Daily Check In: May 29, 2006

Daily Check-in

I dropped a pound last week. With the lack of sleep and shorter Timesaver workouts, I am very pleased with that result!

I had a restful holiday weekend. I enjoyed a few small treats but did good with my eating overall. I had a Kari Anderson marathon and did a few of her workouts for the first time. DanceWorks is still my favorite, but I love Push! The step choreography is fun and more intense than her other workouts, but her dancy floor aerobics is what I love the most.

I did the Body Tech step workout tonight (and skipped the weight workout). I love it! The choreography is a lot of fun and reminds me of Cathe’s step choreography. Kari shines in this video, and I love the music. It is less intense than most of Cathe’s workouts, but it is still a good workout for a refreshing change of pace.

I tried Two the Max twice and did not care for it at all. I am surprised because it looked like a lot of fun when I previewed it. The set is darker than usual, the outfits are loud, and the workout itself did not turn out to be as fun as I had hoped it would be. I am visually motivated, and details like the set and lighting and colors affect my enjoyment of a workout. I can deal with leotards and leg warmers if they are solid colors. Wild patterns are another story! Music is very important to me as well.

I love DanceWorks, Push, Classic Cardio, and Sweat Express for floor aerobics and Body Tech and Push for step aerobics. Those are the Kari Anderson workouts that are keepers for me. I still need to try her original Angles, Lines, & Curves. I may give Two the Max another whirl before I give up on it because it has quite a few glowing reviews. I tried Hi-Lo HITS earlier this year and did not care for it either (because I did not like the music).

I tried Christi’s Still Jumpin’ again this weekend. After doing Kari’s workouts for several months, I am able to follow her choreography now. It is just not my cup of tea. I love the music, but the workout itself is not something I enjoy doing.

I changed my mind about my rotation again and decided to stick with the Timesaver workouts for 3 weeks. Hopefully, I will return to the CTX Series after my trip next month. After a holiday weekend with Kari, I am looking forward to seeing Cathe in the morning!

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).

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