Daily Check In: Thursday, May 25, 2006


Surprise, I'm starting the check in today! It's actually only 3 minutes into Thursday, here in the mountain time zone, and I just finished my workout 20 minutes ago. I'm really liking my late evening workouts. I especially enjoy the post-workout atmosphere of the house. Everyone's fast asleep, it's very quiet and peaceful, and I feel so good. I just finished GS Legs. I don't know what I did before the HC Series came out; I find myself reaching for those workouts so frequently.

Pamela - great to see you post here again! I was wondering about you yesterday, and thought maybe you were still on vacation. How did it go? This isn't the first time I've been pulled back to the coffee, and each time I quit it feels worse than the last time. But one cup a day is surely a reasonable, manageable addiction, right? How much do you drink?

GymMom - it's so rewarding to see that kind of progress. Great job on staying dedicated and consistent long enough to see results.

Annette - that was a terrific mish mosh you did. Very creative! And tough!

Caitlin - I think you're probably right; someone under 150lbs is probably not going to burn 700 calories in an hour, unless it's, perhaps, really heinous cardio (MIC perhaps? :) But maybe one of the members here who use heart rate monitors can tell us if it's truly impossible.

Jane - I don't envy you your schedule!!! And I wish DH the very best with his surgery on Friday. I hope it's nothing serious.

Jill L - welcome to the boards. And your Cathe quote is my favourite. My second favourite is from BootCamp: "You can do anything for a minute."

Well, time to finish the grocery list then head to bed. Elton John and Rod Stewart are singing a duet of "Making Whoppie" on my radio right now. It's nice.

"Hello" to everyone who posts today; have a great workout!

Hi Sandra and the rest of the gang!

Sandra, I know what you mean about working out when everyone is peacefully sleeping. I consider it my time and it irritates me when the family wakes up.

Caitlin - I wear an HRM and I never burn even close to 700 cal. I'm a small person (115 lbs), but for some reasonmy HRM doesn't show me burning many cal at all. An intense WO for me is 250 cal. I like to wear the HRM to show how the WO's compare.

I'll take the weekend to figure out a challenge for us.

Enjoy your day.


Good Morning Sandra and Phyllis:

Sandra...WOW! From working out at 5am to 11pm! That's a big change! What made you switch?

Phyllis...So what work out are you doing or is today a rest day?

Caitlin...I am looking back at my workouts when I wore my HRM often and I burned 834 calories doing the Viper...That's pretty darn close to 1000! lol This was 2 months post pregnancy so I probably weighed about 145 at the time I guess.

If I am going to get a workout in today I am going to have to do some rushing around. I have to get my lil guy to his one year doc appoinment for 9:30am and after that we are heading up to north Jersey to my SIL's.

I am torn between doing Leaner Legs and 30 mins of some kind of cardio or doing Boot Camp. Things that make ya go Hmmmmmmmm!:p

Edited To Add: I decided to rest today. It's actually supposed to be a rest day anyway! So much for Boot Camp!;) :p
Good Morning Fit Chicks!

Today I will be doing PS & MIS Biceps and IM#1. Then it is CleanMax and LaundryMax before heading out to work at 12:30.

Sandra: I am lifting to failure with both PS & MIS. They compliment each other very well and both segments per body part are no longer than 25 minutes, leaving room for some cardio every day. I agree with you on the Gym Styles....they are just fantastic!

Phyllis: Great workout....The Gauntlet is quite a workout.

Wendy: Enjoy your rest day and your mini vacation.

Jane: Well wishes to your DH.

Caitlin: I have burned in the neighborhood of 700 - 800 calories with workouts such as BodyMax, any of the Terminators and HCXtremes.

Hello to all that follow...have a great day!
Morning all,

Push pull was this morning. I so perfer weight training over cardio. Anyway, I leave today for Cali. Wish me luck at getting some workouts in.

Thanks for you help. Those were the two that I thought of bringing. Hopefully I will get to do them. Never know how crazy vaca will be.
Good morning Girls,

Today I had planned on P90X biceps, a back workout from one of Cathe's.....and abs, hadn't picked it out yet.
I'll still do it later if I start feeling better, but I woke up with my stomach bothering me and I've spent the morning so far on the couch.

