Daily Check In 2-24


Good Morning.

I'm tired this morning *yawn*. A pipe burst in our house last night and we were up until about 1am while DH fixed it. We usually go to bed between 10 and 11pm so 1am is NOT good for us! lol DH is still sleeping. I got up though. I WAS able to *atleast* get in cat naps last night while he was working but I felt badly really going to sleep on him.

Tonight is the AllStep work out which means I'll be doing some other step tape and AllStep's upper body work.:p

Hope everyone has a good day!

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


Good morning everyone,

Wendy, I hope your pipe situation was not too damaging, other than to your sleep! Hopefully you can catch up tonight!:)

This morning was GS Chest and Triceps and Coremax segment 2. If I ever use the weights Cathe uses it will be a miracle, that woman is an Amazon! I think I am still shaking and I wasn't using 20 lb dumbbells!!

Have a great day all!
Good morning, ladies:

Today was PUB back and biceps for me, followed by 30 lackluster minutes on the exercise bike. Usually I am pretty energetic, but this morning.... ick. Of course, I am PMSing, so perhaps that is a factor. I was pretty annoyed with myself afterwards, though. Ah, well.

Wendy, sorry to hear about the pipes. I hope all is well! I am a divorced mom of two and house disasters such as that are one of my biggest fears! I can picture the cats floating around in the basement on debris whilst I call the fire department in an utter panic...

Connie, I agree with you about Cathe! She is amazing!

Hope you all get a great workout, we are getting more snow today. BLECH!

What's going on, Everyone!?

Wendy - That sucks about the pipe incident. I hope you get it fixed. I love that you are such a dedicated little fitness chick! I was not like that when I was pregnant. (So many years ago.) I am 27 now and my son is almost 10. I had him when I was 17. Wasn't into working out back then.

Conni - I know what you mean. Cathe is the best. She is definately my own little personal trainer.

Marie - I felt the same way as you last week. At least ya made it through, Girlie! That's what counts.

Anyway, today was kickbox premix from BC and then ME. Have a great day.:D
Hi ladies,

Wendy, I'm never quite right when my sleep patterns are disturbed. Especially staying up late.

I can stick with Cathe pretty good on GS back etc., but on the GS chest one I am way behind. It makes me wonder if my muscles are out of balance. I'm at or above on all for PUB.

My back is still tight, but better today. I did Low Max. I cannot keep my heart rate up on that one. I've been using an 8" step, so those low combos are like nothing. For me it's almost like a leg endurance workout. Maybe I could add some light weights and make it an endurance circuit workout; nexttime.

Good morning!

Wendy..I hope the pipe burst wasn't too damaging. I know we have wrapped our outside pipes a few times with real low temps.

Tracy...When I do Lowmax I never get my HR very high either and yes I agree its more like a leg endurance workout. I find it a fun one though.

I can stay with Cathe on most weights except for BICEPS...wow, she is strong there. In GS Biceps after she taxes the muscle doing concentrated curls with a 12lb she does another set with a......20!!!!! Yeow!!!

Today I am doing PLB standing and am going to use my resistance bands for the step-ups instead of a weight, should be interesting! I will also do shoulders and triceps plus a 6 mile run.

I didn't really miss the cold, it still got me. But I used something called Colliodal silver that is like a natural antibiotic along with the Airborne and it seems to cut the cold time in half.

Have a good day ladies...:)...Carole
Morning Everyone,

Today will be Stretch Max all three sections. I don't really like to stretch, so I'm hoping Cathe can motivate me.

I did GS C&T last night and again I really have been liking the Gym Style w/o's. They may be the same exercises that she has done on previous work outs, but they are giving me a great burn. Those push-ups really fatigued the chest. The muscles where shaking quite a bit last night, and today I am feeling the DOMS. }( }( }( I love it.

Wendy, glad your DH could fix the pipe. Getting someone else out to fix it that late at night would have been expensive. I am always thankful that my hubby is able to do things like that. If I didn't have him, I have my two brothers that live very close also. :+

Have a great day!

Laurie Mac
Good morning everyone!

Wendy - good thing your DH fixed the problem. Like Conni, I'm a single mom too and have the same fear! Luckily my parents only live two blocks away if I need any help.

I also did Chest and Triceps this morning and my triceps were burning. I couldn't complete some of the sets, especially the cross-over ones and I was using a 5-lb. I will try to do Lomax step portion tonight with a Coremax segment.

Anybody else getting ready for the winter storm that's coming in the Northeast? x( x(
Hey Lauire Mac! good to see ya!

Carole: what is airborne? i seem to have caught that stupid cold. 3 days now of one-sided breathing. x( i'll try anything!

wendy: that sucks! hope that's over. not doing the step of allstep huh? :p that's ok! you're still kickin ass mamma!!

where has wendydbh been? i hope she's not too miserable with 1st trimester woes.

mariangles: how is your back? better yet? is your boss still being an ass?

marie: i think your workout rocked! lighten up! i could never stay on that bike for 30 secs so i'm proud of ya!

today for me, if i can is going to be step only of im3. i haven't tried it yet and i know i'm not up for blasts today. i was so excited when i found out this one had step only. i always whished imax2 did from the first time i watched it. Good call!

so can you do circuit trainind and total body workout the following day or are you supposed to give your muscels a break?

have a good day everyone!

Hello again.

Damage from the pipe was minimal (thank goodness!) because we caught it early on. We have to fix a small section where the water came through the wall by our staircase and we will have to replace a fire alarm that a bunch of water got into but other than that, it's all good now. Thanks for the concern everyone!

