daily check in Jan 10


Good morning! i have been up since 4am, so i decided i might as well start our thread today. I am still doing Jan rotation, but i have switched it up a bit b/c of last week. So today i am doing ME and 45 min on the treadmill to give my joints a little well deserved break. But i am going to have to have something captivating on the tv, or there is no way i will stay on there that long. i hate the treadmill. Way too boring... Also today i will be weekly floor to celing wall to wall cleaning so i should get enough cardio in!

hope all of you have a great day and got more sleep than i did! x(

Good Morning Everyone,

I did SH Back, SH Abs, and 3.5 miles on the treadmill while watching my Packers lose the game.;( I will be doing SH Chest and either Cardio Kicks or a TaeBo tonight.

Jes, sorry to hear about the lack of sleep. Hopefully tonight will be more restful. I also have to have something interesting on tv. I usually pop in a Cathe w/o or one of my DVD's. Otherwise I'm watching those seconds tick off the timer.x(

Have a great day!
Laurie Mac
Awww Jes, maybe you can sneak in a nap today!!

I did PS Chest, Pyramid Chest, KPC premix (37min.) and abs from Power Circuit!!:) Got some new shoes New Balance 608 and only had one part of the KPC premix that caused pain in my arch (PF) so that was good. :) :7 SOOO hopefully once I am adjusted to my new shoes things will calm down in my foot. It did feel good to get a nice complete workout in. I was also down 2.5 pounds this morning and that is always nice!!!:7
Good morning...ME is a great workout Jes! Not sure what I'm doing this morning. Thought about one of the Terminator workouts, maybe Imax Extreme....:)

Yes, I was also a bit disappointed that the Packers lost...:(...but it seemed like they were so banged up...it'll be interesting to see what happens next week!

I had 2 mornings last week that I woke up at 2am and could NOT get back to sleep...hate that..

Enjoy your workouts....:)...Carole
Hi ladies:

I didn't post yesterday, but I did MIS for the first time. It was pretty tough, but not as tough as the Pyramids IMO. And those MODA outfits, yikes!

Today I did the kickbox workout, cardio only, on the timesaver DVD. This was about 35 minutes of cardio. I needed an easier day after MIC and MIS this weekend.

Jes, I bet you sleep great tonight. That's usually the only thing you can look forward to when you've slept poorly the night before!


No workout for me this morning. My baby is really sick again. She woke up last night with a fever of 102.9. I was up most of the night with her and am running on about 3 hours sleep. I would like to try and get some cardio in later today, but we'll have to see how the day goes.

Hope everyone has a great day!

Good morning!

This morning I got my creative-modifications off to a *great* start! I made my own premix using Step Works and Body Max:

BM warm up
SW combo 2
BM step
SW combo 3
SW cool-down & stretch.

The workout totals 69 minutes, and it is fun, fun, fun. Step Works has some of her best choreography, IMO, and BM step complements it very well, and the combination gave both workouts a fresh feel. I lowered the intensity of the workout by doing it on 6", instead of the 8" that I typically use for these workouts. This was definitely a wise decision, because even the 6" gave me an intense workout. I kept doing the talk test throughout, to make sure I didn't go anaerobic during all those intensity blasts she intersperses throughout both workouts. I always like Mondays to be my hardest cardio day, and I think this one did the job quite well. Heck, even not pregnant, this would have been a terrific Monday workout! It is almost comparable to MIC in the number of "steps" that my pedometer registered.

By the way, here's a challenge for anyone who's up to it: try doing a cardio workout while holding a kegel contraction the whole time. This is a requirement during pregnancy, and jeepers creepers it's hard to do!

I'm also following Wendybdh's pattern from last week of doing one Slow & Heavy body part per day, and today I did chest. Next week I'm going to do the same thing with CTX upper body, and the week following with the Pure Strength series. I'll use circuit workouts once or twice during the week to make sure all the muscle groups get hit twice a week.