I'm hoping to perk up but if not, it'll just be an unplanned rest day instead.

Hope everyone has a great Thursday!
Hannah--have a great time in Cali--keep up with the WO LOL!

Sandra--Last week I worked out about 11pm and LOVED it. I have been staying up way to late the last few weeks loving the peaceful house! Have two little ones, so quiet is hard to come by.

Wendy--hope you really enjoy your rest day

Phyllis--I just ordered the Terminator DVD and am very anxious to do those workouts!

Tammy--those sound like really thorough workout! Have a good day

Well I have a circuit WO on tap for today. Maybe bootcamp again, or I might do SJP. I will let you all know how it goes. Went for a nice walk with my sister last night about 7:30. It was really relaxing to be out in the nice weather. Anyway, have a great SUNNY day!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

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Good morning ladies

Sandra...I tried quitting coffee once...had a nasty headache for a week. So I drink about 2 cups every morning and none later in the day. Yes I have a run coming up in July. The 15th I'll be doing my 3rd 50K...I bet in your busy days the evening can be so peaceful...I love my peaceful moments...:)

Wendy...have a great time in Jersey...and enjoy the massage...:)

The Gauntlet is a good one Phyllis...

Tammy...you are really enjoying PS...good job lifting to failure...

Hannah...have a great vacation...

Becky...hope you feel better...

Maeghan..enjoy your workout, whatever you do...

I'll be doing PLB standing, a 6 mile interval run and some Yoga,

Have a nice day...:)
Daily Check-in

Good morning! I did Timesaver 3 last night. It is very intense with the first 2 combinations from Step Blast followed by tough bicep and core work. I can do all of Step Blast now! It is definitely more intense than Rhythmic Step.

I am finally getting back on track with my morning workouts. I did Timesaver 4 this morning and love it. Kick, Punch, & Crunch is my favorite kickboxing workout, and the shoulder work is really tough.

I planned menus for the next 10 days and went to the grocery store last night. My meals and snacks are packed for today, and I am determined and focused on my goals.

I decided to return to the CTX Series next week after I finish this first week of Timesaver workouts. I am planning to do 2 weeks of the CTX Series followed by a week of Timesaver workouts when I return home from my trip followed by another 2 weeks of the CTX Series. This week is a fresh start for me. All in all, this will be a 6-week rotation (counting this week) that will get me through the end of June. Adding the Timesaver workouts to my rotation every few weeks will give me a break from the super high impact.

Carole, I finally had the opportunity to try Tracie’s TLTs. A friend sent them to me to try. I did not like Endurance for Movement at all. It does not have the same fun factor as Jen’s workout. I had intense cramps last night and could not get to sleep, so I did Better Burn Better Buns. I love this one, and warming up my core relieved the cramps too! It is a fun workout like Strength in Movement. I love the creative leg exercises with the gliding discs, and it has more cardio than the other one. I have always loved cardio with the weighted ball. I like the high impact sections of Tracie’s other workout but not enough to buy it. I am not interested in Susan’s workout, so I did not even try that one. How do you work these into a rotation? Is it better to do one a week or save them for recovery weeks?

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
RE: Daily Check-in

Good morning everyone,

Kinda rough morning after trying to stay up for AI and Lost, but the coffee is going down really well!

Today was Gay Gasper Cardio Step Express, just what I needed today!

Have a great day all!
RE: Daily Check-in

Heather, Susan's is the TLT I least enjoy. SIM and BBBB are my fav's and EFM comes in next. That is great BBBB helped with your cramps...I workout on carpet and I also love the exercises I do with the paper plate, sure does hit some areas of the legs I don't workout that much!! I do them more often on a recovery week. Other than that I just do one if I have some extra time once a week as they are just different and have a nice "FUN" factor for me...:)
Good morning everyone -

Sandra - wow, I'm dead to the world at that hour - kudos to you for still having the energy to tackle a workout! I do know what you mean about quiet and peaceful. I do my workouts early in the morning before everyone is up. I consider it my time and can't stand if anyone dares gets up early to bother me.

