Daily Check In: May 29, 2006



I just finished Cardio Kicks. We have laminate flooring in our basement, where I work out. I've never done this workout on laminate before; we had carpet in our previous house. It's an easier workout on laminate! The side shuffles into the punching turns are much easier, and I'm much springier on all those shuffle-punches in the beginning. I also put a full-length mirror in my workout area, and am finding that I'm motivated to jump higher and punch harder, in order to impress myself :)

Laurie - oh dear! Poor Faith! Sports injuries ultimately become a badge of honour, but they aren't fun when they happen. You've been married twice? If you told me that before, then I've forgotten it. Oh hey, have you heard of Georgette Fry? She's from Kingston, and a radio station out here plays her music a lot. I like her stuff. Kingston has great musicians (Have you heard of The Arrogant Worms?).

Robyn - It's really hard to live through home renos, as I'm sure Annette can attest LOL! Good luck with all of the upheaval.

Caitlin - I dread those pushups in GS Chest, too. Some days I can do more than others, and I think it's related to how strong my core is feeling that day. Size 4! Very impressive!

Jill - That office party sounds like a ton of fun! Can I come work for you? What kind of business do you have?

Phyllis - nothing makes those terminators "fun." }( Did you come up with an idea for a group challenge yet? I'm not sure yet what I'm going to do for June, except to continue with my heavy weight training, somehow. Oh, and I'm going to add some running for cardio 2 days a week. I always wait impatiently to see what Cathe posts, but have yet to actually do one of her rotations as soon as she posts it. I print them all off and keep them in a binder for future reference, or for mish mosh ideas.

Tammy - The time when I'll be waking the kids up before noon will probably be here long before I'm ready for it. Time flies too fast these days. How are you doing with ETL?

To everyone who follows, have a great workout, and an even better day!

Morning Sandra and all who follow!

Sandra - I can't wait to renovate my basement into my workout area so I can put down a laminate floating floor. I work out on carpet too and I think the flooring will make a huge difference.

Didn't get a chance to check in this weekend, but Saturday I did Power Hour and yesterday was Imax 2.

I hope everyone has a great day!
It must be Memorial Day, we're '3 for 3' on the Canuck contingent:)

Today is one of my faves, CTX PowerCircuits & B-Max Power Circuit segment. As Cathe would say, 'these legs are gonna work}('.

Sandra, we put laminate flooring downstairs and it is way easier on the feet than the cermaic that was down there. It makes a very shuffley sound as you walk on it. That's cool that Georgette Fry is getting air play in Edmonton. She's been around a long time, she used to come to Belleville sometimes and plays regularly at a pub here as well as at Confederation Park. I have heard of the Arrogant Worms! There's quite a lively music scene here a couple of other popular locals are 'I Hate Sally' and 'Antagonist Mortis'. It was quite a scene in Edmonton this weekend. Too bad the law of the jungle can take over at these 'celebrations':(

Shelley, nice workouts this weekend. I worked out on carpet for a very long time, just about wore a hole through a few of them:+ I never really minded it but just had to be more careful with torquey movements. It's looking like a lovely day here, hope you're getting some nice weather too!

Take Care
Good Morning everyone!

Happy Memorial Day!!!!

We had a cookout here yesterday, ton's and ton's of food but I did fairly well. I had a piece of grilled chicken , a salad and was going to have watermelon but cut it open and it wasn't nice and deep pink, didn't look very good .:( I waited all day for that so I was disappointed. But anyway, we had many flavors of ice cream plus banana pudding and I resisted it all and then my MOM went and brough cappuccino creme cake!!!!!!!!! So of course, I ate it! :9

No workout yesterday and Saturday I was still recovering from the stomach bug , but I cut the grass and counted that as my cardio!

Today I will finish the Cathe's May rotation with Shoulders and stretching!

We have another cookout today and I THINK that the only meat served will be hotdogs. I never, ever eat them at home but once or twice a year if I go to something where there isn't an option I'll have one, so I guess this is one of those times!

Anyway, I'm anxious to see what Cathe posts too because I have no idea what I'm doing in June! Anyone else decided yet??

Enjoy the day! :7
Back in gear after a week off (aside from classes) from exercise. Did Totally Cool Step along with the Bonus Cardio which clocked in at one hour. Later after going to a parade, I'll do chin-ups and push-ups.

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
Good Morning Girls!

Happy Memorial Day to those who celebrate and hope you have nice day off if you get one!:)

I haven't worked out since Friday and have consumed unimaginable amounts of garbage while away for the weekend. I feel like complete CRUD and can't wait to get back on track!

