Daily Check-in June 14th (I am an insomniac)

I am answering late, so I don't know if any of you will read my answer.

I was a little bit tired afterwards, but I feel it more today. I will be taking it easier today with an hour of cardio. I do not lose any weight unless I do aerobic exercise. Sandra, you must be quite young for your parents to still be in their fifties. I am 53 myself, and I get so annoyed when people on fitness forums say they are losing so much of their endurance and strength just because they hit 40. It doesn't have to be, and there are some in their seventies running marathons. I am sure your healthy lifestyle will keep you going in great shape into your fifties and sixties, Sandra.

The three classes I did were:

Advanced Step
Total Body Toning (I heavy up on the weights a bit, unlike most in the class)
Cardio Kickboxing

I get bored easily so I love to alternate classes in the gym with workouts at home.

I hope you all have great workouts today, or, if you take a rest day, you can relax.
I hope you feel better, Becky, and I finally had to crosstrain, not doing the same thing more that two times in a row. You must be going crazy not being able to exercise. I feel for you.
RE: Daily Check-in

Dear Heather,

Congratulations on not gaining weight. I would kill myself if I tried to burn 1400 calories every day. Some days I only burn 300, but I try to aim for 500 to 600. I am a slave to my Heart Rate Monitor, and I love it. I feel that it is fairly accurate; I have a Polar F4.

Good thoughts going your way, Heather.
This morning I did Totally Cool Step, then came to work in the fitness center and did inverted rows and push-ups, and taught 2 Pilates on the Ball classes.

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
Thanks Caitlin,
I do crosstrain. I LOVE step and powerwalking, hiking and all upperbody work,and sometimes running but also incorporate everything else... , lower body, stationary bike, pilates, yoga, etc..

I did make an appointment with an Osteopath but they couldn't get me in until next Wednesday.
If it is sciatic trouble, anyone have any ideas on what I can do until then for some relief?
Would Advil help, or heating pads? I've tried bengay and icy hot but that doesn't seem to make a difference....
I hate that yesterday I was running and feeling strong and today I am limping around and wincing when I step....:(

Great workouts everyone!
Well finally finished with my workouts for today. I tried jogging with my dh after supper tonight but I think my foot was ill at me today after doing BC and ME. But i did manage to get a walk/jogg out of it for 1 mile. Also I did stepheat abs.

Have a good night!


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