Good morning,
This morning I put together my own workout:
Power Circuit warm up and hi/lo floor aerobics;
All Step step portion;
Power Circuit cardio/leg circuits;
Power Circuit abs (on the stability ball);
All Step stretch.
It's just over 60 minutes, and since both workouts are on the same dvd I was able to just program the sequence into my player, and let it go. It was a great workout!!
Connie - the SH Series and the Pyramids complement each other very well. I've gotten my best results from doing the SH series during the week, and the Pyramids on the weekend. Down the road when you're looking for some new weight workouts, I highly recommend the SH series. I'm feeling pretty decent, thank you for asking! I need more rest, but if I can make sure I take some down time during the day, I do all right. I'm pleased to hear that you're seeing results from all your hard work!
Jes - when SB calls, you just gotta do it! That workout is too much fun to say no to. And I *love* your treadmill idea! How are your knees today, from the intervals? When we move, will you come over and clean this place for us?
Katie - Wow! So at least you found out the reason for your trip to the ER. I'm so sorry that you may have to go through that again, with another stone! Will drinking large amounts of fluid help flush it through faster? And is it true that passing a kidney stone hurts more than childbirth?
Carla - how exciting!! You're all moved in!! We're moving into a new home in February, and I think I'll be doing the same thing you did - setting up the workout space first LOL!! The tv and dvd player might be the first thing I plug in!
Foodie Sue - was that your first time doing Low Max? It's deceptively intense, isn't it? I like it more each time I do it. It doesn't fly by as fast as the IMAXs, though.
Annette - oh yes, I noticed that you didn't do shoulders the other day, but I don't like to nag ;-)
Laurie - how do you mix BodyMax and LowMax? That sounds intriguing! Your new house sounds terrific!! Does Kingston have very much new housing being built? Here in Edmonton, there are new subdivisions going up all around the city. It's a building boom. Happy birthday to Elizabeth, congratulations to Marley! Faith is such a pretty name! I'm very sorry to hear that your MIL has become so ill :-( Are you happy with her care? Is she in a nursing home? She sounds very funny! Did she always have such a sharp wit? Paris is loving the pregnancy, and cannot wait until September gets here. She regularly talks to the baby, and kisses and hugs my belly. She's always mentioning how she's going to give the baby her clothes or her toys when she can no longer wear them/play with them. I think she's going to be a great older sister! There will be 5 years difference between them. How far apart are Elizabeth and Faith (your youngest?)?
Wendy - Good job on the walking! It's a great exercise, no doubt. Does Joey fall asleep in the stroller?
Denise - congratulations on the new job!
Tammy - thank you! CleanMax doesn't sound like much of a rest day to me. I hope you can follow it up with Tea-Croissant-Newspaper Circuits!
Becky - There's not doubt that you did the Viper just fine, even if you're not feeling DOMS. And sometimes, when you've really worked hard, the DOMS doesn't arrive for a couple of days. If you felt whooped by the end of the workout, you worked hard enough. Your last child is entering highschool? Mine is only beginning kindergarten! We'll both need hankies on the first day of school in September.
Reba - I feel the same way about this list! The people on it are very motivating! You all make it difficult for me to stay within a reasonable range for being 6 months pregnant!
Terri - enjoy KickMax! I haven't done the Challenge portion yet, so can't comment on that, but I really like the 4 combos. The only problem I have with the combos is in the 4th combo I have a hard time completing the last arm movement before transitioning to the side kick. It's like there should be one more beat there, but there isn't. So I usually don't do the arm movement. I'm interested to hear if you experience it that way, too.
Laurie Mac - good job on the walking lunges! How long did it take to do them? Are your legs feeling it today?
Emily - great workout! Everyone has different preferences and priorities; stick with your own comfort level. You're doing great! I haven't tried GS legs yet; I'm a bit chicken x(
Great workouts everyone!