I'm off to the gym this morning and on to the treadmill with no true plan. I'll see where it takes me...}(

Good morning ladies

Sandra...that is cool the flooring makes the workouts better!! I have always used carpet. I do have mirrors in my workout room although I just lift in there. To answer your question about joint pain. I really don't have much and I have taked a Glucosamine/Chondroitin combo daily for about 8 years...

Good workouts over the weekend Shelley!

Sounds like a good workout for you Laurie, I really don't do much CTX cardio.

Becky..hotdogs...YUK!...:)...enjoy shoulders and stretching

I'll be chinning up and pushing up with you Honeybunch!

Enjoy the Gym today Wendy!

I'll be doing 4 or 5 miles and P90X Chest & Back plus some abs...

Have a great day!
Good Morning Fit Chicks!

This morning for me will be GS Chest & Back, AbRipperX and PowerMax.

Sandra: I'm doing well with E2L. I have lost about 4 pounds with a goal of four more. I also have mirrors in my workout room and I find that it really helps to motivate me.

Shelley: Great workouts this weekend. PH and IM#2:7...great combination.

Laurie: Sounds like a great mish-mosh. I use CTX a lot for some quick cardio.

Becky: Enjoy your picnic today.

HB: Have fun at the parade!

Wendy: Sounds like you had a lot of fun this weekend. I know how you feel about getting back on track.

Carole: I'm starting a modified P90x rotation today. I don't have C/B, so I will be substituting GS C/B. Great workout...enjoy your run.

Hello to all that follow.....have a great day!
Good Morning Fellow Fitness Friends...
I'm off to do MM today! Excited to get back in the swing of things. I am off on Sats & Suns....makes it easier on me and Angelica, my daughter, to start our day off early. I too workout in my basement. I had rug...but now my husband put down a gym floor for me. So it's much better on my knees and legs. (That was my birthday gift).

Sandra my husband and I work for a subsidiary of Citigroup. We are a financial education center that does incredible things for struggling middle class America. We teach people things that banks and other financial institutions don't want people to know so they gain control through knowledge. So many people are given the wrong advise because institutions do what's going to put money in their pocket first, not the consumers. That's why America is so badly in debt and retiring broke. So it's very rewarding and very exciting! We have 2 offices on Long Island and 1 in Florida so far. Definetly looking to open more. We have lots of people working out of these offices that are building up to open their own soon as well. We're always looking for good people to join our team!

Wendy- don't feel like crud. You only live once. Drink a ton of water and you'll feel back to you in a couple of days. (I try not to beat myself up too much).



"You never achieve success unless you like what you are doing."
Dale Carnegie
Happy Memorial Day all! It's great having a day off of work. I basically have done nothing this weekend. Oh, I did do some poor eating, but the peaches and cream soft ice cream was calling my name, loudly!!

Presenting my Memorial day Meltdown - Try this one for burning a few cals. It's the closest thing to a challenge that I can come up with for now.
SJP step ( it's kinda like a wu)
LOMAX blasts
SB challenge & cd

I think next time I do it I'll do SJP on the 8in step to save me from changing it for lomax. I think the SJP part is very doable on 8". It clocked in at 63 mins. I added the abs from LL which brought it to 75 mins. It was tons of fun as they are some of my favs.

Do I guess my challeng to everyone is to come up with a mish mosh of your favs and let us enjoy also! It doesn't have to be cardio, just your fav WO's.

Have a great day!


Hi everyone! Sounds like everyone is back on track and doing good!
I ate pizza hut yessterday adn felt YUK! Gee, wonder why! It was a treat for the kids. I ate to much. Came home and went for a run, and it was hard from eating that junk.
But I have BOOT CAMP today!!!
Will be a little later as I have to run errands first.

Maeghan AKA megadoo

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Hi all, despite the fact that my plantar facisitis (sp?) is back in my other heel now, I managed to do a Fat Blasting Cardio Taebo workout with ankle weights and weighted gloves on. My weight is down about 2 pounds so that is good. My cycle still hasn't started so I know part of my huge gain could very well be bloat.

I need to call the doctor tomorrow and get another referral back to my foot doctor again and see what he can do for this heel. I already wear orthotics and I am back on my anti-inflammatory but it still hurts like the dickens, sigh.

