Daily Check-in June 14th (I am an insomniac)


Hello, everybody,

I hope that your backs don't hurt, and that you are getting good workouts in. I have been so bad, and I haven't been checking in at all, but I have been keeping up with my workouts.

On Tuesday night, I walked to the gym, workout out for three hours (actually did three classes) and walked home. My calorie burn was 1400, and I have seen a number on the scale that I haven't seen in many years. The main reason I am trying to burn so many calories is that I read in this issue of Fitness Rx that, in order to have a beach ready body, you should burn 700 to 1000 calories a day. I don't even think that is realistic, do you? I can't do that every day. They also want you to do things like run uphill for an hour to 90 minutes.

Keep it up for those like Heather who are trying to lose weight, and I hope that everyone is having a nice summer.
Hi Caitlin! I'm not an insomniac; just nuts to be staying up this late every day in order to get my workouts in. That was an extreme amount of exercise you did on Tuesday. What were the three classes? Are you going to be doing that much exercise on a daily basis?

I'm flagging in motivation quite badly. I have to force, force, force myself to workout every day. It just feels so pointless and time consuming. On the other hand, I see my parents, both of whom are approaching 60, and have numerous aches and pains, and hope that my healthy lifestyle will at least prevent an uncomfortable old age.

Tonight I did IMAX and CoreMax #2.

Have a great day,
Good Morning!

Caitlin, how are you feeling after 3 hrs of exercising? I hope you are doing a lot of stretching also. (the mom in me) You must be exhausted. Sometimes, energy levels are high and you can just do it!

Sandra, we all go through times with lacking motivation. I do the same thing you do - look at others and know that my body is healthier and more prepared for what life throws at me.

KPC for me this AM.Tomorrow i'm reversing the order in the June rotation. I'll be doing SB instead of PUB. I'll do PUB on Fri. I'm off of work and will have more time.

Good Morning Girls!!

Well I have aggravated this hip/butt again (sciatic???) and guess I have to break down and call the Oseopath I was referred to ! I am limping around and couldn't find a comfortable way to sleep last night!;(

Yesterday I was FINE....workout was a 4 mile run with a 1/2 mile walking w/u & 1/2 mile walking c/d. Good stretching when I was done . Later in the day I powerwalked with my DS for 4 miles.
By evening I was limping and in pain.:( I dont' know if the workout caused it or I did something else.

Can't workout today, and I'm getting sick of illness and injury getting in the way!
But I have to take care of this, so I will keep you all posted!

Have a good one!
Good Morning Fit Chicks!

This morning will be my favorite 90X workout...Shoulders and Arms.

Becky: I hope you figure out what is wrong with your hip. I know exactly how you feel and how frustrating an injury can be.

Phyllis: Great workout!

Sandra: I have had times when I really have had to force myself to exercise too. Sometimes a couple of days off recharges not only the body but the mind.

Caitlin: Yikes!

Hello to all that follow...have a great day!
Good Morning Ladies.

This morning I'll be doing Ripped and then hopefully I can get to the gym tonight for a short, easy run.

Have a great day!:)
Daily Check-in

Good morning! I am delighted to report that I maintained my weight during my vacation for the first time in my life! :) My game plan for this trip was to eat clean for breakfast and lunch, skip my usual snacks (or just eat fresh fruit), and enjoy a treat with my family once a day. It worked! Even with no formal workouts, I did not gain an ounce. I even ate a piece of Mom’s butter pecan cake Sunday and another piece yesterday. :9 I also enjoyed sweet tea with my evening meals. I drank plenty of spring water to balance it out. I am so excited! I am having Cathe withdrawals and craving the simplicity of clean eating, but it is nice to know that I can relax and enjoy a few treats every now and then without undoing all my hard work. I did not have time to check-in here before I left for the airport Saturday morning, but I gained 2 pounds last week because I hurt my ankle and was unable to do my beloved cardio workouts (and did not adjust my calories to compensate). I am still very excited that I did not do any damage while I was out of town. I have a history of gaining at least 5 pounds during a vacation, so this is a huge victory for me. I am rejoicing and celebrating! :7 Above all else, I feel good about what I have accomplished and confident about what I will accomplish. :)

My hot water heater blew up while I was out of town. I came home to a big mess. My workout area was full of furniture and stuff that I had to move last night so the guys could replace the hot water heater and clean up the mess. :eek: I cleared out a small space for my morning workout. I am missing Cathe like crazy, so I am off to try Power Max for the second time. I tried it once before and did not enjoy it as much as her newer workouts, but I am hoping to like it more this time. I think I will if I can get through the warmup. The Christi Taylor workouts I ordered arrived yesterday, so I am planning to try them this week too.

I missed everyone. It is good to be back online again.

Caitlin, that is a lot of calories to burn a day. In my opinion, it is more realistic to cut 500 calories and burn 500 calories. It is possible to burn 1,000 calories in a day, but I would burn myself out in a hurry if I tried to do that every day.

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
RE: Daily Check-in

Good morning all!

I finally did it! I hauled my butt out of bed this morning and did a workout!!! Granted, it was only Timesaver #1, but that is a million times better than nothing!

Sandra - I am right there with you on lacking motivation these days! I know it's no longer about how I look, but I how feel and how I am preventing future problems. But somedays that's still not enough to get me out of bed!

Have a great day everyone!
RE: Daily Check-in

Good morning, fellow fitsters.

Caitlin - 3 hours! Ya gads, girl. I wouldn't make a habit of that.

Sandra - just keep swimming!

