Daily Check in TGIF Jun 2


Good Morning. I took this AM off as my legs are tired from all the stepping this week. I'll either do ME tonight or tomorrow to finish off my circuit rotation. I still haven't decided what I'll do after that.

Gymmom, I wo at least an hour every morn, but sometimes the wo go longer( maybe another 20). So, it depends on time available and the routine. I've been working with Cathe for about 3 yrs and prior to that I was a firmie.

Have a good day!


Good Morning Chickies!

Phyllis: Isn't it a great feeling when you come to the END of a rotation? :)

I am doing OKAY this morning. My side still hurts but it's not like it was yesterday. I think I can get cardio in today.

Last night I finally broke down and went outside for a 20 min power walk just to get SOMETHING in.

Today I am torn between attempting to step or going to the gym super early for a run. I have to go grocery shopping at some point this morning as well so the gym could make my schedule a bit hectic but I think I really want to go...Decisions Decisions. :p
Good Morning Fit Chicks!:7:7:7TGIF:7:7:7

This morning for me will be CTX Back, AbRipperX and MIC Hi/Lo.

Phyllis: ME is just a great workout.

Wendy: Take it easy with your shoulder.

Hello to all that follow....have a great day!

Thanks. It's killin' me but I am takin' it easy...I have hardly done any u/b work outs since this started at the beginning of last week. I think I've gotten TWO in and they weren't great quality work outs. :-( I hope there is a simple/quick solution to my problem. I should find out more today as I am going to the dr. this afternoon. Wish me luck!
Morning everyone!

Phyllis - Thanks for the info. Now I don't feel so bad. I get about an hour in every day, somedays more. And that doesn't count the 2 30 min sessions of back exercises that my PT has me doing.

Today was a more day. I did PUB plus CTX All Step (cardio only) plus Stretch Max. I feel GREAT. I'm planning on PLB tomorrow followed by some cardio again. I love weekends.

Happy Friday!!
Hey Everyone!!
Didn't check in yesterday.....so busy at work. Anyway, I did High Step Challenge yesterday and today I'm doing Ab Jam! Haven't tried that tape yet but I hear from the posts that it's really good.
Phyllis... rest those tired legs... good luck with ME... love it!!
Tammy ....have a great work out
Wendy....FEEL BETTER!! All positive thoughts and prayers going out to you!


Jill L.

"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are."
Theodore Roosevelt
Hi everyone. Good Friday to all of you
I am doing SJP today. Need to hurry up and do it as I will be busy with errands today.
Good luck at doc Tig.

Maeghan AKA megadoo

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/159/.png[/img] [/url]

Good morning everyone,

Wendy - Glad to hear you are going to the doctor's today, I think you need some answers on this one. Good Luck.

Today was Seasuns SUS, then I did Seasun's core and ab work from TNS. I was sweating buckets this morning, major humidity going on here in Ohio! Great feeling!

Saturday - ME
Sunday - Amy Bento Hi/lo Cardio Pump ( premix repeating hi/lo portion ).

Have a great weekend. I think I may opt for fitnessfreak's circuit rotation this month, it looks more fun and doable ( timewise ) than Cathe's June rotation.
Morning ladies! It's Friday!!! Today was SB. Haven't done this one in awhile. I had missed it.

Hope everyone has a great day!

Hi Fitties!!!


This morning I did the SJP/SB step& weights circuit premix (WHOA! That's a mouthful!) 81 min.
Was a really good workout that even hit the abs at the end.

Connie , yes MAJOR humidity in Ohio. I love it, but at the same time am extremely grateful for central air!!!!;-)
It's also raining ........AGAIN!!!

It's DD's last day of school!!! Oh happy day!!:) :)

Have a great day everyone!!
Daily Check-in

Good morning! I am so glad Friday has arrived! No rest day for me this week. I have planned 10 days of workouts in a row before my trip to visit my family. I am also planning to hit the ground running after that trip. I did Timesaver 4 this morning.

Gym Mom, I started my fitness journey on July 4, 2003, with the FIRM Basics. I worked my way up to the FIRM Classics, joined the FIRM Ya Yas last year, and was introduced to Cathe’s workouts. I did my first Cathe workout (Cardio Kicks) last May, ordered 4 more videos, and started my first Cathe/FIRM rotation on the 4th of July. The VHS sale in November enabled me to acquire a nice collection of Cathe’s videos all at once. Since New Year’s Day, I have been doing Cathe’s workouts almost exclusively with functional fitness or dance-oriented cardio added to the mix from time to time. I still have a fitness club membership, but I dropped my live classes in March. At this point in the journey, I am having a lot of fun at home with Cathe. I am not planning to return to classes at the club until I get closer to my goal weight for a variety of reasons. I have worked out for 2-3 hours a day in the past. I am currently working out for an hour or less a day with a rest day every week. I need to start training my body for longer workouts before Cathe films the new workouts!