Hope you all have a great Memorial Day!!:D
Gosh, once again I feel like it's been forever since I checked in here. I've been having a terrible time getting motivated. I have been eating clean meals, and shoving unclean snacks in my face in between. I've been managing to work out, but my heart just doesn't seem to be in it. Sigh. Saturday I did Powerstrike 1 for the second time, and wasn't quiet as stiff and sore afterward as I was the first time I attempted it. Yesterday was a rest day. I'm really not sure what I'll do this evening after work. I'm thinking probably something strictly cardio like Step Blast. I won't be around Tues or Wed. Tues. I plan on doing one of the GS upper body workouts, then I have to fast and "purge" in preparation for a colonoscopy Wed. No workout Wed. Maybe I'll feel more motivated after Wed. procedure. Have a good holiday everyone. I'm working. Bah.
Hi , I'm back from the parade and cookout!

They had much more food than usual, so I did pretty good.
Had a hamburger, salad, watermelon and baked beans and a small piece of cake made lowfat/lowsugar. YUM!!!

Had fun.:D

Now it's H O T out and we are cleaning out the storage shed in the backyard! :eek:

No workout yet, but the work in the heat has to count for something!!!!:eek: :-(
Hi ladies nice to see you all here.

Becky that sounds like quite a workout.

Robin I'm also off more than I'm on. Just a lot of other things going on.

Hi Tammy, Carole, Sandra, Wendy, Shelly, Phyllis. - nice to see the regulars.

Jill sounds like you have found "your calling" that's great. I'm in software and ever changing! You sound like a great employer

I did KM today funny how that grows on you. I hated it at first now it's one of my fave. I was a little sore from GS bicep, back, and shoulder and IMAX2 yesterday.

Have a nice rest of day everyone.
I hope everybody has great workouts today and wonderful rest days if you take one.

Yesterday I did PUB pyramid up only, but I really wanted to take a rest day. In my struggle to lose more weight, I bumped up my cardio, and tonight, when it is less hot, and the sun is down, I am going to attempt a mishmosh of step cardio for at least 75 minutes.

Sandra, I don't have Cardio Kicks, I don't think. What DVD is it on?

Shelley, you look so thin. How do you do it?

Laurie, what is the B MAX Power Circuit?

Becky, I hope you feel better.

Wendy, my gym actually closed today.

Tammy, you say you are an old firmie but your workout would daunt me.

It really knocked me out last week doing extra cardio, but I am losing weight. It has got to be my age or something. I am going to try to do it again this coming week, and I am losing weight slowly, but that is better.

I agree with you that SJP is doable on an 8 inch step, and I used 8 inches the last time I did it. I can also now do SB on 8 inches, but the Imax's elude me on 8 inches. I am just hanging around today, as my boyfriend went home this morning, and I have plenty of time to figure out what mishmosh I want to do.

I am also on the seventh floor, and the people under me have never complained once. Go figure.
>Laurie, what is the B MAX Power Circuit?

Hey Caitlin!

That is Body Max PowerCircuit segment. It is the 2nd part of BodyMax and is 5 (I'm pretty sure it's 5) cycles of step, a blast and a lower body exercise. It is a great circuit and I love to combine it with CTX PowerCircuits for a good calorie burning lowerbody blast. I don't do all of the lunges as that would be 4 cycles of lunges so I usually substitute a cycle of calf work and a cycle of the slow one legged lunges as in Legs and Glutes.

Take Care
Hi Ladies!

Sorry, no time for personals!

I did my ITread 40 min work out at the gym today but I kept w/the speeds that were in the work out for a jogger. She begins the WARM-UP at the pace that I normally do a steady-state run at , 5.5, so I knew this would be a real challenge for me! I warmed up on my own with fast walking for about 5 mins and then went for it. Well...I made through about 25 mins of it before I just couldn't take it any more! LOL I tried to bring it down a bit once to rest and the punch it back up but I just couldn't...I was done and I knew it. I didn't try to force it. I turned off the work out and cooled down. I was proud of how much I did considering how fast she had me going compared to my "usual"! I think my mileage was like 4.5 but that was including w/u and c/d. I forgot to break it down today to see how far I actually ran...

Have a great night ladies!
Hi everyone. Pretty late here tonight. I just finished bootcamp about 10:30pm. I think that is one of the toughest WO I have done. I made it through though. Feel pretty good that I have stuck to my rotation so far.
Now I just have to stop eating a bunch of crap LOL!!
Good night ladies and hope you all have a good morning.
Good job on the run Wendy!
Hope you get some more motivation and feel better Robin!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

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