Daily Check-In 2/25

Carla K

Hello All! This morning was Yoga. It was perfect because I really needed the stretch. Hootie-Hoo! It's Friday. I am going to get my hair cut tomorrow. I usually just get a trim, but I am thinking of trying something new. My hair is kind of long, and I think I want a cute shorter cut. Not way short. Just right above the shoulders. My husband is out of town, so it would be like he got a new woman when he comes home:9 I am kind of scared, but it is just hair, right? It will grow back.:) Decisions, decisions. Have a great Friday, Ladies!
Good Morning Carla,

After not working out for 10 days due to some health problems, I did L&G this morning. I didn't use the ankle weights cause I was expecting it to be a bit hard. But it was actually pretty easy. So I added on Timesaver #5. By the time I did the bb squats, my legs started shaking. And they're still shaking :)

It was great to be working out again.

Have a great day ladies,

Good morning everyone, today was Imax 2 and ab hits. Tomorrow is going to be CSB and abs, then Sunday will be a hi/lo and abs. Have a good weekend, I can't wait for the Hardcore rotation!!!!
Morning Everyone,

Today will be GS Legs and CoreMax#3.

Good to see you back Dutchie. I was thinking about you yesterday and wondering where you had been.

Have a great day!

Laurie Mac
Good morning everyone.

Tonight is a double whammy for me...Leaner Legs and Step and Intervals. Saturday is my scheduled rest day and then Sunday I start a new rotation which is going to focus on weight training...I need to build some mommy muscles!!! LOL :+ :p :+

Last night I added bicep work on to my scheduled work out because I didn't have a chance to do the other night amidst the pipe incident hysteria....I upped the weights on the first exercise for one set (crazy 8's)..OMG! My arms were fried IMMEDIATELY! They don't hurt today though so I guess it wasn't that bad after all...

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


Shockingly I was up and managed to get Boot Camp in before work this morning! HOLY COW is it nice to have it done before work - I have so much more energy, its just getting out of bed that is the problem, but starting next week - - I am going to do my best to get my workout in before work!

I have decided to up my intensity and try to do two workouts a day. One main workout in the morning depending on how I feel) and either a nice easy thirty minute jog or walk and 20 minutes of yoga and pilates at night. I need to get more stretching in during the weeks and also need more meditation! Plus my dog needs more excercise now - her first birthday is coming up next month! She is a wonderful HIGH energy German Sheppard! Yeah!:)

Great workouts! I really need to get the Legs and Glutes! Every time someone posts it for a workout, I am green with envy! I really am not that crazy about PLB for my legs, its a great workout but I get bored quickly on that one :( I love love PUB though! Isn't that weird!

Have a great weekend ladies! and Gents!
Good morning...

Carla...it's fun to try something new with your hair...go for it! and yes it'll grow back...:)

Dutchie...glad to see you back. I think that was a nice workout and glad you are feeling better. Hope you get your other dilemma taken care of, I wish I could help...:)..you'll be in my thoughts...

Conni...it'll be interesting to see the Hardcore rotation...

Laurie Mac...good workout! I love GS legs..

Wendy...that IS a double whammy. Way to go...:)

I am doing a 10 mile run with my sister and then some corework and upper body this afternoon...enjoy the day....:)...Carole
Hi good morning everybody. Carla enjoy the weekend.Dutchie you are working out again . Great. Have you seen the the arms of Cathe shaking during the exercises with bands in the GS chest and triceps ? I can not wait to suffer with the gym style workout. Yesterday I saw the GS chest and triceps and the GS biceps, back and shoulders and they are awesome.The abs of Cathe in the GS BBS are amazing.Conni I can not wait for the hardcore rotation too. Maybe I will be OK soon and ready to do it.Wendy enjoy your rest day tomorrow.Today I will do an hour of stationary bike. My back is better.

Have a great weekend everybody.

Mariángeles :) :)
Hi ladies,

Dutchie I added a post about your dog sitation, I bet you're glad to be working out again.

I always look at the rotations, but have never followed one. Maybe I should to shake things up.

I'm giving my back one more day before I use any weights. I can bend over and get my shoes and sock on again! Today I'm going to do a combination of step blast, HST cardio premix, and the challenge from Rythmic step plus a coremax segment. I'll do an hour walk with the dogs later this afternoon.

