Happy Monday ladies
Linda- So glad your back, YAY!!! Great jo on your workout today with:
Blender- "Standing Upper Body with Tubing" -34 min.
YT- Cardio Drumming w/Lindsay- 15 min.
WTG & high fives

Have a good evening
Annette- Great job on today's workout with:
YT- 2 Taebo workouts- one was 27 Min while wearing weighted gloves, the other was 10 Min.
Fun workouts with Taebo today, awesome stuff! Good luck at the Dermatologist.
DH and I will celebrate our 39th anniversary next month (Ground hog's day). Happy Anniversary, do something special. Have a good night
Deanna- Great job on today's workout with:
Low Impact Total Body Trisets Lower Body Split
LM&R Scrambled #1 Premix of LM&R Core Fusion
WTG & very nicely done
Nicki- Great to see you. Great job on today's workouts with:
Lite Cardio Party - 40 minutes
Lite Extended Stretch #1 for 13 minutes
Lite Bonus Abs #1 for 11 minutes
WTG and High fives!!!
Take it easy with sore groin area. Just take it slow & easy and as you if it hurts either back off, modify or skip whatever move irritates groin. Glad your back, you were missed
Here's today's workout:
YT- Kaleigh Cohen Cycle- 30 minute METABOLIC CONDITIONING Indoor Cycling Workout 30 Cycling Workout = 32 Min
ICE- Low Impact Sweat- Timesaver #8 Wup + Cardio 1 + BB + Stretch= 37 Min
MV= 9.0
CB= 455
Equipment: 1 5# DB, Pair 3# DB's
Long step 2 risers each side and mat
**UPDATE - had to Skip this one today, ran out of time****
Have a good evening