Daily check in Wednesday 18 May


Today is a beautiful day: sunshine, bright blue skies, little wind.... One of those days where you just can't wait to get out there and run. The birds are singing and courting eachother in the air, a frog quickly jumps away from your feet, avoiding homeless snales who slide for shelter, you're feet find a rhythm and you don't even know you're running with the wind... you could run forever. But alas, it had to end after an hour.

Please, let's all take a minute of silence to remember the little bugs I swallowed on my run... so sad, but at least they provided me with protein.

Hope your day is as beautiful as mine.

Dutchie :)
Good Morning Fit Women,

Yesterday was PUB and Core Max #1.

Today is Low Max and Clean Max.


We have a festival of gnats here in Virginia this time of the year and I always get a couple that get in my mouth. Sorry, no reflecting for them on their dismal passage. ;)
I am glad you mentioned about all of God's little creatures that we should pay attention to sometimes...just brings things into perspective.

Have a great workout everyone!

Good morning to all you wonderful ladies!

It looks like today will be a nice day, I hope so. I wish it would get warm so I could run outside any day I would like to...that would be nice.

I crushed a bug in my exercise room yesterday morning while I was doing MIC..he was on the other side of the room when I got started..maybe he wanted to die..who knows..

Today I am planning:
Cardio kicks or KPC

I hope all of you have a wonderful day!!

Good Morning, Ladies!

Dutchie-You are to funny. Are you a writer? Your chose of words are great! Very descriptive!

Charlotte-How is your garden coming? Do you have any veggies or herbs, or is it just plants and such?

Denise-Is KPC a good workout? It seems everyone likes to do that one. I don't have it yet. I do have Cardio Kicks. I love that one. I am planning on getting the BB series. Just wondering if it was a good investment.

Today was KM, SH Legs, and a run.

Have a wonderful day!
Good Morning Ladies,

This morning was Plyo X and some Yoga with Bryan Kest, I could not finish the Yoga because I was too hungry. Maybe I will finish it tonight.

Have a Good Day Everyone.
Good morning everybody! :)

I did SS Lower Body Push Premix and my legs are fried!!! }(

Didn't have to good of a start this morning, but hopefully it'll get better. Tomorrow is my Friday and I can't wait for my 3 day weekend! WOOHOO! :)

I hope that everybody has a great workout or rest day!

Good morning,

No bugs for breakfast today, I feel like I am missing something!

Anyways, today was Christi Totally Hot Cardio and Coremax 3.

Have a great day!
You all are cracking me up about the bugs. LOL at ya Denise!


I am so behind with my flowers and veggies. I do have perennials in some of my flower beds, but still have not bought the hanging plants or some of the annuals for my other beds. Strawberries are here!!! Just ate 2 yesterday out of my strawberry bed. Will get the veggie plants and all this weekend. Can't wait!!!!

Take Care

Dutchie...I wanna be at your house!! Its pouring here...but I have had the same protein on some of my runs....don't think bug are condsiered Vegan though, so I try to spit them out...
Denise...the first time I did Cardio Kicks, I used 1.5lb gloves...WOW...shoulders were sore...:)

Good workouts everyone, nice to see the newbies too...:)

I got Taebo Bootcamp from QVC yesterday! 5 DVD's for about $40. http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/f/wiggle.gif[/img] I also got the Freestyle training book. It is a different concept for training your lower body. There are a number of Catheites that have done it and I need a break from my lower body routine now. You train 6 days a week, seems like lighter weights and more reps. About 7 legs exercises a day, and 2 ab ones. So that is what I am doing today plus a 4 mile run and Tris and Bi's...Have a great day ladies...:)...Carole
Morning Everyone,

Last night I totally changed what I was going to do. I did PS Chest, Shoulders, Triceps and a 3 mile run on the treadmill. I had been doing the weight work in Hardcore for 12 weeks and I felt I needed a change. Went as heavy or heavier than Cathe on the weights and it felt great.

Tonight is our game (maybe) again there is rain in the forcast for around the time of our game. I have Imax 1 on the schedule.

Dutchie, great description of your run. Bugs don't ever stand a chance around me! They are usually dead in their tiny graves as soon as I see them. x( Especially the mosquito!!!!

Have a great day!

Laurie Mac
Today i am doing C/W. i haven't done this one in a long time, so i am looking forward to it! "Let it go"!!! and "Morena" i love those songs! i have to mow and take Bella to the vet today, but i may get it in early. we'll see:+

Dutchie: your protein sounds delicious!:9

Carole: i am pm-ing you about those workouts!