Phyllis - have fun with KPC. I hate having to do the jack knife crunchs at the end of the workout, when I'm so sweaty I slip off the ball!

Becky - sorry you are having hip/butt issues. I hope they go away quickly.

Tammy - have fun with 90X.

Wendy - I guess you're getting ready for your cruise

Heather - welcome back! Have fun with Power Max

I did KickMax yesterday and was happy to NOT wake up with aches and pains. Today is another cardio day, but I won't know which workout till I get home and open up the closet door . Have a wonderful one all.
RE: Daily Check-in

Wow, you guys all have great WO!
Phyllis- I am not a huge fan of kickboxing....yet, but I do know that KPC is a real calorie burner

Becky--I am sending you healing vibes!!!

Caitlin-that's quite a WO, and congrats on the scale number, just don't overtrain your body girl!!! Nice job!

Sandra--I often have to do the late night WO too!

Wendy--ripped is P90x right?? It is so tempting you enabler you!!!

Tammy-P90x enabler too!! Have fun!1

Heather-- congrats and good job, and sorry about the mess, Yikes!

Well for me it is fullbody weights YAY!!! I am thinking ME!! Oh boy!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/159/.png[/img] [/url]

RE: Daily Check-in

Good morning ladies,

Don't know why I woke up when it is rainy and yucky here due to Alberto. Once I wake up it is hard to get back to sleep. I guess I don't need to sleep late anyway huh?

Well my treadmill has broke and I hate it. Running is the one way I could lose weight and I can enjoy it. Yeah I know I can do other workouts, but lets face it nothing is like running. I can do cathes kickboxing,but can't do any step. That is the worst thing on my foot. Can't get new treadmill till after vacation because a vacation for a week at the beach is not cheap with two teenagers. I will survive though!

Becky- I know it sucks not being able to workout when your body won't corporate. Just rest it and you will be back in no time. Hope your hip gets better.

Today was supposed to be ME,but since I can't jogg I will do the premix of BC and ME to get in some cardio. That one is tough! Oh and dh said I can jogg outside, but it is so hard on my legs and foot. I might if I get desperate!

Hope you ladies have a great day,

Check in later,
RE: Daily Check-in

Good morning everyone,

Wow, lots of stuff going on with everyone, from injuries to home improvement! I hope you all have a much calmer day today!

Today was PH, and cleanmax before work.

Have a good day.
Well I graduated from physical therapy yesterday, yea!!!! No more "torture" sessions. He did remind me for the umpteenth time that back issues are forever so my 30 min back exercises in the morning and evening have to be a pretty permanent thing. Yuck - I don't mind doing them, but they cut into my morning work out time.

I woke up to fewer aches and pains this morning so I did ME. I was so psyched last night - my PT gave me some tips on my push ups. I tried them out last night and instead of my usual 8 or 9 - I did 19! In sets of 5, 4, 4, 3, and 3 - but all on my toes. I've got to check in to the push up challenge today with that news!

Caitlin - 3 hours of classes!! Wow, I wouldn't be able to sustain that much working out for very long. Although I bet it felt great to know you did it!

Sandra - I know exactly how you feel. I'm starting to feel a lag in my own motivation. But you're still plugging away and that's what counts.

Becky - I hate when my hip acts up - mine is bursitis that gets aggravated with too much pounding. Definitely see the specialist. Pain is NOT normal.

Heather - way to go on that vacation! Sorry about the mess on your return though. Hope it all gets cleaned up and resolved quickly.

Tracy - Congratulations on getting in that Timesaver! It's hard to get moving, but I always feel better once I do.

Happy Hump Day!
Hey ladies,

Well end up doing about 50 mins of BC and ME. that really wiped me out! I do have to do ME abs later on today and probably need a stretchmax. And if I'm crazy I might do another sort of cardio. Yes I am going crazy since my treadmill is on the fritz!

gymon- I am sorry to hear about your back and yes it seems like PT will follow you always. I have achilles tendonitis and I will probably have to do my PT stretches. But it makes it bearable.

Have a good day!

Hello all motivated catheites this morning,
I really want to go to the Mervyns clearance sale, but if I do that I won't get my workout in...such a dilemna. If I work out it will be a 3 mile run and then GS legs, which I supposed to do yesterday. I ended up doing a 4 mile run yesterday and PUB chest. The number on my scale is going down, FINALLY. I am now 137 which is pretty good for me. I would love to be 135 and maintain it. I am 5'7 so that is a great number for me. I have been not eating ANYTHING after 6:00(after dinner) and it has really helped me shed some pounds. I am definitley still having some crap during the day, which I really need to stop doing. Oh well,same ole same ole. Have a great day gals.


Hi Everyone,

You guys are on the ball today, nice work guys :) ;-)

Caitlin – You go girl :p :9

This evening I decided to do something difference I’m going to Metro Park too walk. Yep! just plain ole fashion speed walking. I plan to walk 5 miles then call it a day. Have a great day everyone.

Yea!! I am down another pound, slowly but surely I will lose it again.

I did Taebo Total Body Fat Blasting Workout with weighted gloves and ankle weights today.

I went to see the foot doctor about my other foot yesterday and I have PF on the right one now.sigh. I am taking an oral steriod since this one isn't as bad as my left was by the time I went to the doctor. This time I caught it earlier. Pray that the oral medicine helps and no shot is required.

:7 :D
Hello ladies. Late check in today. This morning I went to the gym and did 30 minutes on the Precor machine, a 30 minute run on the treadmill and abs.

Hope everyone has a great day!


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