Daily check in Wednesday 18 May

Sandra, I have tried them all. I am yet to do lowmax in its entirety but I have done all the premixes except the all blasts. I just love them. All my other workouts seems to have taken a back seat.

Hello ladies.

Sandra thank you for your kind words :) I am feeling better and last night did lower body blast from Supersets. I was so happy to acomplish more for the day then I had anticipated.

Today I am planning to get some core work on. I havent worked abs in a couple days! For cardio I am going to jog on the treadmill. Weighg work out will be Upper body blast from Super sets. I love all the premixs I have now have that I own the dvds as opposed to just fittv. Yesterday I won back,shoulders, and biceps from ebay. I am so excited!

Hope you all have a great day!

Good morning everyone!

This morning was KPC, minus the crunch part. ;) Had to skip the abs section due to lack of time. Maybe I'll do it later on this evening.

Have a great day! :D

I guess this is the KPC strand! I did it yesterday! :) Today is a walk day because it is SO beautiful and my son is too heavy to jog with in the stroller anymore! Those darn coffee beans aren't working! Why won't he stop growing!!!:eek: I will jog tomorrow before school with my daughter, I think. She likes to ride her bike with me, and it is such a great time for the tow of us to be along and talk!

Have a great day all!!!:7
Hi good morning. Today is TAEBO advanced 3, the power drills of CK and the kickmax blast challenge. Tomorrow is the release day of the star wars episode III. Are you going to see the film ?. Most of the previews I have seen for this film, seem to indicate this will be much better than the first two. Have a great day everybody

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :) :)
Nothing for me as I am still sick. I feel kind of like death today. Hot & cold, congested, etc. I went to the doc yesterday and I am started on Z pack so hopefully I will be back to myself soon. I can't wait to do KPC again and master L&G! Happy hump day everyone.

Yes I am going to Stawrwars. My son is taking me friday night. He bought tickets in advance and we are going with some friends. He is a starwars fan big time. At 24 he acts like a kid when they are released! I am excited to go.

Terri :)
Debbie I hope you feel better real soon. I know it sucks to be sick and mis workouts. Take care and I am sure the medicine will have you up and about soon.

Hi Terri. I am a starwars fans too. I can't wait to see the film.I hope you , your son and your friends enjoy starwars.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :)
OK I am totally ordering the SJP/SJ dvd - I will wait until next paycheck though :) I love her cardio!

So I am doing pilates and Circuit Max tonight. :) I love that Circuit Max - its fun!

I posted a cry for help on the Open Forum - If anyone wishes to respond I would love you experienced Catheites to put in your 2 cents! I have only been doing Cathe since January and am totally totally hooked! My strength has increased and my definition in muscles is better - now i gotta figure out how to really get that lean and cut look :)
Hi everybody,

Sandra, I have been living the home renovation now addition for a long time now. I have my kitchen in my dining room and laundry room at the moment. I have no counter space at all, I use the top of the washing machine and chest freezer for my counters. I use the top of the dryer for my drying rack for my dishes which are done in the utility sink in the laundry room.:eek: My dishes and food are all in one floor to ceiling cabinet in the laundry room also. If I need to use the crock pot it is plugged in and put on the floor. My dining room which has the stove and fridge and microwave in it also has the table plus drywall walls with no mud or tape on them and my floor is a plywood subfloor. Now you know my life!!LOL!! I will be sooo happy when the kitchen addition with full bath and eat in area is complete.:D

I did a lame workout today because my mind is also preoccupied with my homeschool evaluation coming up at 3o'clock today. I did 30 min. of standing legwork off of PSSL&A. Between worrying about money and finishing up the school year I am just not all "here" today!

Hope you all have a great day!!:7
ACK!! Why did I think I'd already posted in here?

This morning I did ME. I love it, love it, love it.

Then my SO and I went for a hike (really it was a wild plant finding mission, but shhhhhhhhhh.....). We hiked for an hour, down the ravine to the bottom, followed the stream along, then back up again. I live on the Niagara Escarpment (yes, on top of it), and at the end of our trail were the stairs going all the way up, so up we went. My legs were screaming at me. I told them to shut up.

I don't think I ate any bugs on the way, but you never know;)
You did ME and all that climbing in one day???? Brave woman! Oh, speaking of eating bugs, did you know that you eat an average of seven spiders in your sleep each year??? Yummy!

I just got back from a great walk with the kids around our block. I think it was about 2 miles, maybe a little less. It was pretty fun! They are quite amusing at times! Today was a light day for me since tomorrow is my big 4 1/2mile morning run!

See ya later!

Oh geez, Missy, I may never sleep again. Or at least not without duct tape over my mouth!

All this talk about bugs is hilarious!

And this must be KPC day because that's what I did this morning! I had a glorious day off from work. Me and my bf spent the whole day together just running errands and going out to lunch. It was wonderful. And then another driving lesson with DD. She experienced the joys of filling up the gas tank. I just wish she could have experienced the true joy of PAYING for the gas.....

Great post, Dutchie! I smiled and giggled the whole time I was reading it! :)

It's nearly 11pm and this is the first chance I've had to log on all day! :( My day was good though- great workout, lunch with some good friends, fridge restocked with clean foods, 2 hours of reading a great book and an evening watching a movie. Yep, a good day indeed!

I did a number on my legs today!}( Today called for Leaner Legs + 10 minutes of AB Hits. I don't have either one of these workouts (I should probably add "yet" here, lol), so I mixed it up a bit. I wanted to be sure not to do the same leg exercises as I did yesterday with PH, so here's what I did:

Kathy Smith LWTLW2- w/u and 10 minute glute section (rear leg lifts, dead lifts and lunges- just 1 long set of each)
Then LW2- abs section (which just happens to be 10 minutes, yay!)
Then I did about 80% of L&G minus the squats and a couple rounds of lunges.

My legs were screaming- in a good way!- and I KNOW I'll be feeling it tomorrow. I LOVE IT! It feels so wonderful to challenge my body in this new way. I felt like Project:You had gotten me out of a bit of a rut, but now I know I've found a whole new level thanks to Cathe and all of you. ;) Thank you!!

Connie :D
I watched Star Wars Episode I. :p I've got free tickets to see Episode III next week and I wanted to be able to follow the story. LOL I've never been a big Star Wars fan, I'm enjoying it. ;)

Connie :D

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