Daily Check-In: Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Good morning ladies...

Connie-my thoughts are with your DH

Today is interval day...Step and Intervals is my plan as of right now as I am supposed to be taking it easy this week. ;)

Tomorrow is Boot Camp day! Woo Hoo!:)

Next week though, my 2 circuit days are going to be dedicated to trying the work outs on the terminator dvd }( }( }( (if I can handle 2 of those w/o's in the same week even!!!), therefore I'll be sitting out on the Boot Camp "class" next week.

So I have made a decision...I have been trying this whole "clean eating" thing and well, it's just not for me. I can't get into it fully so it's not working. I am going to go back to what worked for me 3 years ago when I lost 15 pounds---the low fat/high carb...YES, I said HIGH carb }( diet! It worked like a charm the last time so I'm hoping it will work again. These nasty 15 pounds WILL come off!!! And then I am going to try to lose 5 more beyond that! :) I NEED to fit into my old clothes again...and SOOOOOON!!!!

Good morning,

I got up at my usual time this morning and started the day with Christie's "Still Steppin'". The baby had hiccups this morning after I ate my preworkout banana.

Jane - good luck with Step Heaven! The choreography in the second segment is the trickiest; the third segment gets easier again. It's a really fun workout!

Becky - did you do all that floor work using your barbell, too? That's a tough segment.

Conni - I'm so sorry to hear your DH is having problems with MS :-( I am sending positive thoughts to you.

Wendy - very exciting that you finally got a full step!!! What colour combination did you get? I've got the old teal and pink one. My favourite is the black and grey one that Cathe uses in her most recent videos.

Missy - good luck on Step Blast! It's definitely tricky, but also super fun.

Have a good day everyone!
Good morning--

Sandra my step is the pink and teal one too! I've had it at least 13 years, maybe longer. They are made so well you can't kill them. I recently bought the high step topper and two more risers, so I have the teal step top, gray small high step top, and pink, purple and black risers. It is so lovely!

Today I didn't want to irritate my leg any further (Dr. appt. today), so I did upper body. I did both the PS upper body segments minus abs. It was the first time I've done PS. Probably the least challenging of all the upper body workouts IMO, but I went pretty heavy to make up for it.

Have a great day, I'm off to LA for work.
Happy Hump Day,

Wendy-I am glad you got your full step! Also good luck with the weight loss plan.

Conni-I will say a prayer for your husband. My SIL has MS and went through some of the things you are describing. She is also a nurse.

Sandra-how cute the baby has hiccups:) I remember that from many years ago when I was prego with my son.

Shelley-I am so glad you like your new workout. Carols is right abouth the chest and bi premix. I did that last night!

To everyone else- great workouts!

Today I will be doing some abhits, them KPC as I am trying to like this...I just dont know why I dont/cant get my HR as high as other workouts. Then this evening I will do legs and glutes.


My step is teal with a black stepping surface. I have no risers for it at this point. Plan to get a pair soon....
Hi Fit Ladies,

I had to work out to Cathe this morning,I did my P90X upper body workouts two days in a row so that I can fit in some Cathe workouts, I did one of my new DVD's I bought three at the roadtrip. I did HSTA, I love it, she does a million leg presses, I did it with light weights, I added core max 3 and it was a fantastic workout!

Have a great day everyone, enjoy all those nice photos from my fellow roadtrippers!
Good morning ladies,

I can't seem to get my exercising going this week. I was supposed to do GSBSB and core work yesterday and the day before. I've only done low impact kickmax this week. Yesterday I went to eat lunch with my SIL and my car broke down on the way. We had to wait for her husband to come and and fix it. So it was 1:30 before we could go to eat. I didn't get home till five o'clock,was going to exercise then my best friend calls. There goes another 30 mins. Then of course company.

Hate to go on babbling, just trying to get a hold.

HEY FITNESS DIVAS!!!! i'm finally back! i missed all of you and your daily motivation, but i have been a busy lady!!!! i have had no workouts since arriving home on Sunday night and Today i am back in the saddle. Right now i am either doing HSC or Imax 2 and the floor work of L/G with PUB thrown in. it is going to depend on how i feel the moment i step into the room.

Tammy: i had so much fun working out next to you during hte strength training workout. you made me smile and laugh and i had a great time! i will always remember those beautiful eyes of yours and my pics of us turned out great!

i am going to bounce onmy stability ball every week rom now on! that was so much fun!

jes:+ :7
Jes - just don't be like Emily. There she was, bouncing away on her stability ball, then she kind of turned green and said "if I don't stop doing this, I'm going to throw up":p
oh no! i had the best time and the sight of everyone bouncing made my laugh so hard i had tears streaming down my face. it was so funny!!! loved it! it was my favorite "class moment" the whole weekend!

Morning ladies! Today was SB. I need some advice. What Cathe DVD out there is closest to SB? I want to purchase another cardio only workout (other than the IMAX's since I already have those). I would like one similar to SB if possible. I have thought about RS, but so many people talk about how complicated the choreography is.

Have a great day!

Happy late morning! Once again, I'm brining up this thread's rear. LOL

Remember the core and lower body floorwork I was going to do yesterday?? Didn't happen. :+ I raked a bunch of heavy and wet leaves for exercise yesterday. It was about 45 minutes of work, but I think I should get to multiply that by 4 considering the heat index was 102. I was wiped out the rest of the day, because of that darn humidity. x( Something good came out of it though- I finally started reading the Lee Child book I got a week ago. I just love his Jack Reacher series!

There is noticable improvement in my knee, and I'm encouraged. Whenever my knee acts up, I'm get afraid that it will never get better enough for me to exercise like I want to.

Today will CleanMax, lower body floorwork and core. I'll take it easy on my knee, but reaching my long time weight goal this morning got me in the mood for a celebratory workout. :D

Sorry this got so long...I'm not sure that anyone reads this so late in the day anway. Do they? Just curious.... ;)

I did PUB Chest,and Back, PLB floorwork, and MIS abs with 2 cooldown from MIS and PLB. No cardio today for me!!:7 Though it isn't as humid today as yesterday so that is good!!:)
I agree, Jane- ride instead of push in that humidity and heat!

I'm looking forward to hearing your review of Step Heaven, and how it compares to Cathe's step w/o's.

Take care,
Connie :D
Whoohooo, Charlotte!! I think it's really cool that you're helping your neighbor get fit. It must be awesome to have neighbors like that. You certainly are a great role model. :)


(edited for spelling)
Prayers and positive vibes going out to you and your DH!

Cardio Blast rotation??? <perks up> I'm going to figure out what this is and check it out! ;)

OK! i did HSC in it's entirety(i love the abs in that one!), L/G floor work and KPC abs. i feel much better. i may do a stretch later:)

Awww Kim, I'm sorry you're having a tough time kick starting your workouts this week. Car problems can be so draining- mentally and financially!

Do the best you can to go with the flow until things settle down a bit. Maybe you could shorten your workouts, or just turn off the phone when it's your workout time. ;)

Hang in there,
I'm reading it Connie and I am reading One Shot too. It's my first Lee Child book and I'm really liking it so far! :)

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