Daily Check In: Tuesday, March 22, 2005


Hi Ladies,
Last evening was: MIC and Stretch Max #2

I am traveling early this morning for a meeting that will run through tomorrow and so I will have to take today as a rest day. That stinks because I like to get in more than 5.5 hours workout time before I take a rest day.

Cheers. I hope you all enjoy your day and workouts.
Not to worry - I'll be resting w/ you! I'm sore from Step Blast and weights from CW. Bootcamp on Wednesday :)

mommy to Aiden Mackenzie 4/8/04
Hi Ladies,

So I was in a wierd mood last night so I pulled out one of my OLD videos to do just for the heck of it....Thighs of Steel by Tammy Lee Webb lol..."back in the day" I loved that tape!!! I did the standing leg routine and then did the Gazelle for 30 mins for the cardio I had originally planned to do.

I'll tell ya, Thighs of Steel may be outdated, but I still felt the burn!!!

I don't remember what's up for today....I think upper body work and some cardio, but I have to check!

Have a great day!

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


Hi, all:
I am thinking IMAX2, 30 minute elliptical, and coremax and stretchmax. I am not positive I will do IMAX 2 though, I could chicken out and do RS.
Ciao tutti!

I have C&W planned for today...haven't done that one in a LONG time.

Enjoy your Tuesday and your workouts...

Today is my rest/cleaning day, if that makes sense.

Did Supersets yesterday and ran with my son instead of doing KPC.

Rollerskating again on friday...can't wait! Was so much fun last time, and my son kept warning me that speed skating wasn't allowed. LOL

Have a great workout everyone!

Hey, Everybody!
Today was CoreMax #2 and GS Legs. I used to hate to do legs, but now they are fun to do. My legs are really starting to look buff! I can't wait for it to get a little warmer, so I can wear some shorts and show them off!!:p

Have a great day!
Morning Everyone,

Today will be MM for me. Yesterday I did HC Extreme #2 and it was very deseptive. At first I thought this is pretty easy. The last 20 min. of this w/o is a killer, but great fun. The end of the w/o is Imax#3 interval#10 followed by the Blast Challenge from Kickmax. Now I know why Cathe does the punching drills followed by the blast in KM. Gasp!!!}(

Have a great day!

Laurie Mac
Good morning ladies....

Laurie Mac....I about died when I did the Hardcore Extreme #2 and got to those KM blasts!!! I have done the 1st one on Hardcore Extreme too and I like it alot.

Today I am doing the MM lower body premix, CTX Chest & Back, and 1 or 2 Coremax segments. I am hoping the rain eases a bit before I go out for my run....5 or 6 miles....

Have a great day!!!....:)...Carole
Today is bootcamp and the segment 3 of core max. Have a great day.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :)
Morning all! Didn't have a chance to check in yesterday, so I will give my past three days workouts. Sunday I did ME followed by C & W cardio premix. Yesterday I did SB and this morning I did TaeBo Advanced. Tonight I will be doing back, chest and shoulders from PUB and possibly more abs.

Well, I did it! I couldn't take it anymore so I broke down and bought LowMax, CoreMax and IMAX 3!!! I can't wait until I get them! It's like Christmas! I'm a little scared to try IMAX 3, but we'll see how it goes.

Hope everyone has a great day!

Good afternoon, ladies:

I have been trapped at home for two days waiting for the plumber to show up and replace my hot water heater. He just left; I am so happy! I haven't had a shower since a freezing cold one on Sunday morning!! LOL

Today I am doing GS Legs for the first time. I am pretty excited about that and hoping I can get through the whole thing. I did S&H Back & Chest yesterday and let me tell you, that is an AWESOME workout. I am still feeling the DOMS. (We are sick women, lol.)

Wendy, I have a couple of the "Buns of Steel" tapes! I haven't looked at them in years....

Hi All,

Can I join this check-in? I read it every day and it inspires me.

Today I will do HC Legs(standing legs only) and Stetchmax(w/band)

I am awed!!

I just did GS Legs. I didn't go really heavy on the weight in the beginning because I was focused more on what are we doing, what's next, etc. Anyway... the first couple of sets of leg presses with the band were disappointing (because I wasn't giving it enough resistance), but by the end of the floor work segment, my thighs were screaming! This is an AWESOME workout... In other workouts, I never feel like I am hitting my inner thighs that well. I liked it enough that I think I am going to spend my fitness money this month on the other two GS workouts instead of the step!

So if you're into lower body work and haven't tried this one, it is definitely worth it. I bought the bands (you can get higher resistance ones as well) at fwonline.com for about $4 each.

come on in 1chica!!!! please join us!

good workouts all!!!

i took yesterday off cause i was osre from MM. today i did 41 min pm of KPC, 1/2 of HSC and UB pm of BC. time for my protein shake!!!

Hi all and welcome to the newbies to this check in.

I did MIS warmup with no step, then did Back and Triceps and the abs too off of MIS (forget to say that so I edited to say so), then my weighted kickbox gloves came via UPS so I did Kick Max just the warm up, and combos then stretch and boy did it ever make a difference. I was sweatin' during the warmup wearing those gloves.:eek: :+ I think it will really help up the intensity in alot of my workouts. Especially if my toe continues to be a problem and I need more upper body ooomph to get my heart rate up. My poor back is hurting now!!:eek: ;( :+

The gloves I got are 1.5 pounds each and they do make a difference so I recommend using gloves to anybody who wants to up then intensity and get an added arm workout to boot.

Have a great day!!:7 :D
Hi everyone!
Today I did Step Blast. That workout is so much fun!! But the blasts did have me gasping for air!!

Hey guys!!

Well my house is starting to turn into the gym for my friends and family..LOL A friend of mine called me up today and wanted to come over and work out, so she did! We did Boot camp and GS: Chest and Triceps..She did very well!!

I gave her the P90X Phase I eating plan and some meal plans from the Oxygen Abs special edition. It is so much fun to have someone to work out with! I think I might have over did it a bit, as my shoulder is hurting pretty good right now!! Ouch! my brother is planning on coming over later tonight to work out...I may be dead by the end of the day...LOL

Today was:
GS: Chest and Triceps premix

Later tonight:
P90X: Yoga X with hubby To help keep him on track with his rotation.

:) ;-) :D :p :9 :7 :+

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