Hi I have been exercising for a number of years but as of January when I bought my first Cathe DVD, I have becomed a Cathe addict.

Today I did taebo Cardio with 1lb weighted gloves and BS/BF Lower body add on.

OK, today's workout is DONE! I was not in the mood but I did PH (sans squats) and a 4 mile TM run with 5% incline. I just don't have the endurance to do all those squats and the run with incline. For abs I did ME abs. The intensity series abs have always given me good results.

Toasty- I read your DOMS post and I'm right there with ya. Yesterday after IMAX2 I walked 18 very hilly holes of golf.

Dutchie- yucky protein!

I hope Wendy is having a nice time adjusting to motherhood!

AKA "Likes2bfit"
Morning all---

Today I did Body Max, minus the upper body section at the end. I have to say this workout is not one of my favorites. I find the choreography to be a little dull and less creative than most of hers.

Today is pouring down rain, and we haven't had much time to dry out since the last bout of rain. But it is supposed to be nice Friday and Saturday.
Good morning,

This morning I did Step Fit ("Was that a sheep?"), and the KickMax leg conditioning drills.

Terri - I'm sorry to hear you're still struggling with your illness. Feel better soon! Doing BS and BF together is a long workout!! But a very good one! Excellent work!

Dutchie - I found that pregnancy yoga video on dvd on a Canadian bookstore website. Thanks again! I'm LOL at your request for a bug memorial. Poor things. Do you chew them before they go down?

Connie - I had my first DD a month before I turned 30, and I'll be having my second a month after I turn 35. I'm often considered an "older" mom, which seems weird, because I still feel like a kid. Maybe if I ever graduate from school, I'll start to feel like a grownup! PH is a classic endurance workout. It gives you a good solid workout, IMO. I just love the shoulder section. What did you think of the biceps?

Angie - so what video are you going to get?? You did all the KM conditioning drills without stopping?? You Go Girl!!!

Foodie Sue - I sincerely hope you're right about my labour being as easy (a relative term!) as Wendy's. She posted the details of her labour and delivery on the pregnancy forum, and it was a classic birth. Has your upper body stopped shaking yet??

Suzanne - KPC is a great workout when you want to work off some aggression!

Annette - that's very exciting that you are going to do some home renos! Apparently, living through home renovations is one of the top marital stressors. I wish you the best of luck!

Denise - how do you not wake up the whole house with MIC at 4am? On my floors, all that jumping can be noisy. Good work!

Reba - the LG dvd is amazing. All of the Body Blast dvds are wonderful, particularly for the premixes. Just wait until you see what's on the SJP/SB dvd!

Jes - these days when I do KPC I don't do the front jump kicks in the combos. I keep them grounded. It's amazing how that makes the workout so much "nicer" :) Has Bella fully recovered from her reactions to her shots? I hope today's visit is not for anything serious?

Carla - IMO KPC is worth the investment, for sure! Especially if you get it on dvd with LG.

Shawna - Welcome! What Cathe dvd did you buy in January? How many have you bought since? :)

Have a great day everyone!
Foodie Sue,

I agree with you about the creativeness of the choreography, especially during the circuit section. However, it's one heck of a workout isn't it? I always feel so accomplished when I've finished! (And I'm always glad to be finished!).

So, the game will be cancelled with all this rain?

Sandra, I started with BS/BF, quickly after that I got the BB Timesaver, then From the hardcore - Core max, low max kick max, stretch max and hardcore extreme. I now want to get the pyramids, slow and heavy, pushpull and supersets and Me and bootcamp. I am trying my hardest to hold out. I just maxed out one of my credit cards on a trip to Puerto Rico, but knowing me I will probably just put them on another one.:eek: :eek:

Shawna, you've got some great workouts! Have you tried them all yet? Resistance is futile. Just open your wallet and buy them all. Forget the trip ;-)

Good Morning All,

My cable modem crapped out on Monday, so I have a lot of catching up to do. My, we are a chatty bunch!

Yesterday I was still feeling a bit weak from the UTI so I opted for the CTX: Upper Body Split. That is one tough upper body workout.

Today was KPC. I continue to enjoy this workout more and more.

On the subject of bugs: I seem to have a wee problem with ants in my workout space. I told hubby that stomping on them has added some intensity to my workouts. See, I spot the ant, plan the moment when I can sprint over to crush, and then spring back to catch the next Cathe cue...Whew!

Enjoy your day,


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