Okay, anyone want to hear about my heart attack yesterday? DH and I took our DD (4 1/2) and her friend (6 1/2) to the world's largest mall yesterday: West Edmonton Mall. Think Mall of America, but slightly bigger (so they brag). Anyhoo, I popped into the large bookstore, Chapters, to get a tea from the Starbucks counter inside. DH and the kids waited outside. I was in a long line-up by the side door of the store when DH popped his head in the door and said that they were going to walk down to the bridge to watch the sea-lions perform; could I please get him a coffee? That was the extent of the conversation; brief and to the point. A couple of minutes later, DH comes back into Starbucks and tells me I have to come because when he'd popped into the store to ask for the coffee, the girls have taken off and he can't find them. Well, I'm finally almost at the counter, and I'm thinking the kids have just run around the corner to play a game with him, but they'd show up in a minute or two; nothing to worry about. So I tell him I'll just get the drinks and be right out to help him. When I come out, he's still looking, so we both start walking in different directions. As the minutes pass, my heart is starting to race, I'm starting to get sweaty, and panic begins to set in. After 15 minutes Peter starts heading down to security, while I continue walking. Thank heavens we had brought our video camera and had fresh video of the girls, to help security find them. At 20 minutes, we hear over the loud speaker a request for my husband to pick up the security phone. The girls were found! In fact, they'd never been lost!!! When Peter told them to "Stay here for a minute", while he came to talk to me, the girls didn't want to be left alone, so followed him into the store - through the other door!! So, while he was walking out one door, they were walking in the other! Apparently they immediately went up to an employee and said they were looking for Peter Brown, could someone help? I guess we were paged immediately, but didn't hear it the first time. So, the staff gave the girls stickers, read them stories, and gave them crafts to do, all while Peter and I are living out our worst nightmare in the corridors of the mall. The kids were completely unphased by the whole experience, but I just about lost my mind. And then, the girls didn't want to leave Chapters to go to the amusement park (the reason we were there in the first place!), because they were having too much fun!! My heart didn't return to normal until well after dinner time!

Okay, I was going to reply to everyone from y-day and this morning, but I have rambled too long to keep writing. Thank you to everyone for all the "congratulations" and words of encouragement. There are specific posts I want to respond to, and will do so later today, during work breaks. But before I can take a break, I guess I need to work.

Kingston Laurie - great to see you post!! I hope you get those computer problems fixed really quick! I thought you just got a second computer for the household, n'est pas?

Sorry you guys have not been sleeping well:-(

Annette I hope the shoes do the trick!

Sandra what a scary experience!!! I would have been going nuts!! The little ones were really smart to go right up and ask for help in finding Peter.

This evening I'll be doing Pure Strenght legs and abs.

For anyone who has the CTX upper body split......I've been using the vhs tapes and doing the whole upper body...I was wondering if on the dvd does she do the push-ups for triceps and all the plank work for back?

Hope everyones Monday is going well
Good Morning everyone,

I did PLB this morning and my back is a bit sore. I will be spinning this evening I wish I could run, but the weather here in Los Angeles has been terribel for the last three weeks.

Sandra: OMG! i would have freaked out too! I have a feeling by the time you complete this pregnancy, you will have more mish-moshes than A.Jock (that are of course for prego-ladies) i'm glad you are enjoying your new challenge!

i just finshed cleaning the house and starting a pot of soup, so i am off to do ME. yippex(

thanks for the sleep wishes and great workouts everyone!

Katie, i hope your little one is better soon and for those of you running on empty with me today, hope you get a nap!

Okay, I've actually done some real work, so I can take a break now and chat :)

Wendymin72 – So, did you make it all the way through PowerMax? And you have the dvd do you? If you find the PowerMax choreography to be challenging, then the next workout I suggest you attempt is StepFit, rather than StepWorks. SW has a very fast beat, compared to PM and SF, and the choreography is even more complex than PM (but fun, once you get it all down). SF is less intense than PM, even, so might be a better workout for you as you progress further. Might have to modify those flying angels, though, because I imagine it would be hard to balance with a small ball on your belly! I’m glad you’re ahead of me, because you’re making me think of these things in advance. Oh, and she’s got a line in SF that goes something like “Keep it up, Tootsie-Pops!” It floored me the first time I heard it, and I had to rewind three times to make sure I heard correctly. Ooh, and I just remembered! You were looking for some good stretching – SF has an 8 minute stretch segment at the very end. It is her best stretching segment of all her workouts; you might find it helps until you get Stretch Max (have you ordered it?). We don’t have Target in Canada. What things do you like to buy there?