Have a great day.

Happy Friday everyone.

This morning for me was High Step Challenge. I really liked the workout. I hate when I can't complete a w/o--not b/c I can't handle it, it's the time. I am the one who usually open the gym and then I have to shower, etc......go to work.......AAARRRGGGHHH. But nonetheless it was a good w/o. I managed to do everything accept the entirety of core and the stretch;( .

Regardless of the snow, I hope everyone will have a wonderful weekend all.


Happy Friday!

Haydee - I did HSC last night - I really like that workout.... This morning was the Cardio porting of CTX All Step - and tonight I will be doing Coremax and maybe some upper body work with a girlfriend who I haven't introduced to any of the Hardcore workouts... She is in for it! hehe....

We are in for more sun here in the NW - it has been beautiful for the past few weeks - all the storms everyone else is having keep missing us. Although the snow levels are way down, so we could be in for some serious water issues this summer...

Have a great day!
Morning all! Well yesterday after doing SB in the morning I went home and did PUB last night. Then this morning I did IMAX 2 and plan to do PLB tonight. I have to make up for lost time.

In a hurry, hope everyone has a great day.

Hi all, I did PUB chest, then did a 53 min. premix off of KPC for cardio. My toe started to hurt a little with all the jumping but I made it through it.:) I won't be stepping til I get my toe looked at, and kickboxing usually doesn't bother it, I just think it was the extra stuff in the "high" part of KPC that got to my foot.

Have a great day!!:) :7 :D
Good afternoon ladies!

Carla: Getting a hair cut is always an adventure, it is so hard to try something new..I bet you will be beautiful no matter how you wear your hair!

Dutchie: Glad to see your feeling better and back to working out again! Don't you just love the Timesaver!!

Conni: IMax 2 is great! I still think that it is my favorite of all IMaxes! I am glad I am not the only Hi/lo junkie!! LOL

Laurie mac: Gym style legs and core max#3..great workout!

Wendy: You are so incredible!! While most mom's to be are eating bowls of ice cream and pickles your working your behind off! Trust me when I say that your hard work will pay off..esp in the pushing phase of your labor. :)

Reba: Kudos to you for getting up so early to do Bootcamp! I love that workout!!

Mariángeles: Glad to hear your back is feeling better! It sucks when your body won't let you workout!! I hope your back in the swing again soon.

Carole: Girl! You are incredible doing a 10 mile run and working out again after that run!! Your my Hero!!

Tracy: Wow! That sounds like a great workout!

Haydee: I hate it when I have to cut a workout short, that stinks! Glad you liked HSC.

Anne: I love CTX !! I hope you stay dry

Katie: Imax 2 is popular today, great workout!

Annette: PUB and KPC are great workouts! Sorry about your toe! I hope it feels better soon!!

Today was:

Low Max: 69 minutes of total fun! What a GREAT WORKOUT!!! My knees don't hurt at all!! Wahooo!
Gym style:62 minutes of Back, shoulders and biceps agony!! LOL

Protein shake went in right after that burner!! LOL

:) ;-) :D :p :9 :7 :+
>Wendy: You are so incredible!! While most mom's to be are
>eating bowls of ice cream and pickles your working your behind
>off! Trust me when I say that your hard work will pay off..esp
>in the pushing phase of your labor. :)


I work my behind off so that I can *EAT* the ice cream instead of pasting directly on to my thighs!!!
:D }( :p }( :D

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


Hi everyone;

Oh,Carla- it's great and in the same time hard decision to cutting the hair. I wish your new hair will look nice and you'll feel satisfied. :)

Oh,Dutchie,nice to hear about you again-and as I can read you have enjoyed LG :)

Connie; you're not doing the HC DVDs yet? You have said two weeks ago that you'll wait for March but I have supossed it was a big joke.

Wendy,you're inspiration for us.:)

Mariángeles,I'm glad to hear your back is better. I know soonly you'll post your great routine. :)

Laurie Mac; how is going your HC-like P90x rotation?

Carole, as Denise said-you're our HERO.

Denise, you are doing great workouts.Do you follow some rotation?

And I didnt' make any workout this morning due to my period.:) I have felt me very bad(as always) but tomorrow I'm planning GS Legs and KickMax.

So, enjoy your Friday and the weekend;

Marketa Preisler


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