Basically everything you read is what was said. I didn't get to hear all the expert testimony but did get the jist from the correspondents that they can't prove how he was poisoned with arsonic, where it came from, no link as to how Cynthia could have gotten it or anything. They also said that usually when someone kills someone, beforehand or even after the fact they may drop little hints to people like I wish he was dead or he deserved it or something to that nature and absolutely no one, not even the people she partied with or slept with, no one said she even said a bad thing about her husband which is odd if she did it. I feel bad if she is wrongly imprisoned but if she did do it, she deserves life in prison. If there was more evidence that she did then I could sit well with the verdict but either I missed something or whatever but I don't think they had enough evidence to say she did it. No evidence at all.