When we were shown this house when we were in the market to buy, it was shown to us in BAD shape. It was gutted and re-done from the studs up and when they were ALMOST done with it, one of the workers accidentally shut off the furnace in the middle of winter. A major water pipe froze and burst while no one was there. There was so much water that it flooded the yard right around the house! In what is now our bedroom, most of the ceiling had collapsed from the water damage! They had to go back and resheet rock and paint A LOT of the walls and ceilings in the house and replace carpet and everything! It was bad bad bad! So I consider us VERY lucky that we got away with such minute damage!


Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


Morning all! Well I finally got around to doing SB this morning. I had some trouble getting myself motivated to getting up after the trip. I have been having some motivation problems lately and after not working out for 6 days (ugh) and eating like crap all weekend I'm really disappointed in myself. So, last night I had a heart to heart with DH and decided that I really need to do something to change my ways. I am never going to get to my goal if I keep going at the rate I am. Sigh, I'm just really frustrated and disappointed and feel like I'm starting all over again. And it's not just from this past week, I've been on and off since the Holidays. I can't seem to get the fire back that I had before the Holidays. I'm sorry to unload here, but I know that if anyone is going to listen to me it would be all you wonderful women out there. So thanks! Somehow I'll find my motivation. Let's just hope it soon so I can get into a bikini by the summer.

Good morning everyone!

Well, no workout for me today, and probably not for a week or two. The doctor put me on total bed rest yesterday, after I suddenly started some heavy bleeding in the mid-morning. An ultrasound in the afternoon shows that the baby is just fine, so as long as I rest for a week or two, everything should be fine. I'm not sure what level of activity she will recommend for me once the bedrest is over.

Wendymin - All Step was on the books for me this morning, as well as CTX chest, back & shoulders. Could you do that for me, please? :-D Your pipe situation sounds awful!!!!! You made me laugh when you mentioned falling asleep on DH. Don't fret about it; if he's anything like my husband, he'll keep falling asleep while you're in the thrall of labour!!

Tracy and Carole - I hope that the doc will eventually approve me to be able to do low-impact workouts again. I would be happy to do Low Max for a while. Cathe couldn't have timed the release of that one better! Carole, great idea about using the band in PLB!! I'm going to make a note of that for down the road. I love that idea! Will you increase the band tension for each set, in lieu of increasing the weight load?

Jes - a circuit workout and total body workout can be put on consecutive days, as long as the circuit workout is on the lighter side. If the circuit workout leaves you with DOMS, then don't do the total body workout until 2 days later. If your muscles don't feel that taxed, then go ahead and do the total body workout. That's my opinion. It's ideal if the circuit workout is more endurance focused, and the total body weight workout is more strength (heavy weights; low reps) focused.

Have a good day everyone!
Hi good morning everybody. Jes thank your four your question. I stay the same.Finally I have gone to my job. Tomorrow I will work during 5 hours only from 9 to 2 PM. Wendy enjoy your workout.I hope you will resolve your pipe situation. Conni Use the same weight as Cathe is a dream .Marie I am agree with you Cathe is a superwoman.Carole you are incredible, you have a cold and stay working out so hard.Your pics are fantastic. Laurie I think Cathe uses the exercises of her old workouts in the GS but there is only a way to do push ups or a bicep curl.Dorothy enjoy Low Max and core max. My favorite core segment is the segment with the band.Katie I am sure you will find the motivation you need here.Sandra I am glad to know the baby is fine. You and the health of your baby is the most important thing.
Do you know where is Marketa? I have not seen her yesterday in the thread and she is not here today. I have sent a private message to her.

Have a great day everybody.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie :) :)
Hello everyone!

I just did Boot Camp so I think I am done for the day...WHEW!
Gonna drink a protein shake now.

Have a great day!
Hi all, Wendy I am glad that the damage was minimal. Hope you day got better and better.

I did PUB back, Body Max abs then tried to do Body Max step portion only, got 12 min. in and my toe started to scream so I switched to Kickbox Underground and had a great workout. Kickboxing doesn't bother my toe nearly as much as hi/lo and stepping does.:-(

Anyway had a good workout despite the setback.:+ :D

Have a great day!!:) :D :7
Hi mariángeles,

you're so nice. Thank you for asking about me.Yesterday I have replied your message and also in the check-in.

I'm so busy these days as I am opening my travel/reality agency in my town and there are only problems now. :-(

I did make no workout this morning(I had in mind Yoga X) as my left knee is a little bit sore from Tuesday(I think my crazy jumping in Imax 3). I hope tomorrow I will be able to workout again.

Thank you, Mariángeles, again. I hope tomorrow you'll feel better.But the best thing you can make for your back is total recovery in your bed. I wish you'll recovery soonly. :)

Have a nice day,

Marketa Preisler

Hello everyone! Well I never did PUB last night, after my pilates class - I went home and rested! My legs and left side are really really sore from skiing! Not sure what I will feel up to tonight. I might try doing PUB and some light yoga, by next week I should be back to my schedule! :)

Have a good one! At work, so only can say great workouts everyone!
Ciao tutti!

Today for me was GS: Chest & Triceps and CoreMax #2. My muscles were shaking so much, and the DOMS are starting to settle in. I felt like a bowl of jello during that workout!

Fiddlefit: Get your rest and I truly hope everything will be okay. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Til tomorrow,

i got imax3 premix in and it was fun. i had to take the risers down halfway through though. i still burned up quite a sweat! i have had a day full of exhausting, frustrating, infuriating, incompetent men and i need a cocktail! aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrgggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh! well, now i feel better!


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