Lisa – the dvd of CTX Upper Body Split is identical to the tapes. On the two-dvd set of CTX Express, each upper body segment that is tacked onto the end of each cardio workout is identical to the Upper Body Split premix that is found on the second dvd. So, whether you are using the tapes, individual workouts, or the dvd premixes, you get the same thing. The tricep pushups are included, but the plank work for the back are included with the ab segments. BTW, did I miss something somewhere? What or who is your “one” child? An actual child, a pet, or a husband? I told the girls that telling a store employee was the right thing to do. That perked them up some, and my daughter told me, “Oh yes Mommy I told lots of people! Lots and lots of people!!! But I didn’t talk to any strangers!” Doh.

Jes – Why such a poor sleep last night? Good luck with ME! You’ve already managed to clean your entire house?? Are you a super-fast robot? And yes, you are spicy, I won’t disagree with that!! You’re doing some very intense workouts these days! You go girl! (And Jes, don’t try and deny that you’re pregnant – you know you’re just embarrassed to admit it because you haven’t married the father yet. Once you figure out who that is, we all know you will do the right thing and get married).

Sandy – I’m glad you got over that nasty bout of whatever it was! That sounded horrible! And the couple of bites of pancakes I had were indeed very yummy. I’m more than happy to have a couple of bites of food like that, then eat my own regular breakfast. Too much of a breakfast like that really leaves me feeling blechy for the rest of the day, so I taste, enjoy, then eat the stuff that actually fuels my body properly. It’s amazing how food can affect mood and energy levels, isn’t it? Perhaps you also need to get yourself rehydrated after all the expulsion of fluids? I intend to get caught up in my personal emails a bit later on today.

Carole – I ‘m glad your hamstring isn’t injured from the fall. How’s your running feeling after your post-marathon break?

Wendybdh – I know what you mean about the man doing the yoga thing. It’s not my favourite, either. There’s something about him sitting there telling these nubile young women what to do that reeks of sordid cultiness. I’ve been looking for different yoga workouts that suit my needs for years, but so far I haven’t found any. Until that day comes, this is the best that I can find. I find these ones a bit too easy, but then find others require more exertion than I want to make on a “rest” day. I tell you, I am more than ready for Stretch Max!!!!! What else did you do with SH Shoulders y-day?

Annette – you can’t underestimate the value of a good shoe! Glad you found a pair that seems to be working for you!

Susan – I agree with you on the MODA outfits! MIS is my least favourite weight workout of hers, so I don’t do it often. It’s just, well, boring, especially the lower body training. She’s become so creative in her recent workouts that I have a hard time trying to find a reason to do MIS. Having said that, I still do it on occasion, and always feels completely worked out when finished.

Katie – oh dear!! I hope she’s feeling better really soon!

I’m going to reply to my personal emails this evening.

Have a good day, everyone!
Hi everyone,

Today was PLB. Tonight I'm planning on SH back and maybe some abs.

Still doing well with my attempt at clean eating. I've lost another pound so I'm just a few away from my goal weight(where I haven't been since around 1997):):)

Jes-Cute picture of you and your "Hef.":) Cleaning is always a good workout.

Jes, Wendy and Katie-Hope you get a nap today.

Carole- After I typed in here I asked my DH what he did. All I have to say is "What a jerk." I'll have to ask my DH about your Uncle when he gets home. He was born in '72 so he may not know. Growing up, my family and my DH's were huge Walter Payton fans. I remember as a kid my brother had a birthday cake made to look like refrigerator Perry-boy was he HUGE! Anyway, I still have my 45 record with the Super Bowl Shuffle-sad to say I still know all the words:)

Laurie Mac- I wanted the Packers to win too. Like I wrote yesterday-it's hard to be a Viking fan when Randy Moss is on the team! Do you live in Wisconsin?

Annette- Congrats on the weight loss. It sure is motivating isn't it. By the way, nice workout and take care of that foot.

Susan- I haven't done MIS for a while (no reason really)but aren't some of the outfits just funny? Very cool at the time though.

