Hi everyone,
I just typed a long message and lost it, so here's a short version. This morning I did KickMax w/u & combos, followed by GS BSB.
Phyllis - PH is a terrific workout.
Tammy - It's amazing how good a solid night's sleep can make you feel. Great workout you have planned for today!
Wendy - enjoy your well-deserved rest day.
Maeghan - CW is fun, fun!
Tracy - LOL! I love your strategy. So, did you do the cardio workout in your pj's, too?
Hannah - SB and SJP are two really fun workouts. I usually sing along to Breakfast at Tiffany's, during the static lunges; I just can't resist.
Laurie - I really enjoy the sequential power kicks in Cardio Kicks, but can't say that I like them at all in KM

Did you pick up any of the Cathe VHS's that were selling for $9.95 by CK Sales? I was going to buy a few, but waited too long and they sold out immediately. You snooze, you lose, I guess.
Have a great day!