from Power Circuit.

Hope everyone has a great day.

Wendy, it is good to see your loss!! You are doing great!!

I have a cold so sleeping last night was almost impossible, between not breathing and the crusty lips and film in my mouth, I was miserable.

Today I did PUB chest, PS triceps, PLB squats(up only not changing the weights) and floorwork, and abs off of MIS. :)

I can't find my cold medicine which doesn't help things and I don't have the truck so I can't go out and get some,sigh. I am just pathetic today.

But on a brighter side, I plastered icy hot on my hip last night and today it feels much better so maybe I won't have to keep the doctor's appointment after all, since they couldn't get me in til the end of Novemver.:eek:

Have a great day!!:D
Hi all,

This morning I did Rhythmic Step.

Foodie Sue - how was Hawaii?? You'll be back up to your usual weights and speed really soon. It doesn't take long for the body to remember.

Kristine - congrats on up-ing your weights! Progress is good!

Wendy - what happened to your knee? How long has it been bothering you?

Carole - I hope today's workout is more successful than yesterday's.

Teddygirl - welcome to the check in!

Annette - oh, I hate the way your mouth gets when you have sinus congestion. Feel better soon! And good news to hear that your hip's feeling better.

Have a good day!
Hey Sandra,

I have no clue what I did to my knee...I guess I just over-stressed it. It's been bothering me on and off for a few weeks now but got worse about a week ago. I've been "nice" to it since then and it seems to be improving. I will continue to nurse it for a while and see how I feel...

I got Rythmic Step delivered to my door this afternoon! I am afraid to try it! :eek: LOL

I'm sure you'll have a ball with RS! The choreography is some of her best. I'm sorry to hear that your knee has been squawking at you. Sounds like you've got it under control, though. An ounce of prevention....right? Those darned joints; why do they have to be such a bother??


The funny thing is that my knee tends to bother me MORE when I'm just walking around the house than at any other time!? WTH!? lol
Well, I'm hoping it fixes itself up with the bit of TLC I'm giving it. I will try RS as soon as I finish the rotation I am doing. I have a week and a half left of it...hope I can wait that long! }(
Sandra I agree with you, and LOVE RS. It's fun Wendy, you'll love it !!!
The UPS man should be any minute with my 2 new videos! Then I need to see if I can hook the VCR back up so I can check them out.
All my other Cathe tapes are dvd, but I wanted these and they aren't on dvd (yet?), so I got them anyway. Dh will be thrilled (sarcasim here) that I want to drag the vcr back out and hook it up again! Just one more piece of electronic equipment to stack with the rest, I guess! ;-)
Anyway.........HURRY UP UPS MAN! ;-) :p
I finished my w/o YEAH!!! I didn't do the premixes on GS's. I saw my MIS tape sitting there so neglected and I did it instead. I did the full w/o with the legs too. I don't think I committed a cardinal sin doing MIS the day after L&G's, L&G's use such light weights. Anyway I got a good full body w/o and feel a lot better.

Carole, sorry you didn't have a good day yesterday, it wasn't my best either but we just keep plugging along don't we.

Wendy, take care of that knee. It should straighten up with a little TLC.

Off to get some food in me!

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