Katie- Take care of your little girl-poor thing.

Sandra- Last night I did MIC hi/lo only. Didn't have time to do much else. Nice premix-you weren't kidding when you said you were going to start experimenting with your workouts. I'm just the opposite-I like Monday to be an easier day. Glad to hear the girls are fine and I hope your heart rate is fine now too:) I couldn't read about your trip to the mall fast enough to find out what happened. I can't imagine how upset you must have been. Glad to hear the girls are fine and I hope your heart rate is fine now too:) Oh, good idea about doing PS and CTX body part a day-I'll have to do that starting tomorrow. Are you going to do legs in there too? I may just do upper body parts in addition to my regular workouts-haven't decided yet.

Well I have to go back to work,
Hi everyone,

I did get up this AM and after cleaning up my DDs' toys in my exercise area and finding my weight gloves :( I did PLB. I'm trying to stay on track this week and follow the rotation. I'm also doing South Beach, phase 1, which may not have enough food/carbs to keep up with this rotation. I'll have to see as the week wears on.

I watched The Stepford Wives with Nicole Kidman last night with my DH, it was sooo funny.

Have a great day everyone.

-Michelle :)
I did IMax this morning. It's interesting to note that, for me, the original is tougher than the sequel. Those floor intervals are TOUGHer for me than step intervals.

Yes, I am a born and breed Wisconsinite. I grew up in Northern Wisconsin and all we could get was Duluth sations. Needless to say, the Packers where usually on when they played the Vikings. x( So we really came to dislike them.:) My brother is married to a Minnesota girl and I have cousins galore by the twin cities. So it has been a fun rivalry (SIL and Cousins are Viking fans, they also don't care for Randy).

Laurie Mac
Sandra: BLASPHEMER! None of listen to her! She is obviously having a hormonal imbalance! :*

i have completed ME and 30 mins on the blasted treadmill. i only did the upperbody premix b/c after KPC, L/G & RS and then imax2blastmania in consecutive days, i am feeling a little "weak in the knees"

Great workouts everybody!


I have found most of Power Max to be do-able. Ofcourse I am doing it low impact/modified like crazy so I have a feeling that is making the moves easier to pick up, but I caught on surprisingly quick. There are probably 3 or 4 moves that I really have a hard time with though and once I am able to "kick it up" I will probably be totally lost! lol I will keep in mind to try Step Fit next as opposed to Step Works-yeah, I have the cardio hits dvd. Thanks for the advice! :)

After my work out tonight I throw on the SF stretching segment at your advisement as well.

I have not preordered anything from hardcore yet. I want to but I am afraid it will be too advanced for me yet...I was thinking of trying something from the body blast and intensity series first. I also want the classics dvd I think.

I thought about ordering Stretch Max but I prefer strictly athletic based stretches. I did a yoga stretch once when I first got pregnant and it hurt my back so that makes me nervous, especially now with all of the extra weight going on my belly these days!:) I also don't have a stability ball though I do intend to purchase one.

Target is a great everything store. They sell clothes, home decor, furniture, sporting goods, exercise accessories, movies and other videos/dvds, music, electronics, make up, food, my goodness, they sell EVERYTHING!!! lol I love going there for home decor mostly. When I go next I will have to remember to see if they sell stability balls...I have stopped ab work b/c I don't have a good incline to do it on. If I buy a ball, I can start up again.

Tonight I intend to tackle CTX kickbox again along with the upper body weight training from BS/BF. My arms, back and shoulders should be on fire tmrw!!!}(



Hi crew!

I only have a minute but wanted to check in. Today was PLB and as an add-on the upper body only premix from ME (I felt a little light on upper body last week). Then 30 minutes brisk sprint on the elliptical trainer w/5 min cooldown. My knees are still sore from last week's impact and I can already see that I'm going to have to do some creative substituting some cardio here and there. Oh well -- better safe than sorry for these creaky knees! :)

http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0903/sport/sport-smiley-003.gif Kathy S.http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0903/spezial/spudniks/spudniklifter.gif
[font color=green]2005 Worked Out With Cathe Days: 8/365[/font color]

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