Daily Check-in, Friday, July 26, 2024

Good morning ladies!

Nora, please take care & heal, your workouts will be waiting for you!

Today's workouts: (final day of the workouts across America!)

Blender- "TOYS-Switch up Bootcamp" - 23 min.
Today's final State: Kansas & Bonus: Washington DC
YT- The Old West- Dodge City, Kansas Treadmill walk- 23 min.
IFit- "Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool Treadmill walk- Washington DC- 9 min.
YT- Washington DC "Cherry Blossoms" Bike ride- 12 min.

Have a good day!
Good Morning Everyone,

I took a rest day yesterday. Today I did another blender workout of STS Meso 3 for chest/back with intervals of jump rope. It was about 45 minutes and I am sweating.

Linda - Goodbye USA and hello Canada
Nora - I hope you are all right my friend! It's amazing you got in a workout yesterday! Cathletes push through!
Annette - another stellar gym workout yesterday

Have a great day everyone.
Hi ladies,

Ended up staying home gonna lay out here.

But I did a new to me cardio kickboxing workout off YouTube by Mzi mnyazi fitness coach. He was holding a mic and it was hard to hear him plus he had a strong accent. But it was 29 minutes of a different variation of moves within a kickboxing workout. It was good and evenly done.

Now I will lay out here.

Nice workouts ladies .
Happy T.G.I.F!:)

Linda- Thanks again for your kind words. The swelling and brusing are still there. The swelling going down but the dark pruple bruising is still there and will diminsh in time.
So healing is happening in its own time.

Great job on all your workouts today with:

Blender- "TOYS-Switch up Bootcamp" - 23 min.
Today's final State: Kansas & Bonus: Washington DC
YT- The Old West- Dodge City, Kansas Treadmill walk- 23 min.
IFit- "Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool Treadmill walk- Washington DC- 9 min.
YT- Washington DC "Cherry Blossoms" Bike ride- 12 min.

Thanks for all the awesome workouts across America series, it was fun to read about with lots of variety, so fun!
So next week is Canada, oooh that' ll be fun too. Lots of gorgeous places in Canada as well. Have a blessed day/weekend;)

Siobhan- Thanks for your concern. My nose is still has some swelling to go down, but its improving. I do have dark purple bruising under right eye and in innercorner of right eye. It's healing right now
so I'm anxious to see everything get back to normaL. I hope yo enjoyed your rest yesterday:)
Great job on today's workout with:

Blender workout with STS Meso 3 for Chest & Back wih Jump rope intervals, well done nice combination, Bravo :) Have a great Friday;)

Annette- Great job with your workout at home today with:

YT- Kickboxing by Mzi mynazi fitness coach = 29 Min - so cool trying a instructor. I'm guessing by his name sounds coulbe Israelli ineresting but tough accent. It sounds like it was good workout.
No doubt the sun is calling you. Enjoy laying in the sun and relaxing. Have a wonderful day;)

Here's today's workout:

KCM Coffeyfit "Raw"- Lean Physique- Workout #2- Butts & Guts = 37 Min
YT- Kaleigh Cohen Cycling- FIRE FORTY FIVE-45 Min Rhythm Ride Indoor Cycling Workout = 44 Min

Enjoy your Friday/weekend;)

Nice workout Nora, with KCM Coffeyfit "Raw"- Lean Physique- Workout #2- Butts & Guts = 37 Min & YT- Kaleigh Cohen Cycling- FIRE FORTY FIVE-45 Min Rhythm Ride Indoor Cycling Workout = 44 Min. Good combo!

No, I won’t be visiting Canada next week, maybe the week after :)

It is fun Annette to try new YT workouts….good job with the kickboxing workout!

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