Daily Check-In 2/25


Thank you! I have not been following any rotations, however I have been doing cardio 5-6 days per week with weights and different body parts each of those days..I am just winging it for now..LOL :)

:) ;-) :D :p :9 :7
Hi Wendy! Thanks for thinking of me! I'm not sure "enjoying" is the right word, but I'm getting through it :) I'm not so much bored, as I find being sedentary when not feeling ill actually makes me feel ill. And I have the opportunity now to feel every wave of nausea that this baby has to give me! Oh well. At least all seems to be going well. The bleeding stopped early yesterday morning.

Enjoy your workout tonight! It's a doozy!
Hi all:

Its way too late for anyone to read this, but I've been off the boards for a week since we were in Florida for vacation. We had pretty decent weather (70's) and the kids had a blast on the beach. Our place was 50 feet from the beach. It was very cool to hear the surf while going to sleep.

We returned last night. I ran a couple of times on the beach, but have essentially done very little since last Friday! So today I hopped back on the wagon and did HSC. Pretty tough little workout. I still have at least half of the HC series to get through, and now that I was gone for a week, I've pretty much forgotten the ones I did do.

Tomorrow I'll try IMAX 3 and Sunday MM.

Hope you had a great vaca, Sue!

I'm just here to say I did NOTHING tonight! My big work out plans went straight down the ol' proverbial drain this evening! I was extaordinarily tired and cranky and sooo not in the mood to move so I did NADDA!x(

I am hoping I can make up for it tomorrow, but I have a potentially busy day ahead of me so I'm not quite sure that will happen...may end up with 2 rest days this week...not the end of the world, I know but still frustrating for me.

Well, have a good night ladies.

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!



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