Yesterday, I got in an hour walk in the evening to make up for what felt like a non cardio taebo. The walk felt great. But I have to admit, my sides are sore this morning from all those cross jabs in tae bo, so I guess I really did get some benefit.

This morning I did S&H Triceps and Biceps. I was tempted to do a lower body, but I have PT today and my therapist always works out my lower body to the point of exhaustion. I think he gets a kick out of seeing how much he can push me. He did say I'm almost done, a few more weeks if I suffer no more set backs. Yippee!!!

I'll try to sneak in another walk since the weather is supposed to be great today. If you can't tell, I love sunny weather. :)
Good Morning My Fellow Workout Maniacs...
I just completed IMAX 3 this morning... and my body is killing me, my face is beat red and oh my God I have GS legs tomorrow!!! The Hardcore series is soooo intense!! I love the routines in IMAX 3 though. It really is an awesome tape. (gulp). Sandra, my hats are off to you. I just can't do late night workouts or early morning. Last summer I tried working out at 6:00am and after about 3 months I found myself stopping in the middle of tapes, lightening up in weights, and just sleeping through workouts. It just didn't work.
Late nights... I am dead. Kaput... no energy at all. I found that the best time for me is between 9:00am to 10:00am. Then I'm off to work on our business for the day. But it sounds so wonderful to be able to do that. You have so much more time to get things done.



Never be afraid to do something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark; professionals built the titanic.
I'm back from Virginia!!! Actually I got back on Tuesday, but with the jetlag and all I didn't work out again until this morning. It is SO nice to be home and to be back in my old routine. I am so burned out on bad food I can't even tell you!!! I tried to eat somewhat healthy, but it's not that easy when you aren't choosing the restaurants or what is being served at the family gatherings. My body was very mad at me by the end. I was able to work out a couple time, but not as much as I wanted. But I'm back in the swing of things and back to my clean eating and feel much better now.
This morning was IMAX 2 followed by Core Max #2.

Hope everyone has a great day!


ETA:Caitlin I use a hrm and have been able to burn over 700 calories in about and hour and half on a regular basis. I weight around 122 and have been able to burn that many calories working out at the gym and doing 30 mintues of elliptical followed by 30 mintues running on the treadmill. I also burned that much doing MIC, but other than that, most of Cathe's full hour intense cardio workouts burn around 550 for me. I did IMAX 2 this morning and burned 595.
Thanks Sandra, sometimes I come up with a good one.LOL!!

I did various exercises off of Legs and Glutes today, mostly plie squats, calves, explosive plies and standing front extensions, and side extensions all with ankle weights on, plus I did PLB floorwork, abs off of MIS and the 8 min. taebo for a little cardio.

My legs will feel it tomorrow,:+ :eek: .

Have a great day!!:7
Dear Sandra and good afternoon to all your fit ladies,

I have a heart rate monitor, and the most I can burn in an hour is 450 calories, no matter how hard I workout. For the Imax's, I usually burn about 300, even for Imax3. Last night, I wore my heart rate monitor, and I walked to the gym, ran two miles and walked one on the treadmill, took the hour long step class, and walked home. I turned the HRRM off when I came home, and I had burned a little over 900 calories in a space of over two and a half hours.

I hope everybody has great workouts today. Tonight, I am doing a ciruit and the kickboxing in the gym.
Dear Phyllis,

I love my HRRM, and I have the Polar F4. I am also not a big person, and I weigh about 130 pounds now. I would like to get down to about 120. How tall are you, Phyllis?

I also like to compare workouts.
Dear Wendy,

I have to get the DVD that has the Viper. I am also older, so I think that affects my calorie burn also.
Hey, just finished Step Jump Pump. Feel pretty good. Like the ab work on that one. Really gets me.
Sounds like everyone has some kickbutt WO today. Nice job ladies!
I hope to get a run or walk in tonight. It is just so beautiful! THe birds are a singing. I love it!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

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