Daily Check-In: Wednesday, July 20, 2005

I'm back. Step and Intervals and All Step Abs complete. Short but intense work out! Felt great! :)

cals burned 257
avg hr 148
high hr 167

Wow, I'm really late, I had to bring this thread up from page 2!!!

Conni, your DH is my thoughts as are you. It's tough dealing with the medical system on a regular basis I wish you all strength, peace and healing, better days are ahead:)

Sandra, that's too cute that baby got the hiccups, I remember loving that feeling:)

Jes, I too love bouncing on my stability ball, it's wonderful for moving lymph fluid around your body, I recommend this to clients all the time. We have 3 balls in the house and me and my Girls get bouncing and giggling pretty good sometimes:)

Connie, that raking sounds like hard, hot work, my arms ached just reading it.

I worked out early this morning and mish moshed it so much that by the time I finished I forgot how I'd started:p I did 30 minutes of 'Caribbean workout Hi/lo' then ME biceps then most of the cardio from BC and the bicep work. I finished with some BodyPump biceps, abs and stretch. I worked my biceps real good and they are still feeling pumped. I've got to give 2 more massages today and am hoping my forearms will hold out:+

Take Care
>HEY FITNESS DIVAS!!!! i'm finally back! i missed all of you
>and your daily motivation, but i have been a busy lady!!!! i
>have had no workouts since arriving home on Sunday night and
>Today i am back in the saddle. Right now i am either doing HSC
>or Imax 2 and the floor work of L/G with PUB thrown in. it is
>going to depend on how i feel the moment i step into the room.
>Tammy: i had so much fun working out next to you during hte
>strength training workout. you made me smile and laugh and i
>had a great time! i will always remember those beautiful eyes
>of yours and my pics of us turned out great!
>i am going to bounce onmy stability ball every week rom now
>on! that was so much fun!
>jes:+ :7

Hey Jes...yeah that strength training workout was just too funny. I was able to cut and paste your picture of us and added it to my album - thanks!

I don't think it is possible for you to take a bad picture, you are EXTREMELY photogenic.

Here's bouncing right back at ya!

Hey everyone,

I'm back to say I decided to do PH today and I barely made it through. I've decided that I wanted a change from doing the heavy weights and do some total body. I will do total body three times a week. will do this for a few weeks. My endurance sucks right now!

i got in some step from C/W and a segment of SM with the ball. i was still i the mood....ihope the doctor doesn't tell me no more aerobics tomorrow:eek:

jes- Are you sick? I hope not and that the doc doesn't say no more cardio:( That would suck. Anyway best of luck and let us know!

Thank you, Becky!! :D I'm glad to meet another Reacher fan! He's such a fascinating character. I wish I would have started at the beginner of the series. It's hard to find used copies...my search continues, though. ;)

Connie ,

I just finished One Shot! I was reading last night and got too sleepy to finish, but I woke up a little early this morning (5:00), so I reached for the book and finished an hour later!!!!!
It's worth getting up early for!
I will definately look for his earlier books now.
Have you tried the library?
At my library I can look the books up on the computer and request them.
I have The Kiterunner & Harry Potter waiting for me, and now I want more Reacher books too!!!:)

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