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
TGIF!! Can't wait to get through today and enjoy a little time off!

This morning was IMAX3 and MM abs and stretch. The workout doesn't really end until I'm in the car on the way to work. Thirty minutes from shower to out the door certainly is a workout!

Wendy, feel better soon!!

Becky, I can't believe another school year is winding down!!!

Hey to everyone, enjoy your Friday!

Take Care
Hello, everybody,

Yesterday was a horribly hot, humid day in NYC, and I did my circuit class in the gym last night and kickboxing after. I decided that I am never going to use more than one pound weighted gloves for kickboxing, as my left shoulder twinges.

Wendy, how did you hurt yourself? Good wishes being sent your way.

Phyllis, how many times did you do step this week. I attempt to limit step to about three or four times a week, as it does a number on my legs, too. Maybe I will get to BodyMax this weekend. I am down about another half a pound, and I notice my weight fluctuating on the scale each day.

I hope everybody has wonderful workouts or rest days today.
Hi everyone,

I helped a friend move yesterday, so by time I came home, I was ready for bed. So, I will be doubling up my workouts again today. This morning I did GS BSB, and KPC PM#4 (intermediate drills, combos 1&2, abs). BSB has the best music, of all of the GymStyles, IMO. It also gives me the best "after-glow." I really like that workout. Tonight I will be doing some sort of 60 minute cardio. I'm thinking of doing LIS, followed by KM drills, but I might just do RS or SW. I'll decide tonight.

Gymmom, I w/o 60-90 mins a day, 6 days a week. I've been working out with Cathe, off and on, since 1997. I've been a regular exerciser since 1990, or so. Over the years I've done all sorts of things: running, swimming, squash, biking, yoga, weight training (at the gym), cardio machines (at the gym), aerobics classes (at the gym), couch-warming (in the living room).

TiGGer, I hope the doctor only has good things to say about your shoulder. I'm sending healing vibes your way.

Jill - I love HSC, especially the music. Great workout!

Becky - that's a super premix. So much fun, and effective, too!

Laurie - LOL! I feel that way some days, too.

"Hello" to the rest of the gang. Have a great day!
i had a terrible start today. I went jogging but I didn't feel too challenged so I am going to start my rotation over tommorrow and take that out for right now. Horrible just horrible.
Hi girls.

Thanks for all of the good wishes. I hope they work!:) As for how I hurt myself, Caitlin, I have NO CLUE! LOL That is the most frustrating part about it. The pain seemed to come from NO WHERE!x(

So I decided the run was the better deal today...I did about a 2 mile hill interval run. I kept my speed steady at 5.5 and did about 2-3 mins on an incline and the 1-2 min flat, etc. I slowly increased the incline as I went along and then at the end I kicked up the speed to 6.5 w/no incline for the last 2 minutes before the cool down. It was a good work out and I feel great now!:)

Jill: HSC is a great work out IMO! How do you like it?

Gym Mom: PUB is a fryer for sure!

Meg: I'm not SJP's biggest fan...how do you like it? I think it's the hi/lo that turns me off to it. Hope you got your errands done!

Conni: I did fitnessfreak's last rotation and had some great results! Good luck with it!

Katie: SB..an oldie but a goodie!

Becky: TGIF back at ya!:)

Laurie: IMAX 3...YIKES! It's been a while for me! I don't have the a/c unit in my work out room yet so I think it will have to wait a bit longer! LOL

Heather: You are going to start running soon? Good for you! Do you plan to hit the road or the treadmill?

Sandra: Have a good work out!

Cass: I hope tomorrow is better than today for you! Don't let it get you down.
Afternoon Ladies,

Well, I am back. The trip was VERY long. Did not have much time for working out. Only happened twice. Been back now for 2 days and have not had the energy to do anything. Tomorrow I will start up again. Send me some modivation and energy
Sort of a rest day, gave my heel a break from cardio but I did walk around Wal-Mart for an hour grocery shopping with 3 boys bickering in tow, that should count for something.

My cycle finally started and I did drop a few pounds but still need to drop more. Can't give up now I am at least heading in the right direction.

Have a great weekend.:7
Hello all,
I am checking in pretty late today due to LIFE getting in the way.:) I ran 5 miles yesterday and today I did all of Muscle Max. I love that workout. Now, if I could just get the food thing under control. I really dread this summer having my 3 girls home all day. I have a feeling I will have to really watch the snacking. Anyway, have a